장음표시 사용
of the Inhabitants. And is at this Time
alienate their Constitutions, and therei se live upon the natural Ρroduce of their na
Mater Germander, Salomon's Seat, AugesI-ca, and others. Ι have likewise mentioned
whicli sor Brevity's fake have been madeuse of in the folloNing Tract. The curious will not only find the Grasses and Russes, but ali the different Soris of Fungus's and Mossies, whicli I have observed in my bota a
m. l. Adami Buddie, Hortus Siccus. C. B. Pin. Caspari Bauhini Pinax. t. Gis. Iohannis Iacobi Dillenii Catalogus
Plantarum circa Gisiam nascentium. Q. Classis. Clus. Caroli Clussit Rariorum Ρlantarum Historia. Comel. Cat. PL H I. Johannis Cometini Catalo. gus Ρlantarum Indignarum Hollandiae
Ger. Johannis Gerardi Historia Ρlantarum. Ger. Em. Thomae Johnson Gerardus Emaculatus. H. Oxon. Historia Oxoniensis. Ist. H. Iosephi Pilton Τournesortii Institutiones Rei Herbariae. P. B. Johannis Bauhini Historia Plantarum universaliS.
y. R. His. Iohannis Raji Historia Plantarum. Lob. D. Mathiae Lobelii Icones Plantarum.
Abreviated NAΜES explaine . Lob. adver . Observationes et Adversaria ejusdem. Matth. Ρetri Andreae Mathioli Comentarii in Libros vi Dioscoridis de Materia Medica. etB. Em. Methodus Ρlantarum Emendata Raji ere. Pin. Christophori Alerret Pinax rerum naturalium b ritannicarum. Park. Ioannis Ρarkinsoni Theatrum Boianicum. Pet. Con. Gr. Iacobi Ρetiveri Concordia Gramiu l
Pet. H. Br. Husdem Herbarium Britanicum. m. Br. Ρhytologia Britannica. Pluch. Λει. Leonardi Ρluckneti Almagestum
Riv. Augusti Quirini Rivini ordines Plant
Nottingissim. It s Bitterness denotes it a Stomachic and destroyer of Wornis. wheiace the Druggisis most commonly seli the Seed of 1t instead of the true Semen Santonicum. It is like 12 a Deterisive abo, niling in an hot pungent Sali dithis Sali is siometimes given in recent Agues with Success, corrected by the Addition of solve Ivice of Lemon. But as this Hem is very hol, and a great Dryer, and on that Account has been observed to assest theFyes ople of a dry Habit os Body, si, as to occasion Dimnessos Sight; it is not in se great Esleem assermerly, especialty since there are Bitters far more grate-sul to the Pallate and Stomach, as weli as more temperate. HOWever, in cephalic and stomachic distilled Wa-rers 1l mahes a very good Ingredient, none but iis finer Paris rising in Distillation. It has also it's Ilerit in Fomentati0ns, here it's detersive Sali is of great Service