Catalogus stirpium &c., or, A catalogue of plants naturally growing and commonly cultivated in divers parts of England, more especially about Nottingham ...

발행: 1738년

분량: 319페이지


분류: 미분류


ziure cic it may n0t impr0perly be joined with othersin Frescriptioni designcd to correct a vitiated Blood. CALAM IN THA humilior solio rotundiore Sy n. Hi . IU, R. H. Hedera terrestri8, Ger. terresia

d his Plant abo in is in a pungent nitrous Salt it is liheresere Tetersve and L iureti , and may with succeis lbe administereti in Decoctions ruith Water, infused in ine or Mali Liquors, and is infused in Ale, whicli is frequently done, it not only hel ps to fine it but correctsirs Fogginesis and enriches it with iis salutary Qualities. By iis detersive Virrue it opens ali foris of Obstructions, land as a diuretic it mahes no bad Ingredient in Compositioris for the Dro F. It is far a better pectoral than the liregoing sultable to ali Constitutions f0r it is cooling las wellassiopening, but it should not be used in thel Forna of a Styrup being on account of iis Sali api to ferment and grow Sour. The best inay theresore is either to linake a very strong Infusion os it and si eeten it mode- lmaely with SAgar, or else to keep the Extrae of it twhich may be taken dis ived in any convenient pectorat

it much better deserves many Encomta whicli ScProderand others adorn less significant Planis ruith. since the l


CaitDa patre seris. vid. Populago. CAMPANULA vulgatior foliis urticae vel major et asperior Syn. 276. C. B. Pin. Trachel iunimajus Gm majus flore purpureo PAM. Grecti

CAΜPANULA pratensis flore conglomerato 6 9 n. 277. C. B. Pin. Trachelium minus Par . Ser. Em. Litne Chroataeon or Canici bury Belis.

They are Vulneraries and commended in Gargarismiser a iure Thmat.


CARDUUS palustris. Sssu. I9ψ. C. B. Pin. Para. Marsy I bisse. Common in marsa v

CARD Uus lanceatus major, an Carduus Ianceolatus ferocior S' I93. I. B, CDe greater


A Secocision of any of the Thistis; is Deter sive and w stic, and theresere of Service in ali 1bris of Obstruc

the former.


CARYOPHYLLATA SI H. 283. Ger. Vulgaris ,


Caryopsyllus minimus Gres ses. vid. Alsinella. Caryophyllus praten is laciniato fore simplici Vld. Lychis plumaria.

CASTANEA SI AE. ψψo. Ger. Vulgaris Par . 1ylvestris quae peculiariter Castanea C. B Pin. The Chesnut Tree. Cl. II. G. I. I. flo era in inpril. This is the wild se commonly called the Hor ῆ


nil a y Dueis and consequently cures a La dice thcncearoseia but alio promotes Evacuati hich mahes iis AXtrari Very proper in compossitizias of purgin et Iim in stiori it is an admirabie Alterative, as Nellas Diis eustive and as iuch is frequently uscd in Pomcntations.

N TAURIUΜ luteum per liatum Syn. 28 . C. E. I tu. minuS luteum persoliatum non ramos in Patre. parvum luteum Lobelii Ser. Teries C Dior ' Cl. I Gen. XVIII 1. flo ers in