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Pa na Stasmatontera. SauSSure, Mem. Hi St. Nat. MeXique, Mant. A me r. p. 83 I 87 I). Character s. - Form Nith long tegmina. hyaline with the Co Stat margin frequently opaque in the male vings hyaline in the samo sex; fe male 'vith moderate l3 -opaque tegmina frequentlyhaving scattered hyaline areas and with barred or tessella te wings. Antennae, marginS Os tegmina an d vings and feet Occasionalty pitulose in malo os P. ciliata . Uertex truncate, entire ly or in the juxta-octi lar portions more or less eleva ted ab ove the eyes; ocelli of the male very large, apprOXimate, plaCedin a triangle, of the se male Amalter, disposed in an arCuate line; faciat Ahield transverse, obtuse-angulate
dors atly with the angi e truncate; Hyes moderately prominent. CORVOX; antennae of male Serrate more Ortes s disti notly, subpectinate in se ricornis . of se male setaceous. Pronotum distin Ctly Shorter than the tegmina in both seXes, in the male flender, sub carinate, the margins hardi 3 vitrepetiuis) or distinctly sciliata denticulate for thes entire tength. the supra Co Xal dilation Alight; in the fe male more robust, not savo gustala) or but stightly serricornis ) carinate, the margins distinct denticulate for their entire tength, tho Supra CoXal dilation disti not. but not Strongly develo ped. Togmina longer than the abdomen in both Se XeS, in the male elonga te, vitreous, Costat held Coria Ceous, dilated basally. the greatest ivi illi about a foui th the total wid th of the tegmen, tho principal ve ins Colore' in Contrast to the Coria CeoUS COStalheld serricornis . apex rounded subangulate; in the se male broader than in the male and more ovate, Coriace bus . frequently with a number of hyaline areas in the dispoidal and sutural sections, costat fieldabo ut a third the total width of the tegmen, narro ing in the apical hali, the apex bluntly angulate; Stigma present, but variabie in Shapp. Wings barred or tessella te in the se male hyaline in the male, thecostat margia frequently opaque in the lamate; disco idat Vein ramose in the two seges. Limbs Stender. Anterior COX22 1 Ather sparsely denticulate or spinoso - granulato on the Superior margin theSe pili gerou Sin ciliata , blaol isti area os internat face variabie in position and sige; anterior femora with Mur dis Coidal Spines, the externat margin with four spines, internat margin with alternat ing large and Smali spines, internat face Willi Various typos Os Coloration. Median and posterior limbs simple, without iobes. Fit st
joint of the tarsi qui te long Abdomen sub equat, attenuate in the male, fusi form, deprossed in theis male; cerci of male distin Ctly articulate, CompOSed os numeroUS SegmentS; Supra-anal plate of both
subparallel margins, apex rotundate; Costat held and region Os prinCipat Vein S OPaque, Coria eous, posteriorly hyaline; stigma present or raroly in halostfera) absent; ocellar Spol obliterate or indicated bu severat disconnected maculations; tegmina os female elongate-OVate Or O Vate; anterior margin gently arcuate, with the distat third Strongly arcuate or obliquet y Subtrun Cate; apeX bro adly rounded, acute, attenuate or very blunt; Costat si eid Cor iaceous, broad, frona a third to two fifths tho total width of ilio tegmen and densely areolate. discol dat si eid Semi- membra ne OUS Or Coria Ce Ous with membraneous potnis; Stigma usualty preSent, White or Con ColorOUS linear Or pyriform. Oblique ly tranSVerse or longitudinal, in close proximi ty to the principat vel nS or placed a distance posterior to the fame; ocellar Spol presentor abSent, here present mari ed and usualty of Consisterable Sige. the Stigma forming a portion of the periphei F; discol dat sectors frona si X to eight in number; marginal sield with tho volns moderatelydistinci and regularly oblique or rare almost lost in the reticulations insatiabilis); anal area hyaline, usu atly Ornamented Π th opaque nerviare ban is or punCtate V ith opaque Color. Wings of male hyalinewith anterior border and apex stight paque; disco idal vein With two or three rami; axillary and humerat fiet is fresquently with more or less distin Ct rudimenta 1 3 tranSVerse opaque bars on the Cross Veins; Wings of female large and broad, hyaline With the costat margin and extremit3r opaque. there mainder With a ConspiCuous patiern of opa que yello isti bars on the Cross Veins; humeral sield very broad; dispoidal ve in Urith two rami: apox rounded or subacuminate sprandi fieri). Anterior limbs of male moderately robuSt; COXae unarmed or denticulate ora the margins; femora with tho internat facepta in or With median spol anterior limbs of se male qui te robust; coxae with both margins equat lydenti Culate or th the posterior very sinely spinulose when compared with the anterior; femora with Dur dis Coidat spines and strong marginal spines, internat face urimari ed or ornamented with a single large Spol or a series of Vari colored maculations and striae; tibi se with ten to thirteen spines ora theeXternat margin and twelve to si Xteen on the internat. Abdomen os males flender, of female broad and depreSSed; supra-anal plate Os male trigonal subgenital plate ample, produced; Supra-anal plate ofis male tranSVerse, trigonal, broad ly rounded or very slightly and shallo ly emarginale femoralis). Tyno of tne serius si) : S. 'redicatoria, SaUSSU re. Geo Irannical citatri hiatiora os Specie S. - Twenty-one Species of the genu S Are known; One est Africari, three froni Madagas par and the romainder frona the Neotropi Cal region, i anging frona 'Nicaragua to ArgentinR. 1. S. biocellata, Salassiare, Mitt. Schweig. Ent. Ges. Vol. 3. p. 67 Ι 860).2. S. supplicaria. Hui me ister, Handb. Ent. Ed. a, Abili. 2, Pt. I, p. 5 a
sharply deliinit ing the eyes frona the frontal processes; faciat shield as hi gh as broad. the dorsat marginsubrectangulate; frontal processes e longa te, lan Ceola te, longer than the head is broad, Contiguous, thea pices acute, the marginS Undulate; antennae elonga te. Si Θnder, Os male serrula te ora the internat si de of se male se taceo his; eyes rounded, directed anteriori Prono tum elonga te, the Ahast flender. sub equaland over tuto thirds the entire pro notat longili, trigonal in Section: ampliation stiori and decidod withthe ouiline rounded, the anterior extremi ty being tritobate in Con SequenCe; margin S uniformi y serrula te. Tctgmina Subacuminate, moderate ly Opaque . Sub Coria Ceous, Costat fio id of the fe male narro thegi ea test Q idth not more than a fourth the totai tegminat wid th, gradually narro ing to the apex, notdistinctly excised. Wings of se male hyaline ex Cepi at the apeX. Whi Ch is partialty Coriace OuS-opaque the humerat fie id considorabi3 sui passing the axillary held; dis Coidal Vein ramose. Abdomon bearing median folia eous Jobes on the volater of the distat segments and supplied sin iobipes) at the an gles of the fame segments with smaller but similar appenda ges. Limbs Strongi V lobate; anterior femora illi a distinct acute prea pical lobo ora the dorsat margin, disCoidal Spines Mur in number, eXternalmargin Os femora armed with four spines; the median and posterior limbs with strongly develo pedi obes, the femora with the margins With hom one to three mari ed iobes. the tibi se V ith a pair of premedian more Or less angulate iobes. Tarsi elonga te. the fit si joint longer than the Others together TynE of tne serius : Z. Iob es solivi er).
Chara ters. - Orm rather elonga te, the male flender. the se male with the abdomen depresse 1 fusi forna. Head transverse - trigonai: OCCiput subtruncate, elevated ab ove the dorsat portion Os theo tes. the frontal region decidodi ' oblique- declivent; iuxta-o Cular sul Ci ct istin Ct; frontal processes presentaS a Pair of Shori, Shail 3. trigonal plateS or as elonga te, Contiguo US, parallel, narrow and api Cally AC ut et obes; ocelli placed in an arcuato lino, large in the male. rather smali in the female; frontal Ahield trans verse, dorsat margin reC tangulate or Prith the angle devel Oped with a distin Ct projecting procesS: eyes Prominent, rounde l. directed Somewhat anteriori y; antennae of the se male Alightly serrulato. Os themate more or less unipe Ctinate on tho internat margin, the api Cal portion in some spe CieS Sina Ply Ser Tu late. Prono tum more or leges elonga te, the dilation Ahori bro ad and rather Aharply contra sted With the Sub equat Sliast, the ouiline of the ampliation and of the anterior portion of the Collar rounded, thelaterat margins of the Collar subparallel, the anterior portion of the pro notum being of a tritobate forna; median Carina distinci, represented on the Collar hy a sulcus ; margins almost entire more Or leSS Spinu-
1, Known froni the feniale alone. 2ὶ This division, whicli has been gi ven generio rank by sonte authors, cloes not appear to us to be os generio value the CharaCters usualty assignedas diagnosti C, i. es. excised apical section of the marginal field of the feniale tegmina and ille infuscate wings of the fame sex, shading on into true Uates It would probably be more logical from the evidence of material in hand to divide the genus on the character of the frontal pro esses, but Without more materiat this does nos seem destrabie.
limbs more or less distinctly lobato and with strongl3i indipa ted Carinae; genicular lobes of median and posterior limbs prodii Ced sub angulate. Tyne os in E s Enias : U. lobata Fabricius). Geos annical ciis tri lautiori of An Eoi ES. - Sixte en species are known from the Neotropical restion, i anging Dom the so ut hern Uni ted States Arigona) to Bragii and Peru, with one species found
in the Greater Antille S. 1. V. 'eclinata, SauSSure, Mem. Hist. Nat. Me X. IRnt. Amor. P. I 63,
1, VHi QS Deria in ran. Nov. SD. - Type: G': Despoblado, N. Peru Aca . as. A c. Phiactis.). Allied io V. reclinicornis Stai and amasonica estwood, but dissering Dom the formor in the further suppression os ille median and posterior femorat iobes and in the less elongate peplinations of the antennae, and frona the lattar in the larger sige, the suppression of the femorat iobes and in theantennae being longer than the pronotum. Sige medium, forni elongates. Head half again as broad as the greatest wid th of the pronotum much broader than dees, OCCipitat margintrunCato- sinuate; vertex with proCesses rather shori, stightly divergent, conio; eyes diverten stightly anteriori y; antennae When extended posteriori yrea ching slightly beyond Dosterior margin os pronotum, subpectinate. Pronotum flender, the greatest width contained about four and one-half times in ength. shan subequat, dilation Considerabie, rounded. collar stightly broader than the si, aft subequat, cephalio margin arcuate: laterat margins irregularly granuloso - dentate, these more numerous anteriorly than posteriori y. median carina disti not. Tegmina nearly twice as longas the pronotum, elongaete, subequat; Costat 1ield narrow, slightly ampliate near base . narrowing regularly toward the apex, coria eous, opaque, remainder of the tegmina subhytaline, apex rounded. Anterior COXae Very slightly more than half the leneth of the pronotum. on the anterior margin supplied with spaced serrato-dentations of two Siges, posterior face with numerous smaeli adpressed dentations: anterior femora stistinetly longer than the coxae, rather flender, Stightly arcuate, externat margin with sive cor Murin spines, internat margin with Murte en or fifteen spines of alternating large and smali sige, discol dat spines laur in number; antctrior tibiae stightly less than half the tength of the femora, armesct ρxternalty with eleven and internalty With fourteen spines. Median limbs Considerably shorter than the posterior pair, both with no distinct femorat iobes: tibiae of both pairs with a distinct low dorsat premedian iobe. Carinations oeci ded and somelimes sublamellate. Generat Color pale OChra eous, motiled and clouded sannulate or subannulato on the limbs) with prout 's brown; eyes feal brown antennae prout S bromn. TegminR Pale translucent pea groen, beeoming pals apple green on the opaque costal feld, with median ann premedian oblique brownishmaculations extending over the median section of the tegmina. Wings pale napies yellow elouded with gamboge yellow at the apex and along the costat margin . apical section with scattered minute brownish spois. Length of body 5o mm.; tength of pronotum 19: greatest Width of pronotum 3. 8; tength of tegmen 37; tength of anterior femur II. Tho type is unique.
bidens. Saussure, Mem. Hist. Nat. Me X. MAnt. Amer. P. I 69, Pl. 2.