장음표시 사용
LIGUSTRUΜ. Syn. ψ63. I. B. Ger. Vulgare
Em pratente flosculis exiguis. C. f. Pin. Chamaelinam Clusii flore albo, sive Linum sylvestre Catharticum. Parh. Purgiet or Nild D ars Flax,
pus salictarius Geri Hopi the Male and Femal Cl. I. Gen. V. z. They flori ex in Jub and Augne and are ripe in September, here and there in Hedges. They are cultivated in diVerse paris in this Coanty especiady in ine Aorth Clay.
patred their Constitution by hard drinking, has
It is an intenso Bitter inhich bespeahs it a good Strengthner of a weah Stomach, it is endo ed. with alI 'the Properties of a Balsamic, and theresere is a po exsuland capable of opening Obstructions of any hind, it is a promoter of the Menses, ibine pratse it very much as a Pectorat in Cougos and SBormes of Bream, but here it is necessary to observe the fame Caution givenunder Hecam ne, viz, That it ought onlyto M administredio gross phlegmatic People, and not to thinand lean pIethoric Per1bns, where it would caute too great a Rarefaction of the Pisit, and irritate ratherthan allay a Cougθ. The Herb po dered, as a Bittex is
MEL I LOTUS Vulgaris. Du. 33I. Parh. Gemmanica. Ger. Trifolium odoratum, sive Melilotus vulgaris flore luteo. I. B. Commou
of the Farmers. The Smeli Ofthis Plant dis oversiis volatile pungent Paris, it is an ornerand dis ussive, and may be madean Ingredient in infustions and Decoritions of that Intenti- . But iis Character as suci, is best establimed by the well known good Essedis in Outinard Applications of the Plaister made of it. It is lihexvise a good Ingredient in Poultices designed to ripen and digest.
MENIANTHSs palustre triphyllon latifolium et angustifolium. Sy n. 28s. Inst. R. H. I rii O-lium