Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis

발행: 1858년

분량: 615페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


eXempting conventa more and more fram ali domestic judicatur .

to conciliate public seeling in savour of the privi- le a V of his monastery. He copi me of them inmodem hand and also in sac-simile. ΗΘ labo A fo

ine scal of the ponti' the monogramos benediction, and the names anillities of the vitnesses are est added.' See pp. Ios m.





a ve referred to, quae hoc beneficium damnatissimae libertatis, sive apostolica auctoritate, siVe, quod fre- quentius est, bullia Multerinis, adepta sunt, plus in-' quietudinis, plus inobedientiae, plus inopiae incurre- runt: ideoque et multae domus, quae nominathmimae sunt in sancιitate et religione, has immunitates aut nunquam habere voluerunt, aut habitaa continuo re- jecerunti Si ergo Malmesburiensis abbas, qui apud nos reputatur arbor sterilis, ficus fatua, et trunc inutilis, ad vos venerit, vel miAerit, Vitam et opinio- nem illius in libra justitiae appendatis; nec illi admittatis privilegia, donec manis te liquent, ex V evitatione scripturin et bullarum, quo tempore, et' a quibus patribus Hunt indulta. Falsariorum enim praestigiosa malitia ita in episcoporum contumeliam' se armavit, ut falsitas in omnium fere mona8te- Uiorum exemptione praevaleat, nisi in decisionibus' et examinationibus saciendis judex veritatis exactor districtissimus intercedat.'riis suspicion os extensive largery at laAt sound Inspeetion

and monis of St. Augustine's, Who mere cassed uΡon Sti Augus


Repori of

In their abnence, the commissionem mere alloWed toexamine oesy tWo more os the principia chartem, one

as it standa: - Protulerunt itaque tandem aliquando monachi abbatis schedulas duas, quaκ nua originalia eo tan- ter eme dicebant. Quarum prima Vetustissima erat


xxxiii rasa et subscripta, ac si esset emendata, et absque sigillo. Hanc dicebant regis Ethesterti esse privile- gium. Alia vero schedula mulin erat recentior, de' qua bulla plumbea cum iconia episcopi nova Valde dependebat. Hanc cistulam sancti Augustini dice- bant esse privilegium. In his autem privilegiis, in- tuentium judicio, haec maxime notanda fuerunt: In prima laudabilis quidem fuit vetustas, sed rasa fuit et inscripta, nec ullius sigilli munimine roborata. In alia vero reprehensione dignum fuit, quod nova extitit ejus littera et bulla, cum Vetustatis esse deberet annorum quingentorum octoginta, id est a tempore beati Augustini, cujus esse dicebatur. Fuit etiam notatum, immo notorium et notabile, quod bulla ipsius plumbea fuit, cum non soleant Cisalpini praesules vel primates scriptis suis authen- ticis bullas plumbeas apponere. Modus etiam Latini et sorma loquendi a Romano stilo dissona Videban- tur. Haec duo solummodo pririlegia in medium' prolata sunt, cum alia nonnulla se habuisse monachi' jactitarent.'The result obtained by the commission, as med as egen-

many of the earlier sieps of the inquio, Will be os inhfound in documenta appended to the present Volume. documents

It is there narrated hoW the ne pontiff, Lucius III., ih.τ' pros sed himself entirely satisfied by the productionos the ancient bulis and the repori ita lis atleugili received froni the commissionem. It is recorded also hoW be sorWarded to Canterbuo a se hstock of privileges, or rather gine additional confirmation to the granis of hiis predecessors; While the

Engliin primate, finding himself un te to prolong the



even to reject an spurioua the chia documenta onwhich the Augustinians grounded theis habituat opposition to ine primate os Ali England. iam is any

will regret the publication os a volume Whicli en losua in read Auch documenta in eoetenso, mith ae lios supplied is annoιationa os a chronicier Who Waa himself persuaded os ιhela perfeci truthfulnem. Throughout the two eventsul centuri bita solio. the publication os Spelman's Concilia,'' the fine manuscript that lay concealed in Trinity Hali had osten en described by the occasionia visitor in nomeWhat OVergio ing coloura, and invested -ιh unduo import-Rnce, RS a monument of Engliis Christianity. Ita pages are at lenoli Moemible to every scholar, ho iathus provided With the meana os noting domn althethe excellency and the blemish, and os ascertaining thotrue character of the whole production. In discharing my editorial duties, I can honesibii ure the reader that no troubie has been sparod totus him a salthsul representation of this valu lomanuscripti The spelling os ali Engliah names, hoW



solves have benefited here and there is various read-ings in the present HS., victi variations have appearedio me deseruing of a passing noti . e Various readinga marhed M. Me tinen homtho edition of Bede in the V Monumenta Britannica.'riose marhed UM. are froin the works of William

noW extant in the Cotton Libra Claudius, D. x. I 2.
