장음표시 사용
Abbi rerum by Thomas, ballie of Crail 397. Abbiryheldy See Aberyeldy. Abercorii, Maiias and chureli lavds and Muretoun os, heat, arte and at ferme os, 2, 152, 212, 304, 332, 402, 511, 602 Erntui grante to Bish0po Dunkold in exchange lar church laniis Os, ceu pie a grange 59, 167, 236, 338, 443 519 608. - mill of fermes of 62, 152, 212, 304,332, 402, 10, 602 Getting of 62, 3, 21 paymenis to Patricii Lyn romiermes of 511, 602. Aberdeeti Abir lene , accounts of adies os 114, 205, 324, 399 474 557, 10 Os custum arsis, 133, 197, 258 319, 387, 463, 550, 31; annuities rom fermesos, o Dominicans an Carmelites o Dean an Chapter sor anniversar of Joh Barbour, Bisho os Catiliness, and
171. Abernethy, Sir Walter, provostris collegiatechureli irat Mar at Dumbarton 635.
Albany Alexander Duhe os, his proposed marriage it Duches OL Burgundy, lxi grassum remitto at his instanee, 43x his relations it tho in and
Cathedra founded by 82, 144 220, 301, 366 407, 22, 577.
of 43, 47, 100 140, 141, 143 207, 209, 267 268, 353, 355, 356, 32, 35, 37, 477, 478, 82, 584, 86 588 huid atNewain, 3, 47, 140 heli at debles,
Angus, Margaret inelai Countes o lxxvii. Annale, ames, balli os Crail, 36.
ApDaduli fermes of 59, 167, 235, 306, 442, 18 608 do in detail, 337 te os mair os 59, 167, 236, 307, 338, 43, 520, 609.
Ardgotiane, ferme o Estirende and Westire de os, among the torrenis,
Ardmanach), account os Arthur orbesa receive of sermes of 536 ferme os,
152, 212, 304, 333, 403, 11, 603 has ferme o Glenamble, 0 173, 234, 27έ, 319, 23, 33; his se a heeper os Edinburgh Casile, 120 189, 191 his account a balli os o wal 507, 15 has
442, 18 608. Arthbutili, lenuli sui me os, 41. Artillet , artietes of 216 bras sor 216:
Andro SteWari, hancellor, auditor 1,
139, 266, 326, 401, 476, 459; instru
os horse 30 se os, acheeperis StirlingCasile, 50 160, 243 280 328, 29 504, 563 paymen to Dom fermes of Drum-mond a1, 23, 53 4 567 Osfrinnis os Sehiregariane in his haniis, 172, 233, 273, 349, 23, 31, 566. A very, ire of in Stirling, 51, 160, 2έέ, 28 0, 329, 29 50έ, 562: Avery Alanis the See Lermonili, Alan. Ayr Are), accounts of bailies os 111 321, 396, 471, 553, 35; o custumars os, 128, 192, 248, 382, 457, 540, 21,
srom stir erit t0, 2, 176, 230. 290, 371, 445, 496 569.
573, 574 sermus os dii by Archibuld
136, 238; illiam Claiphamo 299, 352, 427, 29 590. Ballinereis fermes of baron of 87, 157, 238, 299, 352, 27, 29 590; grassumsol. 87. 238. 352. 353; ireWhous o
113, 204, 264, 21, 399, 75 557, 35
ing up par of athland 93 98, 177, 181 232, 292, 296 372, 446, 49, 96,500, 575.
400, 75 558, 10. Thomas, his sine passed rom, haring
Dougias, 3, 151, 297, 335, 05, 13,
fishings of sermes of 341, 418. Barshrauch in Cui ven ferme os, 340, 17.
47, 100 141, 142, 143, 207, 209, 267, 268, 353, 355, 356, 432, 35, 37, 38, 477, 78 481, 82, 584, 86 587, 589; hold at Newark, 3, 47 Abbot of elso
181 232, 292, 295, 296 372, 447, 448, 499, 572, 574 575.
lo 95, 179, 180, 292, 29έ, 373, 47, 448, 498, 570, 573. Binning Benyng, Bynnyne, BinnyΠὶ,