Parecbolae ; sive, excerpta e corpore statutorum universitatis oxoniensis ...

발행: 1808년

분량: 309페이지


분류: 미분류


Bookirescribed, in public Prayer, an administrationis the Sacramenta, an non otheri III. That Iallo the Book of Artietes oeReligion πω upo by tho Archbistos and Bistops of bo h provinces and the wholoclem' in the Convocation holae a Londo in theyear of o tota God ne thousan sive huncire fixi and two and that I achnowle eat an every the Artioles therein contained,


An Ira declare, that o semim Prince, person, relate, state, o potentate ath, orought is have any jurisdiction, power, superiori , pre-eminence or auctorisy, Ecclesiasti

Lor Spirituat, istin thirureiam. Solet me God, M. λωιδ a Ua Matri lationissa Scholar. TU fidem dabis ad observandum omnia Statuta, Privilegia, et Consuetudines hujus niversitatis Oxon Ita Deus te adjuvet, tactis Sacro-Sanctis Christi Evangestis. Thomas a ue Matrisulation a risuged