Vitae excellentium imperatorum;

발행: 1844년

분량: 256페이지


분류: 미분류


os lia empire Was Alexander the Great monarch, and lio long didae reigii In hat year did Alexander die, and what was his ageat the time of his death How was the empire os Alexander disposed os astor his death Who a Perdiccas What par of the Macedonian empire et to tho tot os


Who was Antipater Who was Hephaestio Where a Cappadocia silualed tio a LeonatUSTO hicli of the successors of Alexander as Eumenes attachedWho a Ptolem Lagus, and in haloea dixi, o diti Whor is the HellespontWho was Neoptolemus B whom ere Neoptolemus and Craterus vereomeWhere and by whom a Perdiccas lain Who a Seleucus, and of hat countr di he mali '

himself hing

What par of the Macedonian empire Was allotted o AntigonUS Where a ancient Phrygia silualedWho as Olympias, and what was her character

What advice did Eumenes give to Olympias What objec had Eumenes in te in opposing Antigonus

Who ere eucestes and Antigenes What partis an ancient eam Was calle the rincipiamo ere the Paraetacae


. et


17 QUESTION S. How id Eumones come into the poweris Antigonus lWho a Lysimachus, and what was his endWhat was the endis Eumenes hero is acedonia How di tho generat of Alexander ac astor the deatho Eumenes Who a Cassander, and of what par of the empire os

Alexando didriis mali himself hing

Where is Cappadocia

What peculia ceremonie were observed by the Grecianarmies at the funerat of thos ossicer Who eresiain in arIn hat ea was Eumenes lain

Who a Demosthenes

By what id Demosthenes distinguisti himself as a states-

By hos influence a Demosthenes anished, and whe wasae recalled

What was the en os Demosthenes, and when id ithappen Who a Nicanor Who a Demetrius Phalereus Who a Polyperchon, and what was his endWhat was the end of hocion How di tho Greelis executo thei criminals



O What place a Timoleon a citigena Wh did Timoleon cause his brother o be lain Who obtaine the fovereignt of Syracus aster thedeath o Dion B whom a Dionysius the ounger riven a secondtime sto SicilyWho was Icetas, and Whs dies Timoleon mae aragainst him Where is the rive Crimessus, and what is it modern


mich of the heathen deities a somelimes called Automatia Wh did the Sicilians Leo the birth-da o Timoleonas a festival How did Timoleon aci, when Lamestius and Demaenet attached him Where aud in hat ea did Timoleon die




What was the em



Who wer tho Massagetae o was Macrochir


l78 QUESTIONS. Who ere Antigonus, Seleucus, Lysimachus, and DemetriusqWho a Ptolem CeraunuS Where solexandria, and by hom ascit bulli

Who mas Hamilcar In hat country a Carthage Why ere the Carthaginians ometimes called Poeni Where is motant Eryx, and what is it modern name here are the gales Who a Catulus Luctatius

Whoro is tho fland of Sicily

Whon didrapain sal unde the power os the Romans By honi as Hamilcar succeede in the command of tho Carthaginian armyWhen and by hom as Hamilcar lain

Who was Hannibal For hat militar excellence was Hannibal principallydistinguishod B What two monaretis as Hannibal assisted in his de . sigris against Rome By hom a Philip conquered B whom and On What account Was Antiochus lain ore is tho Red ea In hat counirnis Saguntum, and What is it modera

To hat circumstance id Hannibal ascribe his inveterat hostilit against Rome Where are the 3 renues and the AlpsWhor is the Rhone In hat countries are the Eridanus and the Trebia


QUESTIONS. 79Where a ancient Liguria situ aled, and What cit wasit capital l What is the modern nam os ancient Etruria Whero is the tali Trasimenus, and What is it modern

Where a ancient Apulia silualedWhor is Cannae What was the result of the batilem Cannae What Roman generat Were deseated by Hannibal be-sore his progress was chechedi Fabius Whoro is Capua Why a Fabius urname Cunctator For hat a Falernus celebrated B what stratagem did Hannibal extricate himself, hensurrounded by the arm o Fabius Who ere Minutius and Marcellus Whos son a Scipio Africanus

B What expedient id Scipio fave Rome hom eingtahena Hannibal BDwhom as Hannibal deseated a Zama What modern hingdom semed the ancient counto os Numidia Where are drumetum and Fregella, and what are their

Who was Mago Where is Rhodes, an sor hat were iis inhabitantasormeri distinguished

B What stratagem id mannibal deseat he eo os


By What monarch was Hannibal about to e iven pto the Romans Who a Prusias Where is Bithynia, and what was it ancient nameWho ere the atres Conscripti among the Romans

What was the en o Hannibal In hat year did Hannibal dio In hat rear besore the Christianira Was Hannibal boru


Who ere Antignus, SeleucuS, metriusqWho a Ptolem Ceraunus Where is Alexancta, and by ho

Who was Hamilci In hat country 1 Carthage hy ero the Callaginians Someti Where is mounta , and what is iri aer are the Eates Who a Catulus iactatius

Whore is the is in os Sietly

To hat circumstrate hostililyWhere are ille I'γWhoro is the Rho