장음표시 사용
gi Saxon Christianiin the primitivo centre both of irata
intellectual and religious illumination sor the fouinem une'ssbires Os England was the abbey of St. Augustius, hose munimenta are brought to licti in tho sollowing pagea. Planted in the suburbs of that cisy, and incorporating mitti ilaeis a heathen sane, Which, onconversion to Christian uses, Was dedicated in honourn 2
Angliam missi eiritatem non maemortuorum. aed rivorum.' CL helou.
tuariensis Mehiepiseopus, a beato Augustino undeeimus, sub anno Domini DccxLIII. animadvertens destitutionem Melesiae, cui p-sidebat, eo quod nullo honorabilisaepultum de re salgeret, dum, demetis archiepiseopis, eorum corpora auferrentur, et ad monasterium istud, juxta deereta summorum pontificum, tumulanda transferrentur, dolo eoncepto iniquitatem parturiendo condoluit, et qualiter illa eonsuetudo mutaretur, tam studiose, quam seditiose tractavit.'
even matricidal, -which maa to biud his smily os monis is a solemn oath ibat they Would netiner divulgetho saet os his ilinem nor his deasi, and would abstain m ali public celebration os his obsequies untii the dy had Men interred sor severat da . The funeralbell, ho ever, folled at laat; and when the monis os Sti Augustine's, With the abbot at their liead, pro ededio ameri their ancient right of burying the departe lprelate, they sound to their intense annoyance that the
nister V os ali tho liighest dignitaries os the Chureli, evaded their demanda ulmn him, by devoting liimself more servently in the obedience of tho Roman pontita Thero is good remon sor bellering that the earli ιpapia grant in savour of such completo exemption,- exemption not only hom tho ordinary jurisdiction os the bishop in Whosa dio se the convent might bo