Genera insectorum

발행: 1902년

분량: 495페이지


분류: 미분류


8. Libiae stio ing open foramina. 9. - - S Oll-Sh APed or ear ille foramina. IO. - - linear foramina. 11. Elytron illustrating Venati Ora.









The order belongs among the Endopterygota Holo metabola, but differs froni thes Coleoptera bylla Ving the meso thorax and metathorax free, the meta thorax greatly produced, and the head free. butnot on distinct necla; and differs froni the Neuroptera, Trichoptera. AleCoptera, Lepidoptera. Diptera and Hymenoptera by having the thoraci C segments not agglutinate, but resembling them in the other Chara Ciers by whicli it is separabie frona the Coleopter a.



The ab OV e referenCes Contain the principat synonym3 , but there a re many Other quotation Sunder severat of these nam es which may be foui ct in fuit by refereno to the last quote i paper. Gna a Cteras of the orati ερο. - An order of h per metamorphic endo parasitio insects with highJ3 speciali Zed reduction os certain functionat organs. great specialigation os other functionat organ S, and with dissimilar SEXOS. Vale. - Elytropho Tota S, winged, ephemerat. He ad and thoraci C Segments uni ted by elasti CCommi SSUreS. Iead transVerse, with ebres Atalhed and Compo Sed os regularly placed separated heXagonalommatidia. Molath Paris speciali Zed, rudimentary. vestigial. or laching. Labrum and labium abSent Phal FnX PreSenting a great exposed sui face whicli is folded Crater-like and contra is into a s mali tubedistant frona the appendages; mandi bies anci maxillae arising beneath the genae ne ar their ba Se maxillae mores Or less redii Ced. Antennae sensitive, with one or more joinis lateralty prodii Ced. Thora X Vith principat paris cap able of in dependent movement. uni ted b elastic Commissure S. Pa OthoraX mu Ch



the abdominat segments of the host, With the orat Or Ventral Suri ACQ Upward S. Morath paris V e Sti tui. Eyes lacking. Thorax separa ted Venti all3 froni the head by the ope ning of the brood-Canal, an inter membranal conduit bet Meen ille pupat and Adult si in S lea ling frona the ui patred median genitalapertures On the se Cond to fifth segments anteri ad to this ventral stit. Reproduction proli fiC, larvi parotis. De vel opinent endoparasiti C and highly hJ permetamorphic. JIosis Various, hexapodat. Fit si larvae, Or tri unguli nid S, Campo dei forna hexapods. Parasiti C Stages apodotus. The male puparium, Nilli Cephalo thora X protruded frona the abdomen of the host, is meret vilio last larvat si in with a cap like lid, or Cephalotheca. The pupa is similar to those of the Coleo pleraand Hymenoptera and lies free in iis C a Se .

fino exit Dona the body of the parent through genital Canais opening ouisi de of the body. They findthenaseives then in a turger passage formest be tween the venter of the se male and iis unca si pupat si in in whicli they pass forward and finii exit through a stit be tween the head and prothorax on the Cephalo thorax. The se male reposes with iis Venter Upward. So. When the 3 Oung emerge, they Crawl ali OVor thebody of the host. These young a re very livet y litiles hexapods, whi Ch we Cail tri unguli nid S. he trilinguli nid re matris tapon the body of the host untii it geis a Chanco to stip ofi or is brushedost into a nost or flower. In the lalter case it wait S untii another host Comes a long and tal es passage Mith it. and is carried to a nest finalty. When ii rea hes a nest it litanis a round untii it finds a larvalliost; in to whicli it qui Chly burrows. Inside iis host parasitio lite qui kly causos it to lose iis legs, and the eyes to di sappear, and it isso on entiret y grub- like; then the segments of the head and thoraX fuse The male and female. after the se Coiad moli, appear different, the se malo be coming as just describe d whilo the males be Comes cylindrical and in the later stages stlows a patch of eyes. resembling the primitive Collembolan eye PatChes, but more regular. The anterior portion hardens and is pus hed Out ard, resembling a dipteranseupa Case 'illi tubercula te head anci a litile cap at the tip of the cylindor. With in this si in a real pupat ornas and finalty the adult emerges by Casting off the puparium-Cap, or cephalotheca. The adult malei S a m OSt pe Chaliar insect with one pair of large, mill y-whi te ivings, s haped as a quadrant of a CirCle; wi ha S Ort transverse head; illi large eyes Composed of many separate fac eis divi ded by hairy partitions: vitii antennae branched and covered with delicate son se organs: with rudimentary moiath PariS, and with p ad ille sita ped balan Cers ora the meso thoraX. These in secis i y likes a fas h. darting here and there, and with the balan Cers vibrat ing in uni son illi the wings and ma ing qui te a loud hum for such ti ny creatures. Their sole purpo se in lite is tofertiligo the fomales, whicli a Ct is a complished bu set ting loo se the semina in the brood Canal or oesophagus of the fer ale.


Alabam a.

S lops bruueri, Pierce, Andreua illino, ensis, Noberison; Nebrastis, Illinois. S los cal ornica, Pierce, parasiti Zes Andrena subtilis, Smith; Southern Cali fornia. Sblops chil freni, Gray parasitiges Andrena victima. Smith: Nova Scotia Sirio's clytoniae, Pierce, parasitiges Andrena imita frix, CreSSon; and iis race cla)toxiae, RobertSon; Georgia, Illinoi S, TOXAS.

S lops stachardi, Pierce. parasitiges Andrena 'lacida, Smith; Massachusetts S lops stili edis, Pierce. parasitiges Andrena pilipes. Fabricitas; China.

Canad A.