Historia Et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae, Part 3

발행: 1863년

분량: 572페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



' dictos Abbatem et conventum et succosa ea n se ' omnes et singulos, integram, inViolatam, sincerism,' perpetuamque fidem, observantiam, et obedientiam' semper praestaturos erga dominum regem nostrum ' Henricum Octavum, et erga Annam reginam uxorem

ejusdem, ει erga sobolem ejus ex sadem Anna legi- time tam progenitam quam progenerandam, ex quod haec eadem populo notificabimus, praedicabimus, et ' sua bimus ubicumqus dabitur locus et occasio.

Item quod confirmatum ratumquo habemus sem' perque et perpetuo habituri sumus, quod praedictus

rex noster Henricus est caput Ecclesias Anglicanas.' Item quod episcopus Romanus, qui in suis bullis A ripae nomen usurpat, et Summi Pontificis prino,' patum sibi arrogat, non habet majorem aliquam jurisdictionem a Doo sibi collatam in hoc regno Anglim quam quivis alius externus vise uS. Item quod nullus nostrum, in ulla sacra concione' privatim via publice habenda, eundem episcopum Romanum appellabit nomine Papae aut Summi Pontificis. sed nomino episcopi Romani Vel Ecclesim Romanae, et quod nullus nostrum orabit pro eo tan- quam ripa sed tanquam episcopo Romano. Item quod soli dicto domino regi et successoribus , suis adhaerebimus, et ejus leges ac decreta minutene- bimus, episcopi Romani legibus, decretis, et canonibus qui contra legem divinam et Sacram Scripturam, aut contra jura hujus regni osso invenientur imperpetuum

Item quod nudus nostram omnium, in ulla vel ' privata ves publica concione, quicquam ex sacris scripturis desumptum ad alienum sensum detorquere' praesumat, sed quisque Christum, ejusque verba et sacta, simpliciter, aperte, sincere, et ad normam seu regulam Sacrarum Scripturarum et vere catholicorum' atque orthodoxorum doctorum praedic it catholim et orthodoxe. Diqilir o by OOQ le


lii INTRODUCTION. Item quod unusquisque nostrum in suis orationibus et comprecationibus de more faciendis, primum omnium regem, tanquam supremum caput Mesesiae glicanae, Deo et populi procibus commendabit, ' deinde reginam Annam cum sua sobole, tum demum M archiopiscopos Cantuariensem et Eboracensem, cum stori cleri ordinibus, prout videbitur. Item quod omnes et singuli nos praedicti abbsis et ' conVentus et summa ea nostri conscientim et juris jurandi sacramento nosmet firmiter obligamus, quod omnia et singula praedicta fideliter imper tuum observabimus.' In cujus rei testimonium huic scripto nostro com- mune sigillum nostrum appendimus, et nostra nomina' propria quisque manu subscripsimus. Data in domo nostra capitulari, ultimo die mensis ' Augusti, anno regni regis nostri praedicti Henrici Octavi vicesimo Sexto. Williesmus ΜώVerne a M. Dompnus Ricardus Mydmore. - Willielmus Mamenti Johannes Lee. Ricardus Newman. mehard FroWcetur. Do nus Willielmus Austen - Williolmus Ambrose. Domnus R. Durale Edmundus Wotton.

Philippus orior .





Walter Stant

William Augustem

Richard Anselme, hechinner

Thomaa Lee, professod and noo prist



fossionum mona rii praedicti per

Τhorum Partar clerici scaecarii ibidem

' per annum

1368- Nidhesia Ainolde militis senescalli om- nium possessionum dicti nuper mo- nastorii per annum

Annuitates et Cora odia. Johannis Anemorin assignati Ricardi Crommeu pro inmino triginta anno-

μ Thomae Sherle per annum

μ Johannis Machine per annum

μ Johannis Suadling per annum

4- Nicholai Cochea per annum

Johannia die per annum

- Johannis Reade et filii ejus per annum

6 8μ Roborti MidsWorthe per annum

00 thonii Huddelat ne Per annum

Thomso Hale per annum

thonii Mngeston militis per annum

6 134


Johannis Ferreys alias Clissord per

Gabrielis Moreton per annum - - 20 0 0 to tho itiner Iise of St. riter's, and ita everydvduties and occupations, We have but very flender materiais to deal With. The mle of St. Benedici, whisi me know Waa there sol lowed, is med known to scholam in ali iis dotalis, but it mas subjoci to additions or qualifications both generat and speciat; generat, RS When L--nc issued his celebrated statutos for the regulation ofBenedictine monasteries, Whicli, although nominalty and

speeiul, M When certain monasteries received Dom thopope or archiashop of the province injunctions sor inelaguidanm. In Lansranc's pres e to his statutea ho susinat ho has addod und changed a se things, and those principalty With regard to the celebration of certain sensis With grenter excellenco in the cathedral os Canter-bury, but he alloWs meat liberality in tho adoption ofany change, because of the dissiculw of ensuring a perfect


injunctions for the govemance of the monastery, in Whicli, aster stating that on visiting the monastery he sound certain ordinances laid domn Which the abbos and eon-vont besought him to confim, he says that mitti a sein additions and alterations Which he sam fit ho mahe, hemould adopi these ordinances as his oWn, and confirminem to the monaStery.

t Lanstanei opera, M. Giles, vol. ' Historia, Vol. i. P. 32.

L p. 85.




canis, as Weli in letters as in song,y and tho Other conditiona required under suta circumstances. The abbotatio, With the prior Rnd others, Was to inquiro diligently

concerning other conditions, namely, secular debis, bodilyinfirmities contagio incurabie, solemn Vows, desector mutilation os members, and other particulare. Noneos the Methren mere to mino use of tho Aecular pomer,either secretly or openly, in ordor to compei the receptionos any candidate, and any offender in this respect masto be gravely punished by the ab i.

Sscond*, that nvono revealing the secrets of thech tor ahould, on his fidit and second conviction, bepunished sit the mill os his superiora, and on his thies conviction be excluded Dom tho A ter While secretassaira mero Ming considered, and is an h linia offenderho mas to M oxcluded stom tho olivior sor ino remianderos his lila during the discussion of secreι Atalas. Nosedular servant of the monastery was to intermeddie Minthings relating to tho oli ter, or to obtain the perso mance of anyining by monks which should bo dono bytho chapter. Anyone convicted os a breach of this inlewas to bo removed hom his ossico, vitatever it might be. Also when ine assalas of the monastery mere trestted O both great and mali, the ruis of St. Benediet mas in this

respect to M observed. Thiriny, the common seia Was nover ω ho amed toany instrument except in ine chamis and in tho prosenco of the greater number es the brethran. Pensions andalloWancea mere uot to be granted excepi upon a very

manifest and urgent nec si to bo approved by thobishop, after a competent deliberation hold by thobrethron. The deeds and Writings concerning these thingsmere nos to be almed except in the presence of the whole

i The plian Mng of the ancient ehureh.



i See note in Hale's Register of

- I have ventured Mon in translating patefidarius. See Halela Register, p. HRVii.

the ring a service in Scotland a long cari metu ironed, mist laurhorses and three men ; again, n g deari, mi in three horsea and imo men, : mere lost in the retinue of Gubertae Clare While serving the ring ;and finalty, a eari vith three horaeland imo men vere Iost in the retinue



Fisthim ino abbois Wore not in have any separMe goodsor property against the custom of the monactery, and Whateor landa or other possessiona Were acquired by any bot wero on his deain or resignation in sali se his successor and thus Moomo a pars of tho common Moch. Stainin Whin the abbot visited his priories and cessalio mas nos fo have mitti his mors than ninefeen horam, and no prior Ma to giso money to him or any of his retinue. Τheas things concoming the common Mai and tho disposition os tho houm and retinue of the abbotmere to bo strictly observed under pala os excommuni-

is an honest servant sWorn to the sub-almoner and prior. d because one person Waa not sussicietis sor

tis, deinde diversarum mensarum s oum reverentia mundent; quae mimo cum per singulas mensa mundando levantur, una mee

hebdomadarii dicant Deo gratia' quas quotidie in unum, ut dixi- Diqilippo by