Historia Et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae, Part 3

발행: 1863년

분량: 572페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



No clamorous Volces mero to bo heard, or contentions, or

ranglings, but conversation sit dinner mas allomed in amoderate degrae, ench brother confining his falla to his immediate ne hMur. Offendera mero to bo proclai medon the morro in the chamor, and, When convicted bes este president, they to be deprived of their μ solatium.' Wheneor tho monis ato in tho resectory sor recreation, they Were to consume two portions at ita least in the

mus, vas collectas hebdomadarii uerario consignent reverenter servandas, de quibus in exitum hebdomadae suae patellae emum M tur. ' In this ease the stamenta



lis to ba obsorved under pian of the meater excommunication.

i Thosa alia seem to have been in tho light os aintia. Mo ante.



os their Work in tho Ohoir and in the cloister, rendered

sisad of hair-eloth. Vide Abino Chroniele Chron. and Mem. vol. ii. p. 405. omnia sua vestimenta vetusta pauperibus erogabit, nul- lumque exceptis semoralibus et ' staminibus) emerario resignabiti)'Uide also the Evestam Chroniele Chron. and Mem. , p. 238, hereve are tolla hom the brethren .ere

obliged in remain in the infirmarysor mant os Docks ana comis. Unde ad probandum verbum i tud, ut ego opinabar,' says theeliroesoler, capellanum abbatis v cavit ad se, et eo palpato invenit eum in sola staminea et cuculla, hiemis, ut era tempore. ' Vide also a traei, De Prosessione Mon D chorum, print ed in Martene, De Antiquis Melesiae Ritibus, vol. ii. p. 172. Citiei num vero vesti- mentum quod subtus ad carnem

gestat monachus, communi Ioe limo vocatur staminia, signat propria, earnis morti fleationem. Consuli viso D ange sub voce. In

Maring Mon Our sub ecl. Habebant nigros pannos, sed non utebantur

atamineis; pellietas habebant; aeebant super et uelat habebant

eoopertoria eat una.

sor the eelebrant s. ' Praeterea, P ter sancte, quum secundum ullis




ditionem nostrum non liceat nobis absque femoralibus missas cele- brare et multi ex nobis eodem eareant vestimento, ob desectum eorum multorum sacramentorum celebratio est omissa, quorum numerum propter multitudinem

ignoro. Proh pudor i Capellanus etiam abbatis, non ille quem modo probastis sed ille alius ex nomine illum designans quum esset ibi praesens quum mimam

eorum abbate celebrare deberet et femoralibus careret, Recommoda- vit ei abbas femoralia sua. quum missam eelebrasset restituenda. 'And in a former part of the fame

passage respecting the misgovem-ment of the monastery by abbot ger Norreys : Ita nos spoliavit aliquando camera quod per multa tempora multi fratres ob des tum

tulum sequi poterant, alii, quod peius erat, ob desectum cuculla- rum et femoralium nee divina


might not suffer, and the monks wero in bo caresul toum their clothes properly and nos to fear them. Is any os ine monks acceptod garmenta hom their frienda aspresenta, or provided them for themae es, they mereto mind that they malched in every respeci, in cut, Aluching, and colour, those furaiahed by the chamberlain. Τhis and the lare articio mere to bo scrupulo ly observedunder pala of the greater excommunication. Staseenthly, the hostillis mas to me to the gumla, and

principialy to the religious, that they Wem properbentertianed in tho hostilia . Thoso Methren Whoarrived early weris to be entertianed sit tho abbora tabisor the infirmary, but inose Who arrived late mere to botakon to the hostillary, and the hostillar Wius to glisinem proper attendance, inting and Minring with them is opportunio all-ed, ste under cellarer and the kitchenervisitim them to see that nothing was Wanting. d inorder that tho provisions desivered out sor the use of themesis Ahould not be masted or pillared by the attendanis, as had used to be dono, tho hostillar Was to havo the charge of the bread and beer, so that tho Gesta

Immediately aster this, ine account of tho communiomas to be rendored and audited in like manner. Andthen, according to the receipta, uti estimate mas to bemade of the expenditure ser the lassoWing year as Wellin the Elelieti as in the cellar sor the abbot and the obedientiaries. Asterwardου, t Lo kitchener, the ' magister



menderi Whilo tho ill- havod and negligent Were gravesypunishod, and deprived entireb of tho hopo os futuro

Eloisonthly, nono of the ossiesias of the monaestory, esther mitian or Withoui, more to encumber ineis ossices by sales of tithes or lands or granis of corrodies soriems or in perpetuity in any Way, uniem under Pres ire nocessity, and then mith tho knowlevs of the a Mand the consent of tho chaptor. Whos ver procured

in tho knowledge of tho abbot, and by the advice of the senior monks. The protiis of eaob euro alluding to thodisserent deparimonis of sacria, chamberlain, hostillariand othera, as exempli fied in ino register B. bosore ment This magister villar is most probably that ossicer of the monastery ho is designat in in later times the toWn monk,V stat is, I pre

sume, the monk Who vent a ut the tomu in pure se provision .



lla d δὶ, M Woli in money aes in homes and Mori and in Other things, mers, on tho Math or resignation a iis administratore, to remesu Wiιhout any diminution, n Was any one on dismimal hom his ossico is presumo to




nec alty or unavoidabis excuse for the fame, he was tobe punished is perpetuat deprivation, his rank oring

after a Particular examination, the prior and Othera Were removeti. The verses are as solio a :-



bas ire sede Sureum,

Et prioris juxta ipsum,

' Ego semper stari dorsum, Inter rascalilia.' Vinum venit sanguinatis,

' Ad prioris et abbatis, Nihil nobis pauperistis, Sod ad dives omnia. Abbas bibit ad prioris,

Dato vinum ad majoris, Post sit esse de minoris,

Si in habet gratia.

Non est bonum sic potare, Et conventus nihil dare, M Quia volunt nos cimare, Durum in capitulα

Surge cito recedamus, Hostes nostroa relinquarum,

' Et currino jam Precismus, Ibimus in claustriα Post completum redemus, Et currinum combibamuS, Atque simul conletam , In talia convivim Est no aliquid in currino, Immo certe plenum Vino, Ego tibi nunc potno, De bona concordiα- Dixit abbas ad prioris, Tu es homo boni moris, Quia semper sanioriS, Mihi das consilia. Diqilir o by OOQ le


Proptor potus plurima. Ρrior dixit ad abbatis, Ipsi habent vinum satiS, Vultis dare pauperistis μ Noster potus omnita. Quia nos spectat paupertatis,' Habst parum habet satis,

' Postquam venit non V RES, Ad nostra conririR. Si nutritum emet bene, Neo ad cibus neo ad mense, nimst pro marcis denΘ,

Nisi per priscaria. Η si tantum de hie potus,' Quod conventus bibiι tofus, Κι oogatus et ignotus, aegris cervisia. Abbas vomit et prioris, Vomis indit super floris,' Ego pauper steιi laris, non sum laetitia Rumor venit ad antistis,' Quod abbatis sorit istis, tum monstrat ad ministris, Quod feciι convivia.

Hoc est meum consulatis,

s Quod uisumquo deponatis, s Et prioris ot abbatis, Ad sua piloria.