Genera insectorum

발행: 1902년

분량: 495페이지


분류: 미분류


Seiatio Enaeta. irby, An n. Mag. Nat. Ili St. 7 Ol. Ib, p. 87 I9O ). Charao Ers sa). - Εyes obtusely Coni Cal and en ling in a blunt poliat; Ocelli very prominent. Pro notum flightly expandod a bove the anterior coxae and with the laterat margins denticulate through- Out. Anterior Coxae Stightly Curved attenuate beyond the naiddie and Stightly expanded again before thoextremi ty, front laterat Carina with abo ut Six moderately large te eth; anterior femora half as long againas the coxae . attenuate. the lower Carina denticulate to the base; anterior tibiae flender, not moro than half as long as the femora, o uter carina with si x spines in Clud ing the terminal ono, in ner carina witha great number of Cui Ved Spines Whicli gradu alty in Crease in tength and terminate in an immense curving hook abo ut two-fifths as long as the tibiae; anterior tarsi With the sit si joint flendor curved. Middie and postserior femora with rounded denticulate laterat iobes; middie femora and tibi se stiori an dattenuate in the mi id te . nil the carinae very sine ly donticulate, femora with an in ner and tibiae with ano uter terminal spine; posterior femora and tibiae long. rather flender, of nearly equat long th. ali thecarinae very fine ly denticulate, femora with an inner torminal spine, tibiae Cith an in ner anct o uter One. Cerci jointed and lamellato. GEos rannical cii strinutiori of An E iES. - I Single Species is known fron est Africa 1 P. Sirachani. Kirby, An n. Mag. Nat. Hi St. 7 , UOl. 13, p. 88 10o ). Lagos. est Africa .

SEvErinia. Fin Ot, An n. , O C. Ent. Belg. VOl. 6, 9. 433 I9 Oa).Cna acite s. - Hody greatlb' elonga te, Stender. weakly sui spinoso in the female. t Ieadi tangular, vertex not produCed belli nil the ebreS. o CCiput Obtuse; eyes globose, in the se male the apexterminates in a Shori sui Cylindri Cal obtuse spine: ocelli strong. litile di Stant . plaCed in a triangle. their plane bo ing perpendicular to the sui face on whicli they a re plaCed, the inferior placed a little belowthe insertion of the antennae; antennae of the male simple, of the se male uni nown. Pro notum elonga te, much longer than the anterior Coxpo, the pari posterior to the transvei se sulcus stighil ' more than three timeS as long as the anterior pari. roundet anterior margins denticulate; supraCoxal dilation notstrong: median longitudinat carina Ve C distin Ct the apex being a heart Shaped tubercle. Tegmina abbreviate, in the male reaching the si X th abdominat segment, in the se male not reaching the third; costat fiet i irregularly reticulate. Wings mari ed with purpi isti blaCk. Anterior COXpe Dot lobate, the baseand dorsat margin at the apex not dilateci; anterior femora beneath with the internat margin in thesse male armod 'vith alternutoly large and Smali spines. in the male P illi equat spines, externat marginwith four spines, disco idat spines Mur in number, three in a longitudinal series; anterior tibiae benea th vitii the externat margin spinulos e. Median and posterior femora and tibiae Carinate ab ove, median and postprior limbs not lobates; posterior tarsi ivitii the first two joinis stightly longer than the re maining j Oinis together. Supra-anal plate tranSVerse; apex rotundate; cerci ovate. broad, flat and foliate.

IJ This genus, the type of whicli has apparently remat ned unique sinoe described, is closely related to mferoerilsa: in faet it is disticuli to findany character in the original description to separate it from the lalter genus. Ihere exi sis in the authors mitid a strong suspicion that the two a re inseparabie. but it appears preferable to let ili' nanae stand for the pr sent as a valid genus. although the diagnosis contains litile in the way of differentia



Gaos rannical cii stri hiatiori of Species. - A single Species is known hom the Algeri an Sahara region.


conical tubercle at the mi id te of iis posterior margin ; eyes Compressed, rectangulate Willi a sto ut btu nil mam milli forna non-facete d Corneat spine at the an gle. Pa ono utra tecta ie with dis in Ctly rounde ldilation and a longitudinat median carina whi h is continuo his to the apex of the abdomen. Tegmina UATI OW elongate. moro Or JΘSS Subli 3 aline, tessella te, Atriolate Or guttate With bro nisii or 3 ello visit. ingS J yaline Costa And apex frequently colore l. Supra-anal Plate of fe male bl Oader thala long triangular. Cerci os se male folia eous, extending beyond the subgemtat plate of thes abdomen by the greater portion of their longili, widen ing from the base to tho Ap x hicli is divi sed by a shallown OtCh into two potnis. Anterior limbs long and flendor; Co Xas expandod a long tho apical fourth of theiranterior Crest into a Conspicuous dentale folia eous iobe; femora ne ar Strat glit, ut ea ly archo' below with acute genicular lobos and a Conspicuous supra genicular iobe, at med below on the Outer margin Vith si x spines, ora the in Per V ith a more numero his alterna ting series. discol dat spinos three in number; tibiae as bro ad as de ep, ab ove terete, stra ight and of uni tan wid th. Posterior limbs Voty shori; femorasto Ut, Very Slightly f si forna. Prismati C. V ith four Strong Cresis and ACCessor rid ges, the Po Sterior Ventral Crest folia eous, geni Culor an ii supra genicular Jobes long. Stender, no geni Cular SpineS Pre Sent

tibiae rather longer than the femor . ab ove terete, bolo v bicrisiato; first j oint Os tarsi Pot qui te So longas the combine i longth of the three suo eo ling joinis.

a di Stin Ct median carina whicli is continuod to the apex of the abdomen. Abdominat segments with the Ventral fa CeS produc ed posteriori y, tho sit si to severith produc d in the ni id ite into a delicate fila mento usPCOCeSS, the last irato a broadly concavo - truncato triangle with arcuate Sides. Cerci bi Oadlb folia Ce OUS thirteen Ointed. broadest at the antepenultimate segment, the dorsat an gle of the last four SegmentSProdUCed so that the dorsat margins are bluntly dent te pi os bifid. Organs of figlit eXtending nearlyto the 3PeX Of the abdomen. Tegmina semi-opaque, sub cor iaceous, sub equat; Costat fiet i irregularib reti Culate; anterior branch of discoldai ve in simple and ut branched, 13osterior branch of dis Coidal Vein


ith si x rami: axillar V voin quadri- ramo Se . the fit si and se oond rami Paralleling ili O mai in the thir lami foui th travorsing the anal folii. ings hyalino. e XCept along the antei ior margin and at the apoX; apex blunt and not mari edi ro tu Ced: Anal e margination Alight. Obtuse-angulate; disco id i ve in fori edat two-thir is iis tength fro in the base. Anterior limbs long and Stender; anterior COXpe eX pandod forfully the apicat third of their antorior crest into a Conspicuous dentate foliace Ous Jobe: ante ior femora narro Slight sinuate cloi Sally. the AP CX prodia Ced into a suprugeni Cular spine. Otiter 1 algin vitii sive spines. in ner margin with eleven, dis Coidal Spines three in number; anterior tibi p2 strat glit, pati Cispino Se terete ab ove. Posterior legS long and Stender, Carinate and lobate and tui Dished with curved a cicularge nicular spines longer than the geni Cular lobes; tho laterat ones of hi Ch aio longer than the dorsa l. GEos rannical cii striniatiori os species. - single species is known il Om the Hima lavansubregion of thes Oriental region. I. E. revivense, Wo d-Ma Son, Ourn. ASiat. , C. Hengal. l. 58, Pt. 2. Knragra. lli mala as

em argination. Anterior COXae triquetrous, their Carinae, especialty the POSterior, granulo SO-SPin UlO SC, the anterior expanded at thes apex into a stiori folia Ceous iobe ; femora 'Vith their dorSal margin CONCAVe. Cri State at tho apex, their Ventrat margins armed externatri vitii fives spinos and internali V with twelvet O foui te en alternatet 3 shorter and longer spines; clisCoidat spines three in number; tibiae weali, Cur 'ed,

si ightl3 ei large d tod arct ei ther end from the thin median spolion, terete dorsally, e XCept for a faint CreStdi Stat ly, pauci spinose . heing armeli oratu on the apical fifth of externat margin and on the apical hali ofinternat margin, terminal Clari long and rather abruptly hooked. Posterior limbS rather Ahori, Strongly



tho insertion of the lalter: margins entire ly ero So-dentate. Tegmina not rea Ching the apeX of the abii Ἀ-men; apex obtuse. ings rounded; disCoidal ve in furca te ne ar the ba Se, en Closing a larges fiold wii han extensive o Gelli forna Spol. Anterior COXAE SP inulo Se Venti Ally, do i Sal margin granulose; anterior femora flender, ungui Cular silaus Placed be3 onii the mi id te, internat margin armed willi ut equals pines. discol dat spines four in number, the third the largeSt; anterior tibiae. usi de frona the olaw.with se Ven spines On the externat margin . Median and posterior limbs not lobate. Abdomen dilatsed hut not lobate. Supra-anal plate os sis male triangular: Cerci Oi iemale terete. Geos rannio at o istri lautiora os speci EA. - A single species is known frona the Oriental regio D.

V ac otia riuria. Sjostedi, Hiliang SVens a Uet. - Akad. Handi. UOl. 25, 2Isd. no. 6. P. 22, Pl. f. I, 2 I9OΟ). CharacterS. - Hody Very narrow and elonga te, ba Cilli forna. Head trigonat, much broaderthan hi gli, the eyes Very large, protuberant and hemispheri Cal; occiput with three pair of tuber les, the laterat ones hi glier than ali the others although but Ahori, blunt, sub trigonal tuberCles, the medianpair of tubercles extrem ely weali and low; faciat Ahield transverse, sub obtuse-angulate dorsally. Pro notum very long and thin, Mi ming abo ut two- fifths the entire tength: supra Oxat dilationdistinct but not large, iis margin rounded. ali the laterat pronotat margins rather sparsel3r spined sui faCe of the pro notum sparsely and irregularly granoso-tuberculate; median carina distinct but v eat . Tegmina and wiDgs of se male very Shori, nos exce eding the meta notum, of male much more



23. GENUS DANU Hlo, S Tn

Cn Aractens. - Hody Considerably Olongule, Stender, Subequa l. Head CompreSSed eyeS Pro tuberant, elonga te O Uare. attenuate dorsali OCCipiat ab ove ea Ch eye produc ed into ad ci ded aurici ato acute iobe. the inter Vening portion of the o CCiput emarginato- truncate and on iis anterior fac o bearing ur tubercises divide' l sulci: faciat shiel l transverso . obtuso angulate dorsally: antennae oi male elonga te, monili forna. Os femule Shori. Prono tum flender, sub equa l. supra coXal dii Ation Ver Slight; anterior margin Oblique em Arginate lateralty liun Cate 3 Desially; laterat margins entire ly Spino Seor granulose: median carina distinctly but not strongly mari ed. Tegmina and wings Very ample in themate and reaching almost to the apeX of the abdomen, qui te Shori in the female; COVering but a Verbi S mali portion of the abdomen. Abdomen elonga te; supra anal plate os male transverse, Subbilobate; Cercios malo blunt terete. Limbs elonga te, stender, anterior pair sparsely granulo Se, median and POSterior Pati S Strongly Carinate, not Jobate. Anterior COXse not less than half the tength of the pro notum, theposterior face Considerably granulose, distat expansion decide l. angulate and willi itS margin Serrat Odentate, median Constriction prono uno ed: Anterior femora ex Ceecling tho coxae in tength, Stender, strat glit, distat portion with Mur spinos on the e xternat and tu elvo ora tho internat margins discol dat Spines four in number; anterior tibiae with se ven or eight spines externalty and pleven Or twelVeinternalty; proximal joint of the tarsi over half again a s longas tho remam ing joinis uni ted. Medianand po Sterior limbs not iobed. the distat portion of the posterior carina of the median femora illi or




coxal dilation distinct but not large, subangulate; laterat inargins Serrat O-dentate; Sh aft with a strong median carina. Collar with a medio longitudinal SUlCUS. Tegmilia and wings very ample in the male, covering abo ut two-thircis of the abdomen in the fem Ale; tegmina CoriaCeous. wings Smol V. Terminal ab dominat segments with a lo medio-longitudinat marginal CreSt: Supra-Anal plate of se males su trigonalor transverse quadrate with the angle S rounded; Cei Ci of se male monili forna. Anterior limbs robust moderately long SCabrous; COXae Stightly leSS than tWO-third S the prono at longili. triquetrous in section margins serrato- granulate, the anterior margin With a distinct distat Subtrigonal iobe; femora usilli thodorsat margin Serrato-dentate and armed with a dentiform preopi Cal lobo, laterat margin armect withfour spines, internat margin armed with murteon or fit te en spines ex Clusive in ea Ch case of ono in ea ligonicular iobe): tibiae armed externalty with eight spines, infernalty with ten or eleven spines. Medianand posterior limbs lobate sexcepi in male of spurca), having on the median femora a dorsat premedianand dorsat prespical and a Ventral Pre apical iobe, On the median tibiae a Prespical pati , in the Posterior femora a minute dorsal and on the tibi bae a singlo prealaical lobe. Tyn E of in E seriuS : P. Spurca, uel Al. GEogrannical cii sint hiatiori of spe Cies. - , ive nominal speCiOS, Iulioso relation Ahises a re imperfectly known are mund in tho African and Oriental regiones. I. P. Sitirca, Stal. OefU. UOt. - Αkad. Forti Ol. 13, p. I 60 1856j; ol. 28,



27 anterior femora hau ing the superior margin sonae hat sinuate, terminat ira g. in a Strong tooth. theexternat margin bearing Mur perpendicular spines, the internat armed with Mur pati s of alternatinglarge and smali spines followed by two or three smali spines, a large one and last two Amali ones; anterior tibi se very robust, sub compressed, the inferior face Con Cave, Not Sin Vate dorsalty tho margins regularly armed. Median limbs with the femora and tibiae labato. Posterior femora with a s mali iobe: posterior tibi se not Carinulate, the superior margin bi-Undulate, the e X tremi ty attenuate; meta tarsi Verylong. Cylindri Cal, not Carin Ulate. Fe)nale. - Ocelli Small. Tegmina lanceolate, Very Shori, Sub Cori ACQ Ous. ing A brown, SQ mi orbicular, the anterior sield truncate. Abdomen Subfusi forni, very Strongly TU OSe, bearing On thedorsum three longitudinal foliis; posterior margin os dorsat segments 1 to 5 sinuate, forming on e ac si de a rounded carinulate iobe, sevenili segment with the laterat hordei s dilate i. Supra-anal plate trans

neari γ' truo and one-hali times the tength of the anterior Coxae; ab ove the poXal insertion stightri expanded and thoi e ncarly twice the wid th of the base of the pronotum; entire laterat margins subSerrato- ranulos e. Tegmina and wingS Squami forna, PingS COl Ored. LimbS Stender, moderately long ; anterior COXAE vitii tho pOSterior margin serrulate; anterior femora litile longer than the coxae, bene th on theexternat margin with four Spines eXClusive of the apicat One, on the internat margin with Murteen spines. discol dat spines four in number; anterior tibi se beneath armed with ten spines oti the e xternalmargin and thir te en or Murteen on the internat margin; median and posterior femora with a prea picali obe in addition to the genicular ones; posterior tibiae not Carinate ab OV e. GEos rannical cii strinutiora os speci Es. - A Single species is known frona Tropi Cal Africa



sulcus, by the eyos granulose, in the naidcile bel ind the Sulcus bigranulose, summit of the vertex truncate in the in id die and on eaCh si de by the lye eleVa ted into a Coni C tubercle with mucro nate apex. Pronotum ovat, litti e longer than bro ad. anterior, POSterior and laterat margins rotundate narrowed posteriori y, armed UPOn laterat marginS With numero us triangular Spines, disti stronglygranose, ora the proZona an eleVa ted tu me SCen Ce limited by a CirCular SulCUS is present, the tumescen cearmed on eaoli siclo ivith a longitudinal series of thi eo large very a Cute granules; portion of the pron O- tum posterior to the transverse Sul Cus Strongly medio-longitudinalty sulcate, two lo rounded tubercles

placed before the posterior margin ) or avitii an additional median pair of the sanae ). Tegmina in

male much longer than the abdomen, elliptical, apeX a Cute . den Sely Venose, subhyaline; in se malesliori ovate, reaching only to the middie of the abdomen, CoriaCOOUS, COStal and humerat sub tuber culate. Wings harilly longer than the tegmina, tessellate. LimbS Carinate, pilose. Anterior Cox92 hardlylonger than the pro notum, robUSt, triqueti OUS. internal laCO gran UlOSe, inferior margin Spinose; anterior femora somewhat in crassate, the externat face grano se in the naiddie; the margins distin Ctly carinate the internat margin with thirte en Spines besides the apical, eX ternat margin with sive spines includ ingilies apicat, discol dat spines four in number; anterior tibiae robust, dorsat margin arcuate. Ciliate, armo dexteriorly with si X, internali 3 illi ni ne spines. Aledian and posterior femora dorsal and ventrallyCarinate, armed with a genicular spine; median and posterior tibi se Carinate. Gaos rannical citatri hiatiori of Anacies. - A single species is known frona Tropical Africa . I. i. radiosa. GioiO-TOS, Holl. MUS. ZOOl. Anat. Comp. Torino, UOl. 22. Upper Zambesi