장음표시 사용
vages are to e bellaved the are so numerous
that in one place, here theatros ineo thei feathema moltin time, an Sava si deer coming to theam aro urie in Mather ove thei heada, and aresis Done unablerio extricate themselves. Amor do I speis of the varietrandilent of fruits growing here, as initis no the placerio visit in questo delicacio an Ginties. What commoni cauot
Le xiesme, nous reprisme nostre riviere aveo bion de laseineis cause de la rapidit de sonio A, des frequentes heuteid'eau qui 1'entreCoupent. C'est Hors qu'il aut que es invages se metientdanil' ea pou traisne leur innotili foro de bras,les una es tirant aveo de cordes, ea uires tespoussant aveo de longues perches, Wbie fouventestant fisci impossibi de rompre 'impetuosit de
seen these vas an dense foresta, these beautifulptains, and these Wide pruinos hordering the rivem in Various places an covere Withisvery kind of grasssulte to the maintenance of caule I an asserithat o the fifteent of June there mere mill roses here, a beautita an fragrant a thos a Quebec. The Mason meme to me artherinovanoed the ais extremel mill and aspree te. here mas no ni t during my visit 'herimilio had notoet fadeo fromine est hen the damno da appeare in the
interviem ita them, thentia us that a pari os ahundre an fifty istasi inins mere a no great distance and invitet merio go an visit them, assur- in me that the movi allis delighte to se us, an to ies instructed in thes Christiam religion.
dirent qu'il naves asse proche, ne troupe de centcinquante istasirinins ita 'inviterentis lea alter visiter, m'asseurant qu'sa semient tous raris de noua voir,is 'estre informe du Christianisme. Ayantpris seu Dce recit, e leur respondis que in me semitune oo particuliere de leur renore visite uiriu'onysoumi faire queique profit. Et commo 'estola
1'aves recherch6e, de falae valoi laaltare de nostrenation, Qtes vaniam de nostre fiante foy, itam'6 uterent aveo tant de satisfaction, qu'il se declarerent Hors tous publiquement ou la priore, me promirent de se renore a Lac de salat Ioante Printemps prochai mur estre instruita, recinoi te aptesme: 'eus a consolatio de voiraugmenter lautoire .le tro ea de Iesus-Christ, de uente-trois petita innocens faoi avsqueis e conferante Baptesme avant mon d6part.
his meetin mas greatly to the adontage est. litu chilore that mere privatet baptized n
In the baptism of thirty Adulti received fuit recompens for ali the hardships that Phad suffereton that long ourney. Aster instructing them sufficiently I advise them to emat at thera e and spen the Winter inere, in orde to ecome euergrounde fetoarin Christianity. Phope this ourne Will resul in profit to them: for, a theseopte emelling on this line are Christianaos longe standin and firme in the aith, their
ore to ive an account of the successive evenis ofour ourne to those ho ad employe me, and whomclane 'o be mos interested in the sumes of that Mission To rende them a fui an faithful repori, I informe them of the cause of so early aretur on mysari, of the places that Phal seen, and of al that I ad done for the salvatio of those
mon attente j 'en a ouVert te heminis compagnie
attempte it, ut unabie to Vercome the obstacies in iis may ha been force to abando it in despala os success. What appeam impossibi is found in beeas in God' mod time. he conduci of the expedition a mnoue aster, eighteen mars of efforisto that en1 and Preceived sussiciently manifest proos that si rid was reservin the finia executio for me, in the signia favor os a sudde an monterfui motio a miraculous cur that I obtained a mon as Ιhae, at my Superior' solicitation devoteo mysei tothis Mission Ane, in truth, I mas no deceived in m expectationa for I led the Way, in company With two Frenchmen and si Savages.
It is true this ourne is extremel dissiculi, andali that I rite bout it is ut ais of .hat the