장음표시 사용
I could observe an almost strict con SiStency in the arrangement of thesenesis. 95 per cent of them turned their backs to the sun in iis strongest irradiation Period, that is, when they should have received the rays of the sun Dom
icant role in it. In the courge of Auch Se archings, One Sees it Ostentu that the hen collecis
convincingly their stimulating and ceremonial Character. Searehing for the sile of the nest. - The Observation and the recogniZa
i For the salie os clarity, the numbering os the patrs refers to the serial numbersos the nesis as tagged in the course Os Our studies.
In this connection, NICE II 6J writes Os the song-sParrow us sollows: nΤhat the male osten has influence in this choice seems probatile to me froin the history os the nest sites os anumber os males that had disserent mates euch yeara.
iliat the nest lios Diis uallyK in a deprcssiori made by the biriis. Hoth authors