장음표시 사용
the litterinos farthing 'tis his that res ues the lavefrom his heau ta1k-master, and rees the prisone frona the crueities of him that cannot pity. his silences thecla mours of the defames, and usties the viruleiace of the whis perer. The infirmities of age, and the niveari-nesies of ouili, the lem isties of the deformed thephrengies of the lunatick, and the weal nesse of the ideol, are here ali burie together; and who hal see them Θ et the men o gaiety and aughter e terrified with the scenes of thei departure, ecause thei pleas ureis no moreri ut let the fons of retchednes and aTictionsmile and e com rted for thei deliverance drawethnigh, and thei patia easeth. With these an many ther resections, hicli thecompas os a letter anno Contain, Plesit the chamberso the ead. What firs occurret to me aster his solitar u aik, I haVe communicated o ou : at pressent
perhaps ou may thin them litile orthy our regard o look on them a best a the product of a chly and distempere brain. A lecture os mortality, to a maiden in the prime of heraealth and beauty, oti a supposieca come only rom a gloomy and disturbe smin i, tofortis and prepare the oul against the day when the face of the faire 9 shali gather lacliness, the ear of the strongest
tan velcomen ut uni ea sonable it cannot e, hile ouili is sub eis to dis ases, and whil beautycis decet is l. I des1re vota to accepi of this night pie ce draWn by an arti essi, in L and when that handinali e mouidering in ust,t perus the picture, and theni amured that though t
It must l, the requent perus alis graves ones and monuments and the many aik I have alien in a church-yard that have given me so great a distast for tis ea theu sua fght of mortality, corruption, and aked ness, mustinevitabi lead ne to a serious reflection o the vani ty fal Worid ly great ness. The ery pride os a man, Onsidere 1 in his ieru, is his reproach, and his haughtinest be comes his hame. From his representationi human meannes and frail-ty, a b drawn excellent effons of humilit to the ambitious, and ver comsortabie instructions to the dejectedand low- spirited. Amidst the various interruptions and diversions oscit se, Whicli ake u by a the best and most valvabie par of it; there is ne thought stili, ver an anon arisin in the
This letter, though ather of a private nature 1 pubi istie as a testimonyo the author' goodnes of heari and the reade is further insormed that rom theconscientious motives therein mentioned the autho was induce to resus sona very valvabie ecclesiastica preferment offered him in the mos libera manneri a late nobi duhe.
, LETTER FROM HE AUT HORme orsuddent in the idit si sim that he has granted me eis ure, and a due sense of my fodies and corruptions and theret, enable me O mahe in reconciliation ithaim, e re that I in no more seen. esteem it as a reat instance of his mercy that he hasno amicted me illi any delirium, o diseas that ould have deprived me of m memor o senses; ut has visited me illi a distemper, hicli, hoWeve otherwise grie VOVS has giVen me time an opportunit to ook adhint m past lise, and with seriousnes an attention to conside in lalter end. Upon recollection, I fin the offences of myoouth and the transgrestions of m riper ear are so many, that, eremo the mercyis God a infinite a his justice, might desipat of pardon. ut through the merit and intercessionis a crucifie Saviour, I humbi liope for
his extensive compassio ma reacti even unio me and
so me mea sure Compensate sor in many the missiceds, and o far procure theria vota an candour of allo hos who re so sensibi of their Ni fallings as to veri Ooliand ora et mine.
withri that has been the chie subject of my deping
there is no return pSurei there is a re ard for the righteous the ouis of
IN EFFOSSUM SEPULCHRUM. IATOR, en i defesse, infir despice
: .. Vitae Viaeque terminum Vide, laboriosa quo Vestigia,
HUC, ecces tendunt omnia lDistantiam observat vide quam sit prope, Profunditas vix sex pedum Mensura vix ultra tuam, a laboribus Brevis ad quietem est transitus. Nec indicat solum hoc sepulchrum, sed grave Quacunque tibi sonant pedes, Mensura corporis tui locum dabit, Speranda quo siet quies. Patienter ergo, ita quae fert taedia, Hoc perfer, hoc recolligens, Vix esse, vix perlongum iter, cui terminus Nec hic nec uspiam deest.
ARMINE vin moesto patrem lugemus ademptUm, Et sua Pierides ultima sacra serunt: Tu quoque nobiscum, lector, pia dona, silentes Da lacJmas . lacrynade pondera vocis habent. Sic idem languor morbi, longique dolores Desint, sic idem non tibi essit honor.
lecto extremas ducis dum languidus horas, F Consumptus morbo, vix animaeque tenaX; Respicis, immotus propioris imagine mortis, Hinc lapsam aetatem praeteritosque dies :Prospicis hinc laetus venientia prospiCis Uva, Atque animum oblectat postera fama UUm. Securus coeli, pie vir tac'la ante peracta, Securus laudum saec'la futura vides.