장음표시 사용
CHAMAE MELUM odoratissimum repens flore simplici Sy a. 18s. L. B. Romanum. Ser. staret sented creeping omile. I his is cultivated in
Chebdoria S. Chelidonium majus. vid. Papaver corniculatum luteum. CHELIDONIUΜ minus Sy n. 2 s. Ser. Parh. lChelidonia rotundisolia minor. C. B. Pin. Pil mori or me Asser Celandine. Cl. I. Gen. XV. flo-
Normanton. of thisHem, Leaves, Flowers and Roots are used. It is a moderate Bitter, a good alterative and siue iner of the Blood, and mahes a proper Ingredient hia audie octi-ions where Goser is predominant, and where the Vij cera are obstructed. The Syrup to be met with in the
rhi s. sylvestris seminibus laevibus. C. B Pin.
Success, but thin hectical Constitutions where it is apt to increa se the Motion and Pteat of the PDidb, acid
the volatile paris of this Plant too much confined. COLCHI CUM Commune. Sy n. 2 3. C. B. Pin.
Anglicum purpureum et Anglicum album, Parst. Mea foetv d Oron. Cl. I. Gen. XXVI. flo ers in vember Without Leaves, Whence Gardiners cali them Nahed Bys. In Nottivbam Mado S.
CONVOLVULUS arVens S minimus. Θn. 276. Convolvulus angustissimo folio nostraS Cum au
River sides, and watry Ditches and Places 'l Where Water has stood during minter, as by thel Leo fide, istoni the Engine Horesie to Lenton plentifully, about Dr. Petu's Misi sti Radpor , in
G ledon apreati a. Vid. Hydrocotyle. onocrant e. Vid. Mercurialis
Crepitus Lupi. Vid. Fungus Pulverulentu iosa galli. ud. Pedicularis, fCRocus Vernalis Coeruleus. The blue Sprintll2ocus. Cl. I. Gen. XXVI. floriers in Mares. 'No mention is made of this in ine Synops is. Isound it in Company Qth Mr. Tutin, a litile ab ove Fo lane in the OG feld, it grows alse in 'Notti Dam Mea foetos in severat Places on the right Idand side op the Road going to the Mu's Mea lotas. It seemed to me at frit that probablvs e RO0is might have been carried to that Place
DAUC Us sativus radice lutea et alba δ' n. 2I8. P. R. H. Pastinaca salix a tenuit lia. Ger. tenuissilia sativa lutea Parh. Nemis and white Cam
AN. DAUCus sativus radice atrorubente. Sy u. Viae. In p. R. Herb. Ρastinacasativa atrorUbens. Ger. Em. Red rooted Carra. BOth these are Cultivaled for the Mariat. DAUcus vulgaris S rn. Uid. Clus. Pastinacas vestris tenuibolia Gm Daucus officinarum C.