장음표시 사용
Nevare. See Brechin and Nevare.
259, 263, 333, 3έ0, έ11, 504 ; breWeryof, 259, 333.
Christina, sister of the preceding, fasine os other molety of said lands to, 612. Ninemar, tand8 of, in Moranny, fermes an d
543. Oatmeat, priue os, 91; purchased by Comp- troiler, and delivered to the guards at Stirling casile for their see, 91 ; commutation priue os chalder os, in RoSs,
Ostieers serving in Exehequer, payment t0, 296.
Master Alexander, of Glashauch, renders account of Walter Ogilo as
444 ; renders account os ballies of Banis, 280 ; exemption hom customs granted
ogilvy, Alexander, ballie os Cullen, 191, 371, 450.
oi Strathearn, his account as chamber-
thauage of Boyne, and annuatrent of
- Laurenee, Lord, Sasine io, os lands os HatherWieli, in virtve os dispensation
Orde, fermes os, 255, 324 ; let to Walter
Κildune at an increased rent, 323, 330,
Parchment for Exehequer, 97, 206, 291, 386, 465, 537. Parde ne Perdovin), Jolin, macer, his De Dom fermes of Turnberry, 177, 252,
Ιslay herald Dr his see, 16, 157, 246, 317, 426, 486.
226. Paston, Stephen, rendera account os ballies
85, 195, 283, 37έ, 453, 530; fined for
70, 188, 277, 371, 445, 521 ; annuity
84, 195, 283, 374, 452, 529 ; sasines by, 592, 600, 603, 604, 607, 610, 612, 614, 618, 624, 627, 633, 648, 649, 655,658, 664, 680 ; hospital os St Leonarii near, 70, 188, 371, 445, 521.
Peebles, Thomas, fagier, pament to, for
os, his see, 63, 182, 268, 359, 442, 511 ;
convene and mahe their books agree,
593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 600, 601, 607, 610, 612, 619, 621, 630, 632, 633, 640, 641, 643, 641, 646, 618, 656, 659,660, 661, 667, 668, 670, 673, 677, 678,
629. Pet, Margaret, mother os LaWrence EdWard 562. Petearle, three quarters of moiety os landsos, fermes and relies os, 595. Petearlys, lands os, blench dues oh 599. Petcarne. See Pitcairn.
114, 250, 305, 428, 506 ; churches os, 667 ; sermes os barony os, 32, 145, 250, 306, 429, 506 , seu-farmer os, Comp- troiler's receipis hom, 196, 284, 375, 454 ; grant os laniis os, by James IV., 145, 251, 306, 429, 507 ; maris and sheep os, remitted to chamberlain, 251, 306, 429, 507.
- Margaret, Widow of David Murray, fermes of Ochtertyre remitted to, because her goods h ad been severat times carried
os, 58, 178, 268, 436, 508 ; his see, 59, 178, 268, 437, 509 ; payment to, for his
408, 501, 502. Pollinereo, fermes 0i, 316 ; lands Of, held by Robert Charteris, 17, 158, 247, 318, 426, 427, 487.
Pota, sali, of Orkney, sales os, 151, 152, 253, 307.
os Ayx, 71, 188, 277, 370, 449.
burgh, 185, 271, 363, έ38, 439, 516 ;
Purves, AndreW, macer, his salary, 93,
201, 287, 318, 486, 515 ; payment to,
Rarili os Dalbaty, 16, 157, 246, 317, 426, 486 ; fermes Oi, 142, 315, 481 ; in-
creased sermes os, diminished on account