Genera insectorum

발행: 1902년

분량: 495페이지


분류: 미분류








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Geos annical ciis ni hiatiora. In distribution the Uatims co ver the greater portion of thel ropi Cal and Subtropical regions of thes earth. In the Neotropical region they range praCti Cally OVer it Sentire area, extending north of it as far as Arigona and Texas, and extending solith in ii as far as then Orthern Portion Os Argentina. In Africa tho group ranges Dona Algeria to Cape Colon 3 and in the Oriental region it ranges fio m tho Hima lay an sub region to Ceylon whilo a single SpeCieS ha S beendo ubi fully recordod frona Australia. Systematici positiori . - It Seems the Clofest relations ip of the Vatino' is with the Creo botrinae, H gro VP Almost Co-eXtensi Ve in distribution with the former although of greater rango in the Oriental region. Certa in Of the American genera; ho ouer, sho v apparent de Cided tendera Cies toward the

ia in This laiter Character is not absolute, the male of Carri fera being an exception It is poorly indigat est in se erat other genera.


ORTHOPTER AMantinae and the true position in a linear arrata gement should be intermediate between the Mantinae and Creobotrinae. No Close relations ip appears to exist to an 3 of the other subfamilies of the Mantidae. Stal. in 1877 firsi es tablis hed and defined this subfamil3 in the sense that ve undorstand itto-dab . while Brunner Von atten Myl, in 1803, gaVe US a ke3 for the differentiation of the genera although we have found it necessaaF to recast the whOle ui rangement, the table here gi veri heingenti rely New.Gnaractens. - Uody robust, elongate or decide dri bacilli forna. E3 es globose, a Cuminate ormam milli forna. Occiput rounded or lobate. Antennae Simple, Serrato Or Pe Ctinate. Prono tum With supracoxal dilation stightly or decided ly mari ed. Organs of flight fully developod or abbreviate. Anterior tibi se with externat margin spinulose . Anterior femora with internat margin ivitii equat orbi seria te spines. Posterior tibi se alwayS I) and the posterior femora usuallar Carinate dorsa libr. Cerciterete, folia eous lamellate or monili forna. LimbS frequently and abdomen more rare ly lobate Tho Uatinae londs itsoli into a group division si X paris Is follows


acule in Oxyop Sis alid PseudoxyOPS). Anterior coacte nos 'roduced into a distinos lamellate e trusion at thedistat eafremidi of the auterior margin .

male frequent sapo-fessella te. Tibiae never Iobate.

1ὶ Excepi in male of Caraei tera.





male more or leSS serrase or 'inuase. Tegmina frequent' osco - macula se . I ing male neversavo-fessella te, frequens fusco urpurescent. Iledictu aud posterior fibiae strong carinale or folia se

Abdomen os male lobale. Anseuuae re male Selaceous. serrula te. Teg mina subacumina te: costat fel male uari oeto IO. Genus ZOOLEA, Ser 'ille.

serra te.

feld 'arallel or dila sed tot ard apex, te here il


mucrona se genicillar lobes. Seconii fostilis ne urat abdominat segments

oc tiar auriculi form iobes high, acute. Mediau tibiae nos lobate.

severat alicat spines ori the neutral Sur face. Auferior coetae mith distat lamellate storsion longer, leSS elevate i. Secondato tubercles on verseet measter. 23. GenUS DANURIA, Stal.


Carcii ontera. Burmei Ster. II an ib. Ent. H d. a. Ab th. a. Pt. I, P. 5 O I 838) Chanaotens. - UOrm with long almost enti rely hyaline tegmina and wings in the male, se malowith shori chiefl3 opaque tegmina and wing S. Vertex har liby arcuate and not distin Cil3 elevated ab ove the ob es; ocelli of the male large . placed Clos se together in a triangle of the se male less Conspicuous; faciat Ahield Strongi y transverse. Obtuse angulate dorsali 3 : eyes moderat et 3 prominent; antennae of the male serrate, of the se male simple. Pro notum of the male with the Ahast flender in the mi ldi se viden ing anteriori and posteriori γ' collar rather heavy, the supra Co Xal dilatiora hut litti e wider than the Collar, margins of the collar xvith obsolete clenti form tuberCles. no medi An Carina present: of tho se male Short with the posterior portion narro ed. the collar and supraCo Xal dilation broa l. laterat margitis vitii rather Strong te et . Tegmina of the male elongate, rea Ching bo 'ond the AP ex of the abdomen. Subo Ual. APex rather Ramowly rounde l. hyaline eXCept for an in f SCAto area a long the principat voltis; Of the se male sitori, o vate, no longer than the abdomen. Opaque. Prin Cinal Velias placed nearly in themicidio of the tegmen. ings of the male ample hyaline eXCept for a narro COStat section; of the se male Alightly Shorter than the tegmina, V ith tho transverse nervures bandeii H illi color. Abdomen flender. subfusi form in the male, obese, bro ad and Ovate in the se malo; sub genital plate of the male trigonat. Anterior limbs moderate l) robust. the coxae with the margins furnishod with curved claw-like Spines, the internal fa Cos l)POVide 4 with numero his low callo sities: femora with three discol dat spines the laterat face H illi si x spines, internat face with fifieon spines: tibia 'ithout apicat cla v) abo ut hal filio femorat length. Median and posterior limbs stender and simple asi de frona a s mali triangular iobe placed immediate ly be fore the apex of the posterior femora on ille interno ventrat margin; tibis' of the malo terete, the modi an and posterior limbs of the fame sex strongly Pil OS Q. GEogrannical cii stri hiatiori of snootes. - A single species is known irona the Neotropical

trianglo; faciat shiel l strong transverse, the dorsat margin with a median trui Cate Section; Antennae of the male subserrate, of the feniale simple. Pro notum with the Ahaft elongate, supraCoxal dilationmoderately prominent, Collar moderatet γ' tapering anterior margin 1 Ounded. laterat marginS Serrate Or



unaria aed in the male, spined in the femule, median Carina preSent more Or Jess distinctiy. Tegmina of the male elongate; librali ne except for the Costat fiet d whi Ch i S OPaque, the APeX acute or rounded, stigma not indicate d; of the female laard ly eXcoe ling the abdomen. broad. Opaque except for thespresence of S mali hyaline areolae bet oen the velias of the anal and a variabie portion of tho disco id alfields, costat fiold nsearl3 a half the width of the tegmen, apeX ACute Or Obtia Sely rounded, Stigma present,lo nitudinat. Wings of tho male hyaline, eXtending SO me di Stan Ce beyOnd the tegmina, Opaque ora ornoar the margins at the apex: vings of the se male proje Cting be3 ond the tegmina; the ex posed area be inget ther rounded, obtuse-angulate and bro ader than long or a Cute angulate anil longer than bro ad, theeXpoSod apeX Opaque, the rema inder h3 a ne fasciculate Cith Color. Abdomen of the male elongato of the se malo broad depresse l. Limbs of both sexos flendor: anterior COXae armed on the ventrat marginwith low spines of two si ges in the se male, of one fige in the male; anterior femora armed with four discol dat spinos the laterat fac o with four spines, ille internat face With foui te en to si xieen spines of two si ges; anterior tibis ithout apicat cla v) slightl3 less than half the femorat longil . Modian anct posterior limbs flendor and simple: tibi pse multi carinate. Tyne os in E HEraias : O. rilbiciuida Stoll). Geos annical cii stri lautiori os species. - ight species a re lenown frona the Neotropical region. I. O. ra bicitii a Stoll). Natitur. Asbee ld. Hes Chr. SP ooken en Wandet. Elad.

Cna ct te s. - Generat forni and structure much as in O opsis. E3 es produceii, but with the RPICeS rounded. Tegmina with the costat held narrow one-third to one Murth the total wid th of the tegmen and den Sely reticulate with no oblique volns; stigma transverso. Posterior femora With a S malli obe at the apex of the inferior Cari R. Geos Panni Cal cit Atyi hiatiori os anacias. - A singles species is at present known to belong tothis genus, OCCurring in the Neotropical region. I. P. rcferica SauSSure & Zelintne r). Biol. Centr. -Amer. Orth. Vol. I, South Ameri CA UIU CUID, P. I9I I 89 j. Matio Grosso, HraZil.