Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis

발행: 1858년

분량: 615페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



ΠοW up and circulate unchialenged ; and the reader resist tho ho destrea to trach the controve, throuo ita many . tedious Wiudings mill find ample means of krming Remptions.frue judment on the merita or demeriis of the Variova combatanis, in the chronicie of Gemalae on the oneside, and in documenta appended to thia treati se onine other. A singis instance may bo here adduced, RS Seming Examploto throw light on papia instrumenta noW publiised inerier o sor the fidit time. The leamod monk of Chris, henodietionchurch positively doctares stat ali the abbois of St. Augustines interior to Silvester 1151-116l mero accustomed, on a Uing sor ine archiepiscopia benediction, to mine the ordinary Vow of canonicia obedience. Silvester also 'uns the story) is induced to sue sorbenediction, like his numerous predecessors in that ossice. He declines, hoWever, to receive it in thocathedral church; and the artabishop, as the naturalconsequence, declines in ovo it him elaewhere. Sil-

See, sor instance, Thorne, col. is87. Where me have tho Martieuli liberati pro parte abbatis et conventus S. Augustini ' at millenph.


of the age :- Adversus primates et episcopos intumescunt abbates, nec eat qui majoribus suis reverentiam exhibeat et honorem. Evacuatum est obedientiae jugum, in qua erat unica spea salutis, et praeVaricationis anti- quae remedium. Detestantur abbatea habere suorum ex Sinum e rectorem, Vagam impunitatis licentiam' amplectuntur, claustraliaque militiae jugum relaxant in

omnem desiderii libertatem. Hic Hinc i)J est, quod

monasteriorum sere omnium facultates datae sunt in direptionom et praedam. Nam abbates exterius cu- ram camis in desideriis agunt, non curantes dum-

modo laute exhibeantur, et fiat pax in diebus eorum; claustriam vero tanquam a phali otio vacant et vaniloquio; nec enim premidem habent, qui eos ad Dugem visa melioris inclinet. Quod si tumultuosas eorum contentiones audiretis, claustrum non multum differre crederetis a soro. Haec omni reverendo pater, vostrae correctionis judicium postm lant tempestivum. Nisi enim huic malo maturi remedium habeatur, Verendum est ne, Ricut abbates episcopis, ita episcopi ab archiepiscopis, et a' praelatis suis decani et archidiaconi, eximantur.'

even gone to Rome as procior sorhim in his controversy Wissi Sti Augustine s.


xii INTRODU ION. Here ho must havo seli inM lie πω treassing uponperilous ground, and there re added haILVologesi--Ηy:- Arguemur temeritatis, et dicemur os nostrum P auime in coelum, qui non de superbiae spiritu, sed ' de atramentario doloria haec ηcribimus. Sentimus V equidem familiares angustias, qui publicaa deplομ ramus; nec sortitudo nostra sortitudo ost lapidis, nec caro nostra aenea est, ut tam enorm injurias dissimulare possimuRVIIo ilien alludes particularly to the cam os St. Au- Stines, and pro eds in draW a starising parallel




otheri rius the temporary reconciliation or Composi-

mittod to his ossice, in the preMnce os the Whole ponti- Rome. ficat couri, os divers other prelates, and nn innumerable conmurae of clero and people. The misee and the ring mero at the fame time publicj consened

Thomela version of the matteris vorin extracting : Anno Domini ILC HII., cum controversia

diu fuisset mota inter Ricardum Mehi episeopum et abbatem sancti Augustini, et eiusdem loci conventum, super Meusatione privilegiorum istius monasterii, exactione professionis eiusdem abbatia, et meteris, quae priua tacta sunt, tandem monaehi sancti Augustini, gravaminibus et expensis multipliciter ameti, reste Henriso pa tem archiepiscopi favente, eompulsi sunt per ipsum restem eum praedicto archiepiseopo pacem et concordiam Per modum eompositionis inire,' etc., eoL I835. Just fore, ho ever, When the ab thimself vas inclined is inve Way, the monka velut Iapides solidissimi minus dentes, quo magis eaeduntur, resumptis Viribus, praedicto archiepiscopo opponentes se murum, Pro domo Domini viriliter restiterunt.


multo episcopatus et abbatias perlustrans tempore, .pri larae scientiae multis locis monumenta dedit, in laudibus sanctorum Angliae post Bedam secundus. '



Author os inis volume, though he never mentiona Oocelin

the present Volume Was anxious to acknowle o his' '' obligations in the ouiset, ia salil to have extendedisom tho Creation to the year 1272, or, more correct*, 1232.' Τhe w k, hoWever, Waa no longer visibio at St. Augustine A When Leland mado his samoua four in Kent in Aearch sor antiquarian ire ure. Nusquam etonim illic apparet Smiti' hiatoria, et Verisimile est omnino periisse.' d although a core, Once su


ined in the present volume. Is seems to M a collection os mere excerpta,' relating to Engliis his- ωry, and St. Augustine A in particulari' 3. But wltile it is most lihely that this citronicis os the Cantectury monk has perlahed, me haVe re onsor belleving tlint the substance os it has descended tous partly in the present Volume, but more completelyin tho Chroniosi' respecting the abbota os Sti Au

gustine 's, compiled by William Thome de Spina , a

member os the sanae seundation. Τhorne informa us

itiat so ce, though not Without considerable Rugmentation and retrenchment: μ Ego Willelmus dictus Thome necemario compulaus, et eXemplo Priorum se merito provocatus, quaedam superflua a compilatione dicti Τhomm reseca , quaedam notabilia suis in locis eidem nuperaddens, aggregatis hinc inde dive forum proce uum codicellis, proprii sudoris labore, ad utilitatem Datrum et commoditatem legentium, V reliquum temporis in unum corpus propagare curavi rio latior hias of Thornea citronicie, Which is sarmore copiouη illan the earlier, has continued the annala



xviisιeps os William Thome. His iam, ho evor, is stili more ambitio , und in the part Whicli has comedom to us, the Work haa been constructed on a scaleos grandeur, or more properly of diffusenem, Which has se examples in the literary producis of that age of

so satia the facility With Which he passed hom St. Augustine's to the generat history of the Anglo-Saxonchureli, that laurieen oesy of theso Τituti,' embracingan account os litue more than imo hundred years, appear to have been absolutely finislied; While thorest of the volume is made up of What may be entilled preparations, or rouo materiala, sor the projected history,-Auch as chartere, bulla, and other munimenta relating to St. Augustine A, and rining ali of them helmeon the Norman Conquest and the early years of Richard I. circa 1192 . The Woin accordiniy is Ita relationsuperior to the Chronica' of William Thome, in ch ohies.. iving us a large collection of the older archives, and narrating the tales evenis of ad that early period inour history, Where Thorne is mell-nigh silent; Whilo itis inferior to his Chronicie in the want of some historical commentary to illustrate the impori of the bulis and chartem brought together in the last division. In other moria, the tWο productio , na noW extant, When rogataed in this licti, become is Ι may so express iq reciprocatly complementa . e splendid manuscript Dom Whicli the texi of our Adeo tot edition is derived lim long been linown to antiquarian


xviii INTRODUCTIOR Acholam, circumstance Whicli ou ι ω be distinetly mentioned in this place, ita serving ω account sor ille

Ita presen- The manuscript mas executed in tho fimi quartor of the fifteontii century, and is noW in the pomemion Os

the spirit anil intention of the donor:- Liber isto quondam spectavit ad coenobium boni ,- mim aliostolorum Petri et Pauli, sive Augustini, juxta

muro civitatis Cantuarim. I PRO autem mon torto sub regimine regis Henrici odinvi sublato, lvini quo omnibuA monachorum Ri,olintis, et in i una regium converei Α, idem lit,er fortuito tWrvenit ad manus

magistri Roberti I aer, qui dedit eundem Collogio ' si vo Aulm Sanctii, Trinitatis Cnntabrigiensis; ibidein