The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류


by conversion os the od honi o divino osse iace into flesti, ut by tali in os honian hood into God, ut that the odii eadtook o iseis, o assumed one alto ether,no by commixtion os substance, ut byunit os person a the ea sonable ouland od is ne man, o God and an isone Christ who suffere sor Ur Salvation descende into heli, rose again the

de ad at hos Comin ali mota hali risu again illi thei bo dies, and shal give a Count so their own ork and they thathavo dono good shallino in o lis evertast- in g, and the that have done vi into evertastin fire. 5T. That at the paris os his do trineare trullis, is ni inste ad os a trinity os person is understo odis trinity os person,

may be se en si Oin the Same again tranScribed, ith his trinity therei substitute d.

A trinit os person is his, That the divinit of the Lor is themather, the dirine humanit the Son, and the divine pro-eee fing the Hol Spirit. Whon his trini ty


person by himself to e God in Lord rso are re forbidden by the catholi religion or by the christian uith o say, or


58. That at the paris os that doctrineare truths, is ni inste ad os a trinit os perSonS be underStoo a trinity os per-Son, may appear rom the Same again transcribe d a sollows hosoever illi, Saved, it is necessar that he old the christian aith and the christian aith is, that e orshil one God in trini ty, and trinit in unity, notionso unding the three- sol principieriti in uni os a perSon nor Separatin the esse rice. The three sold

principi strinum Dos ne person is liat is callexilio ather, the Son, and themoly Spirit Tho odi, ea os the ather, osth Son, and of themoly Spirit, is ne and the Same, the lor and the majestyequat Such a the ather is suci, is the Son, an such is the Hol Spirit Thob ather uncreate, the Son uncreate, the

Hol Spirit uncreato the ather infinite, the Son infinito, and thomoly Spirit infiniteri and yet there are not three infinites, nor three uncreates, ut One uncreate, an d

So the ather is God the Son is God, and themoly Spirit is God and yet there


ali hings, ascis asoresaid the unit in trinityan trinit in unit is orae orshippe d. 59. o sar illi respecto the doctrine on Cerning the trinity and the unit os God aster his sollows hat relates to thea SSumption Os the humanity by tho ordin the orld, hicli is calle the incarnation the doctrine horeo is true in alland very part oscit, scio se se distin- 'guisu aright et eun the humanit si om


in a state satura iliation or Xinanition,

and whenae suffere temptations and the passion os the cross and the humanitysrom the ather, in hich he was in astato os glorification or union so the Lord assumed in the woridis humanityconoeived os dehovah, ho is the ordsrom ternity, hici humanit Was ornos the virgin Mary hunc he had both a divinit an humanity, a divinit froni hisgod head that was rom ternity, and aiu- aianity roin the virgin Mary bori intrineri uti putiis the lalter humanity, and puti or assumed a divine humanit :iliis humanit is halcis calle the divino humanity, and what is meant in the ordby the Sonis God. When, here re theprecedin passage in the doctrine con- Cerning the incarnation are understood fili materia humanity in hicli ho Lordinas heri in the State os humiliations and

the Subsequent paSSage therein re un-

derstood a Spolieri concerning the divino humanity in hichio was hen in the State os glorification then ali hing thero- in do agre therewith. it the materialhumani ty in Ohic he wus ohen in thestote of humiliotion, these precedin puS-


sages in that doctrine do agree; That Jesus Christ a God uni man, God of the substance of the ather, an man os the substanc os the mother, ori in theworid ; persect God an persectis an os area sonable oui and human Ody subsistingo qua to the ather a to the od-hoad, ut es than the ather a to themanhood. ' Also, aha this anhood was ot converted in to the odite ad nor commiXed herewith, ut putiis, and thodivino humanit assume in iis laee. 'mith the disine humanity in hic he Πas in the state of glori cation, and is ore toeternity these i sequent passages in that doctrine agrem Although ur ord Jesus Christ, ilio Son os God homo and man, et he is no tWo, ut ne Christ; yea, he is altogether ne, sor e is ne perSon sor a the re asonable sola an dbod sorin ne man, o God an mancisone Christ. V60. That God an man in the Lord aro


his, an at things os his the ather's; that he is in the ather, and the ather in him; that ali hings are ive into his han&; that he has ali power that he is

on both as to his divinit an humani ty,

and that with respecto each, he sit ontho rightian Dos God, hicli means thatho is almightyri beside many aSSR US, Whicli are copiolist quote in the sortiter partis his ork, sto in the ord, con- cerninitiis divine humanity, at o whichtestis that God is ne, as et in personas in essenem; that in him is a trinity, and that that God is the Loi d.


fruit sor ithout me e cui do nothing is a man abide no in me, he is castitit. Chap. v. 4 5, . Chap. vii 22, 2G. The reason hy this doctrine conoprii ing

est has been generali understood that by the Iast udgmen is signifie a judVnent tot passe lupo ad the peopte that have frum the begiiming


previolis to that judgment, the poWer of hel prevalle ove the Oxver of heaUen, an mancis in the in id St e tween heavenandieli vclieres rei ad his doctrine been

of time existet upon the face of the arthri hostiould then is again, o appear at the bar os judgment; and that the visibi heaven and earthshould then e destroyed, an a ne heaven and ne earthae Created accordin to the mere let- te of thoSe expressions. ut it is fuli Shown Do the interna sense of the word, that by the Iast judgmen is meant thedast time of the church; by the forme heaven and forme earth, hicli Wereo Peristi, the internu an externa of thechurch, hicli do peristi heia there is no longeran genuine fatili an Charity, and by the neruheaven an ne earthri a be created is meant ane church interna an externat. In orde togive the reade Some sortis idea pon iliis subjeci, it a b expedient to observe, that there is last udgment, both particular and generat, ascit relates to an individual f the Chureli, O to thechurch itfel collectivel considere d. The ast judgment, as it relates O an individual, akeSplace illi very one lienae dies for then hepasseth into uno the statem existenee, in hich. When e come in to the fuit exercise of the lise,


by the Lori in the vangelists, and by Job in

aPPear. e are Or Ion time Leptit', scit is in the worid os spiriis, the intermediate state be- tWeen heaven and heli formi is prove to e ascriptura doctrine, that there is suci a state intombioli 1 spirit are received immedia tel aster thei departure frona the Ody, hono the areallot to thei findlabocles, in happines o miS- Cry, CCOrdin to their uim Iove, hether directed to the Lord and heaven, o to ei and themor id soni immediatet findita thei home, acto din to thon fuit confirmation in good revit, and thei corresponden truth o false, and othi r requirin more Praes of preparation, inorde to complete thei state. 'hen, heres ore,