Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 489페이지


분류: 미분류


The faci thut it was the hen of the Ρair that first went into the hollo vOn their re turn to it might have been whOlly accidental toO. The hollow Masal ready made, there might atre ady have been enucled similar ceremonios init made more probabie by their residelice there at the time of my arrivalinand the pair had Guly continuod iis acti ity suspended at my retur . This is supported by their quick return, und the resuming of their work after tho 16 minutes intervat. Is the picture be completed by the observations discussediti connection with the choice of the ueSting Site, in Whicli, by mere chance, the fame male appeared Mith a disserent limping) female a year lator, then the

vith the cloaring Out of the site and the Plucking oss of the fit si bit os plant,

I stili tried to complete, and to reconstruct by certain experimentS, itS Whi leproceSS. I made these eXI'criments with the empty Shelles Os a smali silail Species, Zebrina detrita.


another Pluce.


eggS, docS not me an in my Opinion that this activity is independent of thebuit ling of the nest, but Only that the single phases in the present case thecare for the hollo si do not terminate disjoin te div and automatical ly but si ide