Catalogus stirpium &c., or, A catalogue of plants naturally growing and commonly cultivated in divers parts of England, more especially about Nottingham ...

발행: 1738년

분량: 319페이지


분류: 미분류



Nymphaea alba minima. vid. Stratiotes foliis asari.


pis . ORCHIS obscure purpurea odorata. Inst. R. HCynosorchis militaris purpurea odor3ta.

ORCHrs purpurea spica congesta pyramidali. J9 v. ibid. An Cynolorchis militaris montana spIca rubente Conglomerata. Parh. Pinple late so-πering Orchis. Flo ers in Junc. ORCHIS mvodes galea et alis herbidis. ΟΠ.a 9. I. B. Muscae corpus referens minor Velgalea et alis herbidis. C. B. Piv. mytae minor. Parh. Ne conum onjb OrchiS. .


bus. Syn. ibid. I. B. sphegodes seu Fucum referens. The nmonmmbis Bee Orchis. t o Were observed by Dr. Merio about AD Grounds in Junc. ORCH1s palmata pratensis latifolia longis calcaribus. Θn. 38o. C. B. Pin. palmata majormas. sive palma Christi mas. Palma Christi mas. Scr. palmata non maculata. I. B. The male fande torchis. Common in severat Clofesabout Scortum&C. ORCHIs palmata speciosiore thyrsb folio maculato. Θα 38 I. I. B. palmata foemina seu palma Christi scemina soliis maculatis Ρar . palma Christi flamina. Ger. TDe feniale fande Orchis orsinale Sabrion RIal. Common in ali marshy

ORCHIs palmata rubella cum longis Calcaribus rubellis. Sun. ibid. I. B serapias minor nitente flore. Ger. Em. Orchis palmata minor flo- Te rubro. Ρari . Res fanaed Orchis Sim long


t Oxyacantlia. vid. IIespilus Apii solio sutres. tris spinosa.


Panis . Vid. Gramen paniceum. ΡΑpAvER Iaciniato λlio capitulo breviore glabro annuum Rhoeas dictum. Sy n. 3o8. Papaver rhoeas. Gen erraticum rhoeas uve sylvestre. Parh


ΡAPAvKR laciniato selio capitulo hispido longiore. D'v. ibid. Argemone capitulo Iongiore C. B. Ger. Eata. Long roure Marid basiates Pop-pies. Among the Corn and frequently on the Banks of Incloiures. ΡAP. TR corniculaturix luteum, Chelidoni dictum 3 oo. Chelidonium majus. Ger. majus vulgare Par . The greater Celandine. Thisgro S the fide os a Ditch in the Close on the



t red by theriursis and evaporared to a Consistence and

that is the Opium inhicli is brought to his, the urhs useat verr much and upon them it has a quite contrary Ff ieci, at exhilarates them and gives a stimuIus to Copislati-ψn a greater quantity mahes them fierce alid serious, and in stiori has ali the citeris that Wine has upon other

All our Foppies ei ther culti valed in Gardens, Dr gmining Hild, are os a mi lder Nature nd bestiuited ser our Constitutions, the Leaves of the Reddryed, are a veryluitable Ingredient in pectorat Decocti-

Ingredient in ut ions in Inflammations of the M os and other nephritic Di Mers, The greater Celandine is Deter e and Diuretio, iis


Mhenco they are in i me hs iure provocativesto venery. Pasinaca tenuiOLa. Vid. Daucus vulgaris. Pecten Veneris. Vid. Scandix. ΡΕnicvLARIs seu Crista galli lute . Θ n. 28 . 'a M. Crista galli. Gyr. Zellois ratile or Cox Omb. in most Pastures. PEDICULARIS pratensis rubra vulgaris. Pan . lat Cnias purpurea. ' n. ibi in Q B. Pin. ridiacularis. ωr. Red RGIO. . This gro S in most molit and marthy Places as in Scottum and severat Inclosures therςabout. PEDICULAR Is palustris rubra elatior. Syn. Lbid. Pedicularis. Ser. Pediculariae campestris prior species Ti . Great mars Reae ratio se Corostro; t. in a Close beyond Scottum, in a moist


PENTA PHYLLOIDES palustre rubrum. ΘΠ

236. I. R. H. pentaphyllum rubrum palustre. Ger. Quinque folium palustro rubrum C. B. Pin. Purpis mars Cinquefoli. Cl. I, Gen. XV. FIo-

Parh. Quinque solium majus. Ger. majus repens. C. B. I in. Common Cinquefoli orsi e leave Gras. Cl. I. Gen. XV. Flo vera in Mast illi Jub

PENTA PHYLLuΜ erectum foliis profunde sectis