장음표시 사용
l other Sex is rather more liable than Ours.
They are no momentaneous Wanderer'
allows us Time enough for Examination, and is seme withdraw besore We have taken Notice of them : They are 1ure to mahetheir Appearance again in due Seasion, and that in their best Attire, and in the fame xlace, uniessi sorced away by the violent Haiads of the Husbandinan.
In g ineatures With Materials sor Shelterrosiae, and P sic , and us in particularior many mechanicat Uses, tending to our Profit and Pleassere. The lowest Rank of Vegetabus thegus can in sonte Measiare testi0 what Iliave just no assi ed. The commonM heroon, the Morei, Trine and aboVe1Wenty other different Soris are fit sorvood, and serve to heighten the Flavour in Our Sauces. The soreigia Agaric or
the Verdant Carpeis hepasses over, and the
Entertainnient, and the more it is cultiva
too Osten turn to the Detriment of theirown Character or that of others of their Sex.
Even Tradesinen wouldfind their Account in spending Ρart oi that Time theyset aside sor their Relaxation, in Conversation with. the Vegetabis Tribes. They mostly take their Wallas in Company of Men of Varioust Taste, excepi that one Whicli they everbiam e in Coachinen) of batting too osten
are dissiculi to come at, expensi Ve, and require a great Apparatus os Instruments;
. The Great Author os Nature has provided ait Cotin tries With Eood and Physichbest suiling the Simate and Constitutions