장음표시 사용
GRANDE DOLORIS INGENIUM. go9Τereos incesti depingit callida crimen Veste super docta quam variavit CU. Quid non posse putas fieri, dictante dolore pAut ubi non lingua est, si neque dextra tacet p
νη-: ONVIVAS inter superos, Vulcane, ministrant Nectareos haustus cur male fundis humi ξTe decet Hlneis potius sudare caminis, Inter Cyclopas dum grave fervet opus. Sint manibus fabricata tuis data tela Tonanti
Et membra digni dilacerata modis; Membra mihi, Carthago, inquit, lacerando triumplia, Hic mihi, quod laceres membra triumphus erit. A te quod cecidi multum laetere; sed ipse Plus laetor patriae me ceCidiisti meae.
Suave est e magno tollere acervo.
R AE TU RIS quoties redeunt Convivia longo Ordine per mensas fercula thara nitent. Cur his accumbit civis tam laetus ξ an illi Aut fartum, aut desunt terga bovina domi ξAt fruitur, sanaul oblectans oculosque gulamque, Quos et edit, quos et non edit, ille cibis.
Eutrapelus cuicunque nocere volebat Vestimenta dabat pretiosa. - HESTYLI invehitur plaustro rudis hospes ad gQ urbem, Veste decens, simplex moribus, ore UbenS. Han anus excipiens meretrix bona mater, agrestem Mutare ornatum splendidiore parat.
O fugias, longe fugias fallacia dona, Qua simul indueris, Thestyli, tota periS.
sialis' OUM modo ain alidae Contremuer manUS. Qui totidem, qui tanta heros Diomede peregit Cum socio, solus cum fuit, υτις erat.
EUR A laborantes invertunt ari a juvenCi,
MΗ . . R Ut domino segetem libera fundat humus. Nec minus agrestis alia sua membra labore, Dum versa tanum pabula grata bovi. Sudat uterque quidem, sed non sibi sudat uterque ;Nam domino sudat bos, dominusque bovi. Pares cum paribus ficillime congregant Ur. Ubi sorte ad lapidem tanta est discordia fratrum
Impegit rigidos fossor agreste Caput
Negligit ille ictum tutus munimine frontiS, Et Cerebri armatus robore tutus abit. V parili occurrunt, neutri victoria cedit; Nulla lapis patitur Vulnera, nulla CapUt.
xet iPPONI medio, Phoebe, tua cornua Soli;
Et iam deficiens Cornua Phoebus habet. In auro ascendit Taurus quoque cornua gestat; Jupiter apparet corniger ille Deus. O cives, cives, frontem defendit signa Omnia ni fallant, Corniser annus erit. POST annos, histone, novem eclipsin fore dici ;Idem annos mundum vi superesse duos. Haeccine Conveniunt 8 utrum Vis, elige, dici Vel mendax vates, vel malus astrologus.
E N EI I E maneas absenti casta marito; Turba ruant frustra luxuriosa proci. Ut pergant orare illi, tu perge negare; Tex et nocturno tela retexe dolo. Sic ultra semper tendas nam semper ut ultra Tu tendas, nunquam perficietur OPUS.
INDUTUS varia tunica, pictoque galero, In medio celsus ludis Agyrta, foro. Per populum lepide ridens dicteria spargis, Atque ocis captum pharmaca vulgus emit. Quod dulce est populo tibi dum facis utile, plebis Obsequeris studiis obsequerisque tuis.
AMICA SILENTIA. i a sedet in triviis, linguae qui perdidit usum, ire stipem maesto colligit arris inops.
Indiciis populum mutis assatur, et orat Immemor ut nolit praeteriisse sui. Non potuisse loqui jam creditur utile muto; Tam bene nec poterat lingua vel ipsa loqui.
UALIS per nemorum ni ara silentia, Vallesque irriguas, et inde domo S, . Serpit fons placidus murmure languido, Secretaim peragens iter; Paulisper vagus atqUe exigUOS agen S. Maeandros variis se sinuat modis, Dum tandem Celerem praecipitans fugam, Miscetur gremio maris; Talis per tacitam devia semitam AEtas diffugiat, non opibUs graviS, Non experta fori jurgia raUCa, neC Palmae sanguineum CCUS:. Cumque instant tenebrae, et lux brevis occidit, Et ludo satura, .sessa laboribus, Mors longusque sopor membra jacentia Componant placida manU.
a respectiu visit to the ead of hicli Pana ne day toenCreas the Umber A the solemnit an awmlnes of the place oes instanti asse the belloider, the solitude an silence of it oes equali dispos him to attention and meditation so that emo here find a more sesul and improvin retirement. Ever monument has it instruction, and very illoc has it lesitan os mortality. have by this means, in a mori pace of time eadthe his tor of the whole villageri an could et thenames of iis principat families for the last hiri or ortyyears might perhapsvio a stile igher; ut here, by the injur of time and weather, the register egins ob interrupted, and the letters are generalty so defaced, that is an inscription an e made ut it is no without much dissiculi and conjecture. 1 et Tis
gi 6 A LETTER FROM HE AUT HOR'Tis no hoWever viiliout great compassiones se thel infendeavour of the si arvivor, o preserve the memory fa departed friend, o oon frustrate an dis appotnted Tocontinue the remembrance of ille deceased though bya mound of earlli, a turno grassi, or a ait of ood, is an instance of assection and humani ty, qua to the most costi monuments of bras and arbie in very thingbut expence an duration and et o v peris laable areeven hos et o fruities is the expence, an ho sinorithe durationi The church-yary look on a the rendeZVous of the whole pari , hither eos lem ali ages an conditions resori. 'Tis the common dormitory, here aster the la-hours of lis are ver they ali te doWn and reposethemselves together in the ust. The litile cares and concern the had hen iving, are here intiret Drgot-teriri or Comes there liber an unea sines or en mi ty, to disquietis interrupi thei rest. The ealousies and sears the discontent an suspicions the animosities and mis understandings hicli embliter men ne against anOther, re ali determines here en ali essent ments and
V e have his sitisfaction ithal in death, that it is astate of perfeci quality. The rich and the poor theyOUn and the aged the wis and the oolim, at liedown together, and resilende in the dust Here it is that
admits of no distinction, an corruption has no superiori ty. The Dirci mali e a lench, and the naost beauti ful hali ecloathsonae. Reioice, thou then that ari desse pisel; andie com sorte i thou that ait lightly cstcc med for the time cometh, hen the aughtieli hali e madelow, and the meannes of the great beras hine the despites ulnes of the proud, and the ostines of the scorias ut, shal be humi te together, and the oot of the oggarshali trample on them. I, ill alio that the ponario a great an may adornhis funerat, an saltery may attendiit illi Coroneis, pedi grees, and an ners: hate Ver is beyond, is uis uaceoni and abhorreiace. The sepulchre o may be ainted withour, ut illi in is ullis fili hines and uncleannesis and the corps may be rapi in eluet and sine linen, yet in eluet an fine linen it Jaal rot: the ea lencossin and the arched auli a separate it frona vulgar
res of his sello creatures-as O die.
siner that pride an in Vent, Or money an purchase;
in s much that omen sinali land amaged, and child rens tali old p their and with astonishment: et ali hismidnight shew, whicli has alsed the curiosit os multitudes, and with purposed delays has increased i into impatience, Canao no sarthe withaim than to his grave; here must ali his late leavelim, and the honour are his
Having thus amu sed mysel in contemplating the vani tyi humanarea iness. What scit, aides that an hus mali us starite, and 4lii in the thought ol deallid The might and the rich of the orlyma tremble, ut what is the stingi death to those 'hos lis has henaltogether miser o What power has the grave ver theunhappyd is it no rather a refuge rom violenCe and oppression, and a retrea fro insolence an contemptiis it no a protection to the des enceless, and a securit tollim ho hadio place esse untes Surely in death there is asely, and in the grave there is eace; this ipes ossthe weat of the oo labo uring man, and akes the oad froni the en ded hac of the weary traveller aliis dries up the ear of the disconsolate, and maheth the hear of the orrowful to orgo it throbbing 'tis his ases theagonies of the dis eased, and iveth a medicine to the liope les incurable this dis charges the aked and hungry n- solvent