장음표시 사용
Ad ulla. vid. OxyS alba. Alliaria. vid. Hesperis allium redolens. ALLIUM Sylvestre Parh. Ger. Em. SFH. 396. Sylvestre tenuisolium. Lob. L. Crota Garlich. GroWs plentifulty in Larh-dale, and ali along the
lhence to ards Rad orae Lings, and in too ma Places besides.
Common Alder G. II. G. I. a. Blostam sin April, I have observed many young ones in BusIordScortum, They gro also in severat other Marshy Grounds about Bassord, about Nuttat 3 miles frona Nottingliam, about Annes ly and in many paris of this County, they delight in moist
The green Leaves bruised and applied are useful in Inflammatory Tumours. The Barit is used by blaci Dyers, and will on occasion supply the want of Galis serInh. The Wood lasis under P ater longer than any other, and will bear a most incredibie 'Veight, inheiace itis excellent ser Piles. These Trees are alse very muchiised in this Country ser Hol, Poles, and the Wood
A me Saxifraga. vid. Saxifraga anglica litiae
3 si, saginae Spergula Ger. Em. Saginae Spergula major
vid. Fungus ara dulcis vid. Golanum lignosum. vid. Nasturtium Supi- ANAGALLIs flore phaeniceo C. B. pis. Par
: ana, and here and there in Garden GroundsI have found a pretiy deal of it in Bite Moore ibid. flore luteo
reckOned among the Vulneraries, some will have
The card n Angelica is stagrant arcina ich and