Historia Et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae, Part 3

발행: 1863년

분량: 572페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


interesting as conoeming the privileges of an omer of the monastery eassed ino ' sedeant monk collector of thormis.' The solioWing is a copy:- Uaesta amisarum apud Glauc triam coram Johanne Hullo M Henrieo Broune, justiciariis domini regis, ad sima in comitatu Glou striae, una eum Hugone Hula, hac vim capiendas Maignatis dio Vsneris proxi- - γα clausum Ρaachae, anno regni regis Henries' quarti post Conquestum secundo, praesentia praedicti' Hugonis non inspectata virtute brevis domini regis,

quod si non om S, eto. Assisa venit recognitura si Walterus Abbaa monas-

torii Mati Petri Glouo trim et Bator Willelmus Beth oh Dater Willelmus Umons, commonachi ejus- dem abbatis, et Thomas Warde do ino esses injusto, Me. disseisivsmint Willielmum do Estenore de libero' tenemento suo in Oloucestro post primam, ein Κι unde Moritur quod disseisiverunt eum do incio sedanti monachi collectoris redditus religiosorum virorum abbatia et conventus monasterii Sancti Petri Glauc trim, in villa Glaucestriae, percipiend' in praedicto monasterio do dictis religiosis et successori- bus suis singulis innis in omnibus et singulis, prout sedanti in dioto ossicio solebant percipere ab antiquo ; videliosi, singulis diebus per annum duos panea V t sy red, duo serrula ooquinto Vocata Spend


blem nos, unam lagonam cervisim vocatam Sedantiae, ot quolibet die Sabbati annuatim unum panem V - tum Holyere, et unam me uram melioris cervisiss oonventualis continentem tres potessas cervisiae, unam

' cameram de ossicio praedicto in monasterio praedicto et viginti solidos per annum. Et ultra hoc singulis di us unum parvum panem Vocatum DonWhys, et unam lagenam cervisim conventualis de pistrino et Maceria religiosorum praedictorum in Villa praedicta,' cum pertinentiis, etc. Et praedictus abbas et alii non veniunt, sed quidam A Johannes atte Donno respondet pro eis tanquin eorum ballivus. Et super hoc veniunt burgenses' villas Gloue triae per Willelmum Bridelope attoma-

tum suum ad omnes libertates suas calumniandas,' prosequendas, et defendendas, et petunt indo curiam suam. Et quia hujusmodi libertas praelatis burgen- sibus alias, scilicet dio Lunae proximo post festum Sancti Mathiae Apostoli, anno regni domini regia' nunc Angliae primo, coram praefatis justiciariis hio ' allocata suis, uι patet in quadam assisa novae dissei- sinae quam Henricus abbas de Heybs arminavit' versus Johannem Bannebury et Ricardum Baret de tonomentis in Glou sfre. Quaesitum est a partibus' praedictis si quid dicere solant quare praedicti buse genses libertatem suam in assisa ista habere non debeant, qui dicunt quod non Ιdeo consideratum ' est quod iidem burgenses habeant libertatem suam in assisa ista. Et super hoc praedictus attornatus praedictorum burgensium praefixit diem partibus prae- dictis coram ballivis villas praedictae Glou striae, apud Glouo triam, in is Gildehallo ejusdem villae, dis Luns proximo post festum Sanctae Trinitatis proximo futu- rum. Et dictum est eidem attomato quod partibus

praedictis plena et celeris justitia inde exhibeatur,

nlioquin redeant, etes'

i Rial de Iuratis et Assisis, Glou ster, I Henry IV., m. 2, d.



riere noW remain sor consideration many chartara a documenta in the Glou sfer cartulary, illustrative, more

. Agricultura, and management of minora. 2. Tenures, renis, and ferri s.

3. Divino service, and mattora connected theremith. 4. Bolla. 5. Willa.

6. Architecture.

m terru rio oonstitutions and regulationa containin intho Glauceator cartulary Wita regard is ae management of thela minora aro remata te sor the minute M With



No money belonging to the commune mas in be palannyWhere elao but at the extaeque' and this in the


homo properly, and received by some trustWortiis person, Who inould sussie a talty against the reeves sor inch


me cellarer and subwellarer mero to inquiro diligentlyis the forester and the hodgera in Wiviarume conducted theminives satu utly in their mois, and the sor fer masto be frequently examined by the sub-cellarer, hecause itwas alleged that both he and the hedgera committod fraudu, as Woli concerning the thor in their Work. The carters of Wivelrumo Were also to be frequently examined concerning these inings by the in cellarer, Mweli is personat inspection m by inquisition, and tho



And the hoeper os ino grange that oery monili, at theleaas, and ostenor is possiste, they should account sortheir receipis and expenses besore the balliss of thomanor, and commit them to writium that tho cellarer ah his coming might be certissed thereos


theso artioles to bo recited opsesy bosors him and his

companion the rever ; and he Was to observo to tho b tof his pomer, With diligence and care, on in of restitution, tho precepta oontained therein, unlega excusod is

somo manifest or urgent or remonablo cauas, to M inom soro his superior mhen required.

reos, bedes, Or other superior mero to servo undor inem,



Sali and flour mare to ho distributed in tho servandi in proper quantities, and also to the dato oman, Whoahould bo amom to hosp it insoly, and to distributo is

No money, or mything elae besoning to the minor,to M doliverod to any one but tho sis aes, or in boreceived by any other person, he having the entire charge of tho receipta and expense&Also oveo sortiarat, at tho linat, the steWard was toinquire of the diary man conceming the soWis, eres, and chichens, and the gemo and ducis under her care. Tho sto es in ali his account in have duo regard to