장음표시 사용
John Osseris, bulcher in Stirling, 92 ; deprived os Stirling castio, of which sheshould pay expenses, 549, 550 ; has
and capons remitted to chamberlain os Ardmanach by favour os auditors, and
Dougias, Ninian Cricliton, Jolin Stirling.
Perth, 182, 268, 360, 412, 510.
- Patricli, macer, his salary, 93.
his pension omitted in custumar of
MaySkius, custumars of Haddingtonorderest to give a particular account O
- Thomas, rendera account os ballios
Thomas, Sou of the late JohnM Lellan, renders account os customs os
Thomas, son os Thomas M L. , senior,
545. Menmure, barony os, moiety os, lands os, specified, 604 ; fermes and duplicand os, 604. Menstes, in barony of Bethroule, plece ofland in , fermes and blench dues os, 650. Menteith, Master Robert, steWard in the
remission os fermes of lauda os Rannoch,
custumar of Aberdeen, his account, 182,
Merklands, tWo, in Κirheudbright, sermes and relies of, 630. Mersar, Sir Robert, procurator of Vallis Virtutis, 359.
Motat, the late Thomas, payment to his heirs, 52, 18έ, 273, 363, 438, 515, 518.
or thereby, 259 ; cathedral os, chaptainin, 192, 372.
io, by speciat precept of the Κing, 550.
os Bishop os Dunkeld, 10, 13, 155, 219, 298, 301.
119, 131, 231, 352, 398, 474 ; Wheat
his decease, 581. - Richard, son os Charies M., tenant