Catalogus stirpium &c., or, A catalogue of plants naturally growing and commonly cultivated in divers parts of England, more especially about Nottingham ...

발행: 1738년

분량: 319페이지


분류: 미분류


tis, subtus argenteis flore luteo. Sy n. ass. L B. t rectum minus. Parh. Quinquefolium tormentillaei facie. Ser. Cormentit Cinquefoli. Cl. I. Gen.

l PENTAPTEROPHYLLON aquaticum, flosculisi ad foliorum nodos. S . 316. Cat. Gis. Millel solium aquaticumminus. Para. Myrtophyllon aquaticum minus. Ser. Cl. I. Gen. XXII. Flo- vers in Due in the aerent belo Colauich on theopposite side of the River. 'plus. vid. Tithymalus. PERCEPIER Anglorum. SFu. Is9. Lob. Gcr. l Em. Polygonum Selinoides. Parh. Chaerephyl-l lo non nihil similis. C. B. Pin. ΡursisFV t. l Cl. I. Gen. V. a. Flo ers stoin the lalter Endi of - to the End of June. Very common notonly among the Corn, but in most barren Places,as in Rad D, d Lings to ards Natietham &tal It has a great Character ab a strong Diuretic an i Breaher of the Stom, but that will bear sdine Abatet ment.

l Perforata. vid. Hypericum

l Peric meum. vid. Caprifolium. PERSICARI A vulgaris acris seu Hydropiper Si V. I B. Vulgaris acris seu minor. PGrst.


PETASITEs major, floribus pediculis Iongis insidentibus. Θn. ibid. This gro s plentifullyin the Yard of rhe Mill at Lenton in the Road toreoollaton Hau. The Staik of the Flo ers is semetimes above t o Feet long, the Flo ers 'are less and paler than inose of tbe preceedirigand not so thich placed together, but there is hardly any Disseretice in the Leaves. They bothbelong to Cl. Ι. Gen. VII. Their FlorierS U-pear in Marct be re the Leaves,and go Offs me- times besore April.


ΡΙΜP1NELLA saxifraga minor soliis sangui- sorbae, saxifraga hircina minor sol iis sanguis orbae Θη. ibid. I. B. pimpinella saxifraga infor nostras. Par . I De leser round Daved Burnet GSaxi-frage. Both belong to CL I. Gen. XI. s. FIO-


that the Inelch mahe a Syrup of it Rhicli purges them P1Nus sylvestris foliis brevibus glaucis conis

parvis albentibus. Da. et The Gardiners callthis falsely the Scota, star Cl. ΙΙ. Gen. I. a. This Tree is mightily come in Fas hion ot late a-mong the Gentiemen who plant it about i ir E- states. My Lord J Iirere ton, Sir Robert Cliston,


quinquenervia major. Parh. major angustifolia C. B. Ο Riboeori or Rib ori plantain. In ali Fields and PastureS. PLANTAso foliis laciniatis Coronopus dicta. SI M. 3Is. Coronopus vulgaris sive Cornu cervi

Mn. Observes that this hind is called by the Ρeopte Star of the Earth, and used With successe against the Bite os a Mad Dog. It gro splentis ully on both sides of the path Way lead-ing frona Notting Dan through the park to Lenou

bread and Riba ori and therefore very beneficiat in ob- fructions of the Lunsis, and likewile in immoderate Fluxta of any hinii, The Juice of the Rib ori is an eX-cellent Diuretic and promotes a plentiful Dis charge of Urine without occasioning any troublesi,me Heat.

PLANTAGo aquatica latifolia. Syn . 23 C. B. Pin. aquatica major. Ger. EM. Parh. Great Mater


D by the Trent fide a litile on this side C fiou Hill coming froni Notti Bam. Podagraria. vid. Angelica sylvestris.

Parῆ. latifolium. C. B Pin. poligonatum Vulgo figillum Salomonis I B. Salomons Se f. Cl. l. Gen. XVI This Plant is only met Willi in Gardens, it flo vers in My.