The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류


dehovali rom erusalem; unt thee halltho firs dominion forme kingilom come, the kingiloni hali come o the aughteros aerusalem. V v. 1, 2 8. In Jeremiali, at that timo the shal cal Jerusalem the throno Osraeliovali, and ali nations shal be athero to the nam os dehovalito derusalem notther hali the walli any more aster the imagination os their vilheart.' iii. 17. In Isaiah Look ponZion the city os ur solemnities, hineeyes hal See Jerusalem a qui et habitation, a tabernaclo that hali notae aliendo Iari notine os the stahes heroos halleverae removed, either hal any os thecord thereos e brohen, V xxxiii. 20 besides many ther places as in Isaiah xxiv. 23. Chap. xxvii. 32. Chap. xvi.

10 to 14. In Zechariali vii. 3, 6 8, 9, 10 Chap. iv. S. 11, 12, 21. In Malachiiii. 1, 4. In David Psalm cxxii. 1, o T.

tablishod by tho Lord, and no the erusalem inhabite by the Jows in tho land

passage in the ord, here it is sui os


the lalter, that it is holi ruine Dor lost, and that it was tot destroyed a Jeremiah v. l. Chap. i. 6, 7. Chap. vii. 19, 20. Chap. viii. 16, 17. Chap. ix. 10, 11, 13, and sollowing Chap. xiii. 9, 10,14. Chap. iv. 16 Lamentations i. 8, 9, 15, 17. gehiel iv. 1 to the end. Ch p. v. 9 to the end. Chap. xii. 18, 19. Chap. XV. 6, 7 8. Chap. vi. 1 to the end. Chap. xxiii. 1 to 49. Matthe xxiii. 33, 37, 39. Luke ix 41 to 44. Chap. XXi. 20, 21, 22. Chap. xxiii. 28, 29 30 and

65. It is sal in tho Apocalypse, I

s ore, is the doctrino ad eun es ore de- livered even rom ilio mouili os the Lord,


This fame doctrine as in deed delivere dbes oro in the ord; ut nasmuch asthe church, no long aster iis firs establishment a turne into Babylon,' and then in succe edin times by ther in Philesthea there re that doctrine could notae Seen rom the ors for a chiarchsees the or agreeabi to the principies oscit own religion, and the doctrine iliereos. No the thing that re ne in histreatise, are in genera these I. That God is ne in person and SSence, and

thatis is the Lord. I. That the whole Sacre Scripture relates solet to tho Lord. m. That he came into the woridio subdue the helis, and loris his human-ityri and that he accompsisti e caeli of

Babylon, o Babel, as in author aqshown in other paris of his orlis, is spirituallysignifieo corrupi orship in hicli self-love and the Iove of the ortiliave dominion Such is theworshimo the churchis Rome Η Philisthea, o the Philisthines, is signified the doctrine offaith separate fro charity, Such as prevaus in the Protestant churches.


the Se purpose by temptation admittod in himssis and uti by the final temptation, Whicli a the passionis the cross that hereb he e ame a Saviour an Re-deemerri an hereb he alone has meritani righteousness. V. Thati his sulsit in ali hings os the la is meant thath sulfilio at things of the ord. V. That si id notoahe way the in osmankin by the passiori os the croSs, ut that he ore them asin prophet that is, thatio suffere the oliui cho be represente in himself, hereby hoWin in What anne it ad reato the ord. VI. That an imputation os merit has no

cerning the acre Scripture, the Doctrine of Lise, Fuith, and concerning the Divine Lore and Divine isdom, a re furitier manifested ther hings, hi h hitherio