장음표시 사용
assemhled in response to the aptain's call, there masordered, a the est means os testibin torus their transporis of oy, a public clance,--herein, With
It conclut fi76 paron present qu'il me fit, en me
II me semit dissicile 'exprime queste fui nostrejoye, de Vol e ce pala de si bonnes disposition murta Foy, 'uel fui nostre gelesour seconderet'affectionqu'ils falsolent amistre our e Christianisme.
Apres le remercimens qui se ratiquent io en es occasions. Je leur dis que ou les enfans, e les baptiserois parce qu'i leur seroi tro incommode de te porter a Lac de S. Jean. Mais que ou les Adultes, estant press de partis, je ne lesiouvois pasinforme pleinement de tous nos mysteres, Qque oeux qui pariolent inui de bon, allans au Lac de S. Jean pou leur trino, m' pourroient attenere, 'u' monretour e les satisferois tous h quo iis 'aecorderent. Leos tous 1es particulier nous regalerent Dieur mode, cie continuan faire nos onctions, a les instruire.
population is it mere cultivated. his region thelairest on ur entire ourney, extende a far asNemisisu, here me arrived the a Sth of June, to ard
the lalter forme the main subsistence of a populous sinage nation omellin here eight o ten eam ago. The ad monuments of thei place of resideno arestin to e seen an also on a roch istet, theremians of a largoe fori constructe of stout trees hythe Iroquois, henceo guardeo ali in approachesano made frequent murierous fallies. Sevenaeusam heli11ed ominis spol, o ted aWay captive, eightypersons this caused the entire ahandonient of the place iis original inhabitant departing thenoe. Omin to the fige of the rive and the earnes of the sea, there mas formerly much trassic here, eopte comin fro Various quarters. The rive form agreat elbom in turning to the Northeast, compellingus to mali foux very dissicula portages among Some
1 mare estant basse, Ie Vent contraire, nova no e retirasmes le vases usqu'au ventre, dans une