장음표시 사용
see P. IoVius, Elogia. XLIX : e elaborat is profitendo simul secando damnatorum cadavera anat. Volumen ex Placitis Galeni P. 1 egο duo corda cervi aperui A. ERASAVOLA. ct m. Omn. Si . med. Lugd. Frelion, Isibi, p. a16.
fο demonstratate the muScies of the arm and hand: musculos manus cum accuratiori Viscerum
vius: H Neque credas ad lias Galeni anatomicas descriptiones ubique exactissimas et Verissimas quicquam pοSSe etiam maxima doctissimorum
sacra medica amore ' , he weighed the festimonyos Galen against ille evidence of his oren Cyes.
Ηρ knem the Greeu and Latin Fathers of medicine excellently Well, mr he had inherii ed aricli library. The pulling dοWu of many fomeS, the consulting of many iexis in fleeli codices and on the prinfed page, is implied in his phrase s multaque ah antiquis iam pridem Itiferarum
refer io his sense of humor . Canano's friendsaf this time included a numher of the Zifferctfi,
in number) are a ready in pressi v sub calchographi praelo iam positos Then si me unioWard eveni occurred Whieli caused hiis io suspendpublication and suppress Pari I ulready issued.