장음표시 사용
This article is of late introduction, sor the purpose os heeping up a discliarge Dom blistered furfaces. It was fratdescribed by Mr. Crowther Observations on I ite S elling, 179 I), and has since been received into extensive Use, be- cause it does not produce the inconveniences that follow the constant application of the common blistering cerate. Athichwhite layer fornas dat ly upon the part whicli requires to beremoved, that the cerate may be applied immediately to thesurface Dom Whicli the discliarge is to be made. It also sonae- times produces great irritation in iis fuit strength, and requiresto be lowered by some mild oiniment.
THE usual consistence of Oiniments is about fiat of
Unguentum spermaceti, P. L. 1787. Linimentum album P. L. 1745.
Unguentum elemi compositum, P. L. 1787. Unguentum egummi elemi, P. L. II 5. Unguentum e gummi elemi sive Linimentum Arcaei, P. L. I 20.
Unguentum hydrargyri fortius, P. L. 1I87. Unguentum caeruleum fortius, P. L. II 5.
Firsi rub ille mercury With the suet and alitile of the lard, untii the globules di sappear: then add the rem ainder of the lard, and miX.
The labour Whicli attends the preparation here directed has not been overtooked by the college ; and ait the modesby whicli that labour is somelimes diminished have been considered, and tried in Various ways. These it is not necessa io enumerate, but the result has been a determination to abide by the established forim
Unguentum hydrargyri mitius, P. L. II87. Unguentum caeruleum mitius, P. L. I 745.
Unguentum hydrargyri nitrati, P. L. 1 87.
In iis consistence this Oiniment will be soster than theformer of the fame name, by the substitution os olive Oil sora portion of the lard. Some practitioners have suonglyrecommended the use of buiter for the Same purpine.
Unguentum calcis hydrargyri alba, P. L. I 8 . Unguentume mercurio praecipitato albo, P. L. I 45.
Unguentum basilicum nigrum vel tetrapharmacum, P. L. t 765
Molt them together, and Strain the mixture through a linen Cloth.
This Oinlineut mas omitted in the last Pharmacopoeia, andis again restored Dom that os let45, as being stili in frequent
Unguentum picis, P. L. 3787. Unguentum e Pice, P. L. t 715.
Unguentum sambuci, P. L. I 78I. Unguentum Sambuci num, P. L. 1745. P. L. 1720.
sit the older fio vers in tho lard untii theybeCome Crisp: then strain the o intinent through a linen Cloth.
Unguentum sulphuris, P. L. Ι78T. Unguentum e sulphure, P. L. t 745.
The proportion os sulphur here directed is to the lard asS to 6 ; in the former Pharmacopoeia it Was as 4 to 6, whicli WaS not tenaci ous enough to be conveniently rubbed on.
This active Oiniment is introduced as a more essicacisus remedy for Psora than the common sulphur Ointinent. In thearmy, Where it is generalty used, the sulphur Vivum, or Native admixture of sulphur Mith various heterogeneous mat- , ters, is directed instead os sublimed suIphur.