장음표시 사용
277, 367, 445, 522; Comptroller'sreeeipis stom, 195, 283, 374, 653, 530.
200, 286, 379, 458, 459, 532, 543,
465, 537, 551. Richard, William, apprehended sor hilling
barton casti e munded by, 71, 189, 277, 370, 446, 523.
ness, 22, 23, 169, 170, 256, 327, 328, 406, 407, 499, 500, 501.
the late Eari os, referende to his account of Ardmanach, 263, 339, 410, 504. Ross herald, payment to, hom lands of
Dron, 116, 239, 351, 395, 473 ; his see,
ship, 408, 501 ; the sald charge omitted by an error, 501, 502 ; complains that
170, 257, 328, 407, 500 ; money fermes Oi, 168, 256, 327, 405, 499; height ofwheat hom, to Leith, 101, 102 ; the
sireWood at, 170, 258, 329, 407, 501 ;mair os, his see, 22, 169, 257, 328, 500 ;
William Bonar, 478 ; capons in hand sos tenanis os, 136 ; fermes os, 36, έ2,109, 224 ; fermes oh reduced, 115, 228, 350, 394, 472; rental os, 5 568;Ηali os, eap0us os, remitted, 235; sermesoL 109, 221. R0Ssy, Vester, augmentation os seu - sarmos, 118 ; fermes os, 108, 129, 223 ; fermesos, in hands of James of the avery, 236 ;fermes os, remitted to James Avery, 129, 397 ; rental os lands os, 562, 566, 567.
let to Walter Innes at an increaSed rent,
Si Constantino, church oh 163, 168, 431. Si Duthac, chaplain os, in Tain Chureli,
payment to, 22 169, 257, 327, 406, 500 ;
Stirling, 57, 179, 267, 359, 436, 509 ;
Fise, 45, 46, 119, 130, 230, 231, 352, 397, 474 ; Wheat of Fila tο, 121, 131, 232, 353, 398, 475.
641. Salmon, custom OL Ses Custom ; expenses
26, 169, 257, 328, 406, 500 ; Hamburg
ior his see, 16, 158, 247, 317, 426, 487 ;
Selieremes, AleXander Gordon os. Sos
beth Scott, fasine os other paris of Wostlynsar and Crosiord to, 608. - Peter, tenant os Dalmargien, 579. -- Peter, of Mongie his account aschamberlatu of Strataearn, 1, 139, 236,
265, 358, 436, 509 ; renders account of bailies of Ιrvine, 367, 521. Seoti, Robert, Smith, his see, 57, 179, 267 ;
os Fise, 120, 131, 231, 352, 397, 475 ;
muchty, 36, 114, 227, 319, 393, 472 ;
Semple Simple, Symple, Senapill), Peter,
return an account thereos in Meliequer, 644.
Semple, Robert, son os William, Lord Semple, commission os justiciary to, 663 ; the late, 626. Senesehal in the Κing's household, 204. Seras, barony os, 660, 662.
550. SerVices, performanee os, as reddendo in
Edi urgh, 52, 184, 271, 363, 438, 515,
Sinclair, Sir David, chamberlain of ROAS, his arrears, 22; the late, 169; his