장음표시 사용
hoth preventionallyand wbenthe fit is ora, is bοiIed iumine and mater, Ox even insused in II ineonly, is therebe no considerable Inflamation in thole Paris. They arcstilb commended in Gerine Cales. as promoters of the Menstruat Discinarges, and Expellers of Moles. DENs Leonis SI n. 1 o. Ser. Vulgaris. Parh.
latiore solio C. B. Pin. Dandelion. DENs Leonis angustioribus foliis Sy n. I r. Parh. leonis angustiore folio C. B. Pin. Narro, Leaveae Daudelion or Pises a be . they both gro very common in Meado s and Fields,and cloK- ex early in the Sprtet, and again in autumN. . DENS Leonis hirsutus, Lepto cautos, Hieracium dictus Syn. ibid. Hieracium dentis Leonis folio hirsutum Ger. Em. asperum foliis et floribus Dentis leonis bulbosi. Para. Rougθ Dund commonly called Dandelion Ha kweed. Thisis one of the frit floKering μωλωre S in Mue, gro S pretiy common on Banksides and in Ao tingisam Meadorus. They ll three belong to in
Echium Scorpioides palustre. vid. Myo tis
Scorpioides. Echium Scorpioides a ense. Vid. Myos iss
EQUI STUM pratense longissimis setis. Syn ibid. C. B. Pin. frequent in Hedge BOtt S. E UISETVΜ sylvaticum Syn. 13 o. rab. D. r. Omnium minus tenuissilium Parh. Co ich ood, Noniagham Conice, &C. E UT E TUM palustre Sy n. I 3I. Lob. D. palustre minus Parh. in Basso, Scottum. E UISETVΜ nudum. Sy n. ibid. Ser. junceum seu nudum Par . foliis nudum non ramosum seu junceum. C. B, Pin. Nahes Horse gail. This Wassint e n to me by scir. Stant somer at Mans
All the Horse Lails are Apringent. FRICA VulgariS o. Par . vulgaris seu pumila. Ger, Em. vulgaris humilis semper Vi-
abo ut this To n. It is of the sanie Nature ruitii ali the rest os the Crespiand theres ore an Antis orbulic and Vulnera F, the Seedis L iureti .
ERUCA hirsuta, siliqua caesi appressa, Erylimum dicta. v. 298. Erysimum Diostoridis I Obelio
Wers in fine, and iometimes later. In severat Goses near Scottum, and in theupper Tirent Close, commonly calid the Alde
FAB A. SI H. 323. C. B. Pin. Ger. Gar seu Boau. major hortensis
but many large ones gro v at Ruford in dis
FERRUM equinum germanicum, siliquis in summitate. Sy u. 323. Pin. equinum C O--
FILIX mas vulgaris, Ssin. 12o. Park. mas non ramosa, pinnulis latis densis minutim dentatis. Ger, Em. Common Male Fern. In stady l Hedge bottonas, very common, in Laes se, land in the Hollo Without the Gate lead-
. FILIX mas non ramosa pinnulis latis auricula-ltis spinosis Syn. IzI. Ger. Hn. mas aculeata ma- Ors B. Pin. prichst auriculate Male Fern. In the
lsackside of St. AEnners med and in many Other 'laces. They both helong to Cl. I. Gen. IV