Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis

발행: 1858년

분량: 615페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


ΟΝ the 26th of Januata I 857, the Master of the Rolis submitted to the Trcasuta a proposal for the publicationos materials for the History of this Counita stom the Invasion os the Romans in the Reign os Henry VIII. The Master of the Rolis suggested that these materials

should be selected sor publication under competent editors ithout reserence to periodical or chronological arrangement, Without mutilation or abridgment, preserence Mingiven, in the stat instance, in such materials as Were most Scarce and valvabie.

He proposed that each chronicie or historical documentio he edited inould be tristed in the fame Way as is the editor Were engaged on an Editio Princeps; and for this p pose the most correct text should be sermed frona an accurate collation of the best ΜSS. To render the work more generalty use ful, the Master of the Resis suggested that the editor inould give an account of the ΜSS. employed by him, of their age and their peculiarities ; that he should add to the work a bries account of the life and times of the author, and avremaas necessata to explain the chronesogy; but no other note or comment Was to M alloWed, except What micti benecessary to estabilin the correciness of the text


The works to lin publishod in octavo, se ratoty, nsthey Wero finishod; the Whole responsi bili ty os the t kresting upon the oditora, Who Were to be chosen by the Master os tho Rotis With the sanction os the Treasura . The Loriis os IIer Majesty s TremurF, aster a caresulconsideration os the subjeci, expressed their opinion in a Troasuta Minuto, dated February 9, t '. 7, that tho planmcommended by the Master of the Rotis mellcalculatod sor tho accomptishment os this important nationes objeci, in an effectual and satisfactory manner. With in a reasonable time, nnd provides proper attention bepaid to economy, in mali ing the dotaliud arrangemenis,

They expressed their approbation Os the proposal thateach chronicio and historical document should lin odited in such a mannor as to reprosciat With ali possibio correct nos A the texi os Pacti Writer, derivod stom a collation os thebost MXX., and that no notes , hould bc adiicit, exceptsuch as Wore illustrative os tho various rea lings. Theysuggested, ho evor, that the prosam to each Work should

contain, in addition to the particulam proposed by the

Mastor of the Rolis, a biographioni account of the auctor, in sar as authentic materiais existed sor that purpose, and an ostimato os his historical credibili ty and value. In compliance With the order os tho Treasury, the Mastor os the Rolis has selected sor publication sor theprcsont year such Workη as he considorod be t calculat to fili up tho cha suis existing in the printo i materials cis Englisti histo ; and of thew Works the pro ont iη one.