장음표시 사용
QUESTION3. 169Who was Amyntas lB Whom Was Amynta succeede on the throne o Macedoniam1 was erdiccas
Whorocis Chaeronia What was the en o Philip an in hat ea did ithappen
at were the ancient boundaries o Macedonia What is the modern nam os Macedonia By What two monarchs was the Macedonia empire in- creased and es tablished Who a Cotys
In hat cit was Chabrias bomWhie of tho exploits of Chabrias is the mos semotas Who was Nectanebus Who as Evagoras, an in hat year asae lain Whos allies ere the Athenians and Spartans in tho Waraetween ersia an AEgyptWh did many of the great me of Athens isticio liveat a distance ro in the itymere is Lesbos, and what is it modern nameWho was Chares here is Sigaeum, and what is it presentiam e Where and in ha manne did Chabrias los his life In hat se is the stan Chios, and what is it noπcallodHow ore the prow of hips formeri armed
D what cit was Timotheus a native, and Whose onWas hest hat was the character os Timotheus What were the principat achievenient os Timotheus Who ore the Olynthians In hat country a Bygantium Whore is Cyzicum B whom,ere the Lacedaemonians orcedo acknOWledg the superiorit of the Athenians on the ea In what partis Greeceris Laconia Whore is Epirus, and what are iis present nameSWho wer the Acarnanians and Chaonians On what occasion id the Athenians sirs erect an altario the goddes of peace Who was enestheus On what occasion a Timotheus condemne to a a fine Whero is Egripo, and what was it formeri called
Whos son a Datames Where a ancient Caria
What ore the boundaries of ancient Scythia What Persia province did Datames obtain by his mili
What were the ancient oundaries of Cappadocia, and for hat was his country remarhable Who ore the Leucosyrians and Cadusians
Who was Thyias Where is Paphlagonia, and What is it no calledos liat country a Troy the capital Who a Patroclus and by Whom a he Stain Why id Datames mahe war against Thyias
Who was Ariobarzanes lHow di Datames reat Thyos after he had talion himprisoner Who was Aspis, and by Whom ache made prisoner Whore is Cataonia Whoro is Pisidia siluated In hat country was the cit AceWh di Datames leave the arm Os ArtaXerxes How di Datames ac aster he had forsahen the orsian
B What stratagem id Datames cause Mithriobarzanes and his companioris orae lain What was the result of the batile etWeen Datames and
casionWhere is the strat os canderoon In hat quarter of tho ori is Armenia What wer the ancient boundaries of Armenia Major What were the boundaries of Armenia Minor What are the modern ames of Armenia Major and Armenia Minor
In hat country a the town Aspendus How did the ancient Greehs manifes thoi gratitude to the god after an signat victoryWhat was thurissu of the a betWeen Autophradates and Datames How id Artaxerxes aci, hen e found that B could no conque Datames in arB what stratagem id Datames fave his life froni aband of conspirator against him How ere the ancient erstans accustome to ledgethemselves to the persormance of an promise B Whom an in hat anne was Datames lain I
In hat cit was Epaminondas borii lWhere a ancient Thebes Siluated What caution must be observe in udgino of tho custonis nother countries In ha light was ancin regarde by the Romans By hom as Epaminondas instructed in philosophyWh0re is Tarentum, and What is it no called Who a PythagoraS What wer the Gree palaestrae or gymnasia By hat virtves as Epaminondas distinguished What answe di Epaminonda give to the messeno eo Artaxerxes, henae osserodaim a bribo For hat ere the ancient Thebans clites remarhable Milo as Agamemnon How long did the lege of Tro continue Whoro is Arcadia For ha purpos di Epaminondasa io Arcadia, ancwho was his opponent there Who as Orestes, and wli didae la his mollier In hat war did Amphiaraus peristi Who was Alenis on, and Why id he ut his mollier tideath Who were the parent of adipus, and where Was hesbori Wh was adipus ordore tot Stainins Oon a he wίL
How was the lis os indipus preserved What was tho end of Laius How id adipus aci, hen e discovere the crime. that ho had ignoranti committed
What pro os a re recorde d of the patient an sergivin dispositionis Epaminondas Whoro is Boeotia Where is essena, and what is it no called How did Epaminondas fave his life Whenae as bout
In ha light was ancin regarded by the Romans By hom as Epaminondas instructed in philosophyWhere is Tarentum, and What is it no called Who a Pythagoras What were the Gree palaestrae or gymnasia By hat virtuos as Epaminondas distinguished What answer did Epaminondas ive to the messengeros Artaxerxes, whenae osserodaim a bribo For hat were the ancient hebans clites remarhable Who was Agamemnon How long id the lege of Tro continue Where is Arcadia For,hat purpos dii Epaminondasa io Arcadia, and who was his opponent there Who as Orestes, and wli didae la his mollior In hat war did Amphiaraus peristi Who was Alcmaeon, and why id he ut his mollier todeath Who were the parent of adipus, and where,as hesbornWhy was adipus ordere tot Stain a soon a he was
How a tho lis of indipus preserved What was the end of Laius How id adipus aci, heia e discovere the crimes that se had ignoranti committed
What proos are recorded of the patient an sorgiving dispositionis Epaminondas Whoro is Boeotia Where is essena, and what is it no called How did Epaminondas fave his life Whenae a about
toae condemned sor disobedience to the ordor thathadaeon sent to hina lIn ha batile as Epaminondas lain Where a Mantinea What was the iladelis Thebes callodon hom did the prosperit o Thebes seem to depend
Os lia cit was Pelopidas a nativo How did the iladelis Thebes come into the possessiono tho Lacedaemonians Who was hoebidas In hat country as Olynthus Who ere the contendin parties in the Peloponnesian
Where and in hut ea did onophon die lHow many king roigne d a Sparta at the samo time Froni v hom ere the kings of Lacedaemon descendodHow came two kings orae appotia ted a Sparta Who ero the Heraclidae, and when id the obtain possession O Peloponnesus Who contended illi Agesilaus se the thronem Sparta What was thes sirs foreigii a in hich Agesilaus asengagedWhat reason did Agosilaus ive so observin the trucello had mado illi the Perstans aster Tissaphernes h ad brohon it Where a ancient Caria Where is Ephesus Why as Agesilaus recalled rom Asia Where is homollespont, and what is it no called Whero is Coronea, and whom di Agesilaus conquerthere Whv id sonio of the oute soldier throw themselves in to the templo os inerva, aster the batile os
By Whom ere the Athenians conquere nea CorinthB What batile a tho power of Sparta destroyed What was there romari able in the holis of Agesilaus Who a Thacus How did Agesilaus dispos of the resonis hicli erebrought to him by the AEgyptians