Vitae excellentium imperatorum;

발행: 1844년

분량: 256페이지


분류: 미분류


What induce Alcibiados no rejoin the arm o ille Athenians tWh0ro is the fland Samos Who was Theramenes, and why was he condemne todie What evenis solio ei the restoration o Alcibiades totho command of the Athenian sordes Whore a Piraeus How was Alcibiades received on liis return to Athens On hat occasion id Alcibiades sal a second time under the displuasure of his countrymon In hat country was the cit Cyme Where is erinthus, and what is it modern ameWho was tho admirat of the Athenian fleet, hen it Wasdes aled by Lysander Who as Seuthes Why id hilodiosis set tho advice of Alcibiades How id Alcibiades ac astor the deseret fili Athenians Where is tho ropontis, and what is it modern a me To hom id Alcibiades appl sor protection, hen es und that the Thracian were ready t betra him How was Alcibiades received and realed by Ρharnabazus What were the boundarios os ancient Phrygia, and what Was the character of iis inhabitanis Wh di Alcibiades isti to conciliato the friendshi os

B Whom a the eignis Artaxerxes disturbe What was the issu of the batile belweon Cyrus and his brother Where an in haloear a Cyrus the ounger Stain What is lis subjectis the Ana basis of Xenophon Who a Critias, and what was his endWhat was tho end of Alcibiades h di th Spartans isti sor the death of Alcibiados How di the Lacedaemonians prevat ori Pharnabagusto sta Alcibiados What countries o unded ancient Arcadia How di tho Greelas generali dispos of the hodies of their dead



'Vliore a tho cit ut artus lWhere is Halicaritassi , and what is it modern name How was the troache of Lysander ad known to theophori

Os hat country was cibiades a native hat was the characi of Alcibiades Who a Pericles, an in lint dii dida die B whom a Alcibi a s educatcdWhicli of the ancient hilosopher has been the ost

To the exercise of hi viriues did Socrates endeavourto train his pupiis What was the nil of berates, an in haloear did ithappen In hat war as Alci de frst omployed Where is Syracuso, an by hom ascit bulli Vlio ere Nicias and limachus, and what was thei endWh did the Greelis laice imagos o Mercur at their

Who was Andocidos Why was Alcibiades reused an condomned by his

advice of Aloibia ιWhere is Decelia, anu at is it mod

ris ritias, ait viii


to rei the arm of th What induce Alcibiados Athenians lWhero is the fland Samos ho was Theramenes, and li us es condemne todie Chat evenis follo ei the restoraon o Alcibiades totho command of the Atheniat forces Whore a Piraeu lHo was Alcibiades received on hi return to Athens On hat occasion diu Alcibiades falli socond time under the disploasiare of his colant ryran In hat country a the cit Cyme mereris Perinthus, and what is itina odern Danae Who a tho admira of the Atlionia fleet, hen it Wasdes eated by Lysander Who as Seuthes Thy id Philocles foci tho ad vi e , Alcibiades How di Alcibiados ac aster the desit fili Athenians There is tho Propontis, and what is modern numeT whom id Alcibiades appl sor Iotection, hen hos und that the Thracian were ad toraetra him Eo was Alcibiades received and troardi Pharnabazus What ero hecto undaries of ancienPhrygia, and What was the character of iis inhabitat; Uli di Alcibiades isticio concilia the friendshi os

Phat countrie

tu i Cyrus and histi ounger flain Xenophon


hodie of


1n haloca was Alcibiades lain, an ho old was hoat the time of his dolithi At What oriod id Thucydides siourishWho was TheopomPUS Who a Timaeus, and at what period didae livo What ero ethes boundaries o Boeotia, und of hat

modern Ountry does it no forin a partWhat was the ciuiraeter of the Boeotians Where a ancient Thrace siluated

V lio a Thrasybulus B What virtves a Thrasybulus distinguishod B whom ere the thiri tyrant expelled froni Athsens Where a Munychia silualedWho was ausanias What reward did Thrasybulus receive rom his count men, after he had expelled the thiri tyranis Who was Pittacus, and sor hat virtve Wache celebrated

At What period did ittacus stourisho what fland was itylene the capital

What answer id ittacus ive to the inhabitant of Mitylene, hen the ostere him severa thousandRcres of land Whoro is Cilicia, an sor hat were iis inhabitant sor- meri remarhabiti What was the undis Thrasybulus

Whoro is Lydia


Tissaphern OS

monian OheWhere a the ancient cit Cnidos Who commando the ersian and Lacedaemonian leelsa tho batile of nidos How id Conon ac after his return to Athens Vltor is otia What was the en o Conon

In hat year di Dionysius the ounge succee to tho SOVereignt of SicilyWhat was the character of Dionysius the ounger, and ho was the alter par of his lis employed What natura advantage is Dion sal to have possessed here a the cit Carthage By hom an a What period was Carthagorioundedito many ars di Carthage caro on illi Romeu Whom an at lia period was Carthage destroyedi' What ancient cit did Adrian give his own nam after

At What perio an by homoas Adrianopolis finalty


1i What ca was Alcibiades lain, an homold was hoat the time of his dolith lΑ What porto did Thucydides siourishWho was TheopomPUS Who a Timaeus, and ut liat period dida livo What ero ethes boundaries o Boeotia, und of hat

modern country does it no fortia a part hat was the character of the Boeotians Where a ancient Thrace siluated

V io a Thrasybulus B What virtves a Thrasybulus distinguished B whom ere the thiri tyrant expelled froni Athens Where a Munychia silualedWho was ausanias What reward did Thrasybulus receive rom his count men, after he had expelle the thiri tyranis Who waslittacus, and sor What virtve Wallie celebrated At what period did ittacus 1lourisho what fland was Mitylene the capital What answer id ittacus ive to the inhabitant of Mitylene, hen the ostere him severa thousandReres of and Where is Cilicia, and sor hat were iis inhabitant sor- meri remarhabiti What was the undis Thrasybulus


Against whom id the Lacodaemonians proceed to mallewar after the laad talion Athens lWho a TissapherneSB What Greela was Artaxerxes assis ted in repelling the arm of the Lacedaemonians Where is Mount Taurus ho commanded the forces of Artaxerxes at the battiuo Cunaxa What ceremon was observed in approachin the ancienthings flersia By hom a Artaxerxes convince of the reacher of TissapherneSBy ha batile as Athen delivored rom the Lacedaemonian OheWhere a tho ancient cit Cnidos Who commande the orsian and Lacedaemonian leelsa tho batile of nidos How did Conon ac aster his return to Athens Wherocis otia What was the end of Conon



1ii liato a was Alcibiades lain, an ho old was hoat the time of his death lAt What period id Thucydides siouristi Who was TheopomPUS Who a Timaeus, and at liat period dida livo What ero thes boundaries o Boeotia, und of hat

modern Ountry does it no forin a part hat was the character of ille Boeotians Where a ancient Thrace silua ted


H 1 was Thrasybulus B What virtuos a Thrasybulus distinguish0d B whom ere the thiri tyrant expelled froni Athens Whero a Munychia silualedWho was ausanias What reward did Thrasybulus receive rom his count men, after he had expelle the thiri tyranismo Waslittacus, and O What virtve Wache celebrated At what period did ittacus fiourisho what fland was Mitylene the capital What answer id ittacus ive to the inhabitant of Mitylene, hen the ostere him severa thousanda res of and Where is Cilicia, and sor hat were iis inhabitant sor- meri remarkable What was the end of Thrasybulus


Against whom id the Lacedaemonians proceed O mahe war aster the lia talion Athens lWho a TissapherlaeSB What Gree was Artaxerxes assis ted in repelling the arm of the Lacedaemonians Whoro is Mount Taurus ho commande the forces of Artaxerxes a the batileo CunaxnWhat ceremon was observed in approaching the ancienthing o Persia By Whom a Artaxerxes convincedis the reacher of TissaphernESBy ha batilo as Athen deli versed stoin the Lacedaemonia Folle Where a thes ancient cit Cnidos Who commande the orsian and Lacedaemonian fleetsat tho batile of Cnidos How did Conon ac after his return to Athens Whore is otia What a the end of Conon

Onwhat cit was Dion a native Who a Dionysius the lder, an sor hat wasae re-marhable In at ea did Dionysius the ounge succee to the Sovereignt of SicilyWhat was the character of Dionysius the ounger, and ho was the lalter par of his lis employed What natura advantago is Dion sal to have possessed Where a the cit Carthage By Whom and at what period Was Carthage Dunded How many ars did Carthage carry on illi Rome By hominii a What period was Carthage destroyed To what ancient cit did Adrian give his owniam asterit a rebulli At What period and by homoas Adrianopolis finalty destrored


Wherocis Tarentum, and what is it nox calleda B Whose itissuenco was Plato prevallession to visit Syracuse Who a Plato, and by hat was he distin:iuished Ιn hat ear id Plato die, and how ore illo last ortyyears of his life spontWhat was the endis Dionysius the oldor What was the cause of the en init be tween Dionysius the ounge and Dion Who a Philistus Wh did Dionysius end Dion to CorinthWhore is Corinth, and what is it modern nauae When and by hom,as Corinth undeLanu destroyed How did Dionysius manis est his halred to Dion aster helia sunt hirn to CorinthB whom a the tyranny of Dionysius destroyed Who was Heraclides, and what was his endWhieli of tho hea then writer is the mos ancient At what period is Homer supposed to have lived How id Dion los his popularit a Syracuse B What reacherous artifice id Callicrates effect theruin o Dion to ore Aristomache and Aro te Who was roserpine, and here a She particularly WOrShippedWhore is Zacynthus How and in hut ear a Dion hilled What inserendes may be rawn frona the circumstances attending the assassinationis Dion Where is Achoron sat by the poets orae

Os what state a Iphicrates a citigenB what was Iphicrates rendere principali illustrious Who was Seuthes, and by Whom ache restorexto his hingdom What was tho Lacedaemonian ora

B what Athenia generat,ere the Theban preventedfrom tali in Sparta