장음표시 사용
Blac, Thomas, addies nil arnos du- livored O, 20. Bhi grane Blithgrane , scrines o 434;Κing's occupation os, and paymon by David rechtolino in respuet os, 101, 143, 10, 267, 355, 435, 477, 584. Blael nos Blaunes, Blaknesin seruies an dannunt runt Os 62, 152, 212, 304, 332 402, 10, 602 puppe reddendo os subject in 13 14 do. of tenemunt os Alan Landales in 62, 152, 212, 304, 332, 462, 510, 602; annualreut os ames mis- fetide Doni, 65, 453 212, 304 do. doubledon his asiue 13 cummi reddendo of
Blare Blairegib). Termes os, 9, 159, 242, 279, 327, 27, 503, 561. Blarolog Blaire os Logy), fermes of 49, 159, 242, 279, 281, 282, 327, 329 330, 428, 503, 562.
Bla remul his, stir and estir, ferme os, 501 grante to Lor Hamilton in ex-change sor irkandris. 175, 224, 278, 359. Blaroschinnane, granted ordite to Joh os Cellar, 17. Blareskreoch Blairshreauch, Blarest ro-vauch, larestreaueh), ferme os, 412 in hand of ordinum by charter 53, 211, 285, 12, 485 560.
177, 230, 290, 371 445, 498, 570 calidii
o Blachnes Casile, 14, 305, 333. Books, ousehold libri disitarum, libri domicilii), 48, 56 58, 60, 71, 4, 85, 86, 94 95, 26, 97, 98, 121, 131, 138,145, 149, 155 160 178, 179, 180, 182, 190, 196, 25, 257, 276, 281, 282, 283, 284, 307, 334, 373, 10, 11, 27, 30,έ31, 447, 448, 449, 505, 30 515, 56έ, 565 574 575 590, 598 607 609 extra dietas 96, 180, 245 246, 293,
o Baltauche, fermes of 360. o Cammys, termes of 67, 531. os reis fermes of 360. 1 Galloway, ferme os, 40, 17. os Lagane, fermes of 340, 17.
158, 242, 279, 284, 327, 330, 27, 503,
321. Braley, fermes of 219, 21. Branaile, sermes of 337. Brankishame Me Scot David.
Elgin Cathedral. 82. 145. 220, 301, 366, 407, 23, 577.
Bruce Broisin Alexander, formeri deputySheriss of Stirling, his arrear tot re-
560. Buchan, artis, and Lordi IIchtertiouse, James SteWari, his account as herissii
ments O, a Treasurer 108, 109, 110,
395, 396, 397, 398, 471, 472, 73,
189, 191, 252, 257, 258 312, 386, 390, 466, 23, 629. Burgundy, knight and squire os xliii.
Duke os, Charies, erect monument
190, 191, 253, 12, 390 466, 16, 30;
resigns aridom o Catiliness, and designe Lor Sinclair, 30 xlvii: -William Sinclair, his seniorit to his brother Oliver, xlvii.
of Stirling, 114, 203, 471, 553, 35; his
172, 233, 273, 348, 23, 35 566.
92, 176, 230, 290, 371, 445, 495 569;
dations 377. Caveris, Dentiis, custumari Perili 34. Cavertoun. Se Langiandis.