Historia Et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae, Part 3

발행: 1863년

분량: 572페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류







cultural laboum pors med by the different tenanis during one year, Which, for this purposo, is divided into tWo unoquia portions, the fidit beginning on Μichaiam



washed his hanci λΙn tho manor of Haripury a very curious rent Wasreaeoed. Walter Fremoti held there sis acres of land With a messuage, and rendered annuassy on the sinat ofSS. riter and rivi one ineep of tho value of tmelve peuce or more, With tWelve pence tied round ita nech.'The tenanis of tho minora belonging to St. riter' may bo thus enumeratω :-1. Liberi tenentes. 2. Consuetudinarii. 3. Lundinarii. 4. Tenentes Honilond. 5. Ferendedi. 6. Tenentes Ρenilond advitam et ad voluntatem domini. 7. Med . 8. Cosandarii, cotarii, coleressi. s. Tenentes Fortonde.

I. Liberi tenentes aro De oldera, inoso Who hold by

a Deo servico as Opposed to a base or uncertain service.

2. Consuetudinarii are customary tenanis, or th uwho hold lanci according to certain customS. 3. Lundinarii aro inose tenandi Who persorm certain Services on the Montay, and ars so named seom the

t Me Gartere Nos. 769. 770, 771, and 826. et Vol. iii. p. 77. Vol. iii. P. 44.


lands in Bam ood, tho demised premisea are thus d scribed :- Τres acina terras arrabilis do dominieali manerii eorum barion Wotton, vocatas Wante uriore, jacentes in campo Vocato Chammelfild, et unam acram prati do dominicalibus praedictis jacentem in Drimede, cum dimidia stera terras jacente in Podmors id, qua- tuor mesuagia, tres sarendestia terrae, duo orona, cum duabus tundinariis terrae, vocata Mundias land de custumariis terris manerii praedicti; quas tres Moa terrae, et caetera praemissa dictus Johannes Robertes tho lesseo) nuper habuit et tenuit per copiam curiae,' secundum consuetudinem manerii praedicti. I havo extracted this at len h, noι onj becauso it stili furtherillustrates the meaning of tundinar or Mon Us Iared, but belum it inoWs that tho lundinare mero part of the customary land of the matior and uot of tho demeane,

a certain quantity os honey yearly sex their holdius. 5. Fere elli are the holdera os a sardes of land. Spelman says, upon the authoriw os an old ΜS., that a sardet os land is ins quarter os a virgate. Ten acres os land mine a sardet, and Dur sardela maho a virgate, aud ur Virgates mine a hide, and Dur hides mahe one icth s see. Or the sardet may bo os lauris pari os anaoro; but this it is apprehended mines the quantity toosmali, sor in tho Domesday Suoey of Somersetinire We find this retum Huic manerio pertinent consuetudines laus de feresngel xxx. den, Me., and it is obvious thata quarter os an acre Would nevor havo yiel ded so large aretum m intro pencs. Non in his Compleat LaWyer


concertis ono minor, stat of Frocestor; there ino virgatoeontians 48 acres, and the sardes 12 acres. tho virgate Varies, so does the fardet also.

6. Τenontes rinilo ad vitam et ad voluntatem domini. Theae aro most probably tenandi Who pay thelarent in money. The term is used as lato M ins riam os queen Eligaboth. In a chaneery fuit Mought by William Hamond and othera, copyhoidera os the minor os Memborno in Yortalitro, againsι William Hungato, lord of themanor, lar reliei against excessivo fines upon desiths andalienations, and to est list ancient minorial custom, itis Maled that pars of the minor had beon hom time immemorial called Pennyland and ΟΜ gland.




Vices ; Whereas the coleressus Mema to have held in more Villenam, and his person, imue, and goods more dia sabio sit the N auro os sto lord. Me Halo, Register of Worcester Priory, p. xlvi., respecting this distinction, and also p. lvii, Where are mentioned cotarii belonging

os a manor Would Mem in bear sis fame relation to inchother as the boscus forinisecua and bos in intrinae A.

Register of Worcester Priory, p. viri. I 0. Mermania, or inermen, are mentioned in the Gloueester cistula ; but there is no means os ascertaining

the quality of their tenure. They occur alm in the St. Ρ-rs Domρωψ and Worcester Priory Register, and the leamod editor os thoso volumes sesima to thiis thatthey are oti the fame levet M to service With the colarii. Wright in his movinciat Dictionary sva that an ine man is a h bandinan, but this definition is sar Mo

Α se. Wotas here With regard to tho me ures os landinade use os in tho Gloucester cartulary Will not be out of place. I am nos Ding to define, or to attemps indefine, in an elaborate manner the extent of ths hide, thecarucate, ine Virgate, tho quarentena, or auch lae, sor thesimple remon that they are not fixed me urea. They Vurynot onj Dom one county to another, but also in the fame couno; aud, momoveri inu frequently vary in different





ita he had himself provideri and the tabula desuper' altare,' 'he reredos) with the images Whicli ho had

Tlis solioming doemnent relativo to the placing os chimes