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lon U. In Isi a Fabricius of Aqua pendente mussneeds rediscover ille valves, proclaim them his inventum novum, ni Padua, sive years besere thedos ih of the immutably silent man os FerrarR.
Ludovico Canano died in 1556, aged TI,
ipse Falloppius scribis, tum Canani ipsius quam cum Vesulio saepius habuit familiaritas, tum
ness, draWn frοm dates in the life of the artist, thereis no eloser indication of the date of issile of the Dissectio than the following: When Fallopius called theattention of Vesalius to the faet that the lalter had falled to mention the palmaris brevis of Canano in his Fabrica, Vesalius retorted : I saw those pictured muscies helare issuing my Fabrica Is this is anysori of ADANer at ali Vesalius liereby impli es that he had seen Canano's Dissectio at a time when, stillin possession of the manuscript of the Fabrica, hecould have inserted the palmaris brevis in his moruhad he chosen to do so. As Vesalius completed his Work Aug. I, Ilia2 ne must place the Dissectio Somemonilis earlier than that date, possibiy in the preced-ing year. (VeSal. Fall. EX. TI.-Falloppii observ.anat. I 562, p. 6b . The illus tr itor: The illustrations nere prepared by Garolato's pupil Girolamo Da Carpi Who Worked in Ferrara hom IGII to Isig8, painter and architectos unquestioned abili ty: Pictorem nostro aeVO non minus diligentem, quam insignem V, as Canano amrm s. Seraseni regards the plates in the Canano book very highly, among the most artistic anatomical cuis produceit Within the century V, establishing Girolamoas one of the ablest masters of design, imbued asit mere avith the spirit of Leonardo Ηe reproduced the entire series in his monograph. The thin almost transparent paper used by the original printer Waspοοrly adapted to taue the impression ot theso plateS. What with oss-seis and Akimped press-Work the ef-
feetive quality of Girolamo's ari suffers seVeret X. The mork of engraving the plates Girolamo doubflesstest to some other hand. Choulant is in error in attributing them to the famous Venetian engraverAgostino de Musi. Is seems that Halter sam in Ge-3ner's eopy of the dissectio ' a manuscript note tothe e et that Gesner had received this book in Isidd, - ab Augustino de Musto Ferrariae missum est Choulant has confused de Musi With Agostino Musto(Borsetti spolis it Mosti , a member of the literarycircle of Ferrara. This Musto reas the friend of Calcagnini, Aleiati, Giraldi and Canano. It was hewho sent Gesner the book. We are theres ore stilliti the duru as to the engraving. The particulareopy here reproduced in laesimile nas given by Ca- nano to his friend Iacobus Bonus (autograph ontillei. Jacobo Antonio Buoni nas a fellon student
ad equa te representation in Canano's Work-a norub minuscule mais formidabie V. The shori flexor of
the fame cransman at Frankmri Who hau made theeopper-ptates for the 162i Fabrielus. Harvey attributed the disco very of the valves to his teucher, thevenerable old man D Fabricius. Riolan, loving his Paris too weli to let that passi Nould have it thatthey Were due to Iacobus Sylvius, anoth venerable old man V of Paris. Sinee Biolan, Sylvius and Charies Estienne, haVe Severalty or together been accredited mith the discovery. Let ias Neigh the etaim for Sylvius et this incomparabie organiger of studies openedhis anatomicat lecture conrses in Paris in I 535, whenhe was Dearing his filii eth year. With his eyes closed to the actualities and pinned sololy on Galen's de usu partium V and de musculorum motu V, he gavellitie or no attention to What his barber-ostensor Wasdoing. He Was satisfied, in these nrst years, With themost ulterly crude preparations, paris of animais and What not, is ne may belleue Vesalius. In angiologyhe falled signalty, says Vesalius; Nas unable to findthe valves at the ori fices of the vena arterialis auda orta untii Ahonn them. Vassaeus, his Catalonian Pupit, made a faithmi summary of his teuching down to the year Icili (in anat. corp. hum. tabulae quatuor)but the venous valves are Dot mentioned. Finaltyloward the close of his life he wrote the Isogoge Uin Whicli ho gave a lucid account of them, Which nccount his brother publislied in IIbG a fen Neeus after the death of Sylvius. This nas fully ten yearsalier their discovery by Canano. Charies Estienne disco- vered valves in a portat Vein af earlyas Ib38, but valves
in the portat system are mund only in the lower animais,not in man. Furthermore his observation Was notpublished utitit Ilias. It rutis thus: Porro autem, ne sanguis qui elaboratur in hepate, interdum regurgitet, facti sunt a natura quidam veluti exortus et apophyses membranarum, quae huiusmodi periculo obsint, quemadmodu in corde valvulae ad spiritus conserVationem D. StephanuS, De diSSectione. . . Paris, 15 5, p. 182, Canano's disclosure os multiple valves in human vetus (IGisi or earlieri may have includedother potuis of incidence than tuose mentioned by Vesalius, that is to say, more thau the aZygOS, Tenaland crural ValVes. For Vesalius Nas reporting a conversation Which had taken place si x years belare. Ηe further had Do great interest in the matter. Canano, tοο, could hard ly have mund time, in the eourseos a consultation, to enter into fullest delati; reliearsalof the thing seriatim Nas impossibie. The impatienthaughty physici an of the emperor may lia Ve been a particularly unreeeptive auditor that day. At any rate his account bears ali the ear-marks of a scant abbreviated recollection. Realdo Colombo in Isisis
observation. Salomon Alberti (I585j mentions the valves. Piceolomini (1586j speaus more fully of them, reminiscent of days at Ferrara Willi Canano. Theu foliores sileuce untii 1662. The prime apologist foroatiano in relation to this discovery is Morgagni, Who devotes ten Nell- documented pages to his usti
assent: b Ita Canani, Veri valvularum inventoris laus
I. D. Stisius. We haVe been unable to determine in What Way Susius stands related to Canano in histes eliing. Sprengel says that the Aristotelian idea that the Vena cava has iis origin in the heari, notthe liver, Was reussirmed by Susius in public lectures ut Ferrara in Iliad. SUSIUS, De Benis e directo secαndis Cremon. 155s, p. 6o . Susius Was frona Mirandola and was a Pupit os Prasa Vola. ΗΘ SeemS,aceording to Both, to have derived his ideas largelyhom Vesalius, at certain Bologus dissections madein 153s Both p. 86, note 3 . Susius Wrote his Work in Icili biit it did not appear untii Isi years later, long affer he had entered the service of the Princeos Carpi. Re obviolasty had keen interest in anatomyin the years I 53s-lligi, and he was living ut Ferraramost of this time, and inasmuch as Canano WRS Practicing anatomy there continuoiasty throughout this period, rapport betWeen these two men nas inevitabie. BrasaVola, in facti speaus of the two in the fame breuth. The splendid talents of Susius he Says, gi Vepromise of endiaring fame and as for Canano, Accedatis et vos duo Canani, Iacobe et Ioannes Bapti-Sta, iuVenes sium quibusvis nostra aetate in hac arte conferendi V. Ant. M. Brasavola, in octo libros Aphoris. Hipp. et Gat. Commentaria ., Basileae. II I, epis. ad Gal. GODZaga .