Rotuli scaccarii regum Scotorum = The Exchequer rolls of Scotland

발행: 1878년

분량: 846페이지


분류: 미분류


Dorine, Ne violineis, sermus os 67, 316, 22, 53 1 so litor sor horsus and servants Wngusto alter Galbi athe rom, I, 173, 234 535 566; surinus os allowed to alter Gulbrath in par of his seu 349, 22. - mill os, at mea sermus os 67, 316,

69, 172, 233, 273, 348, 23, 35 566.


Drume Orse, fermes of 62, 151, 12, 304,



348, 22, 33, 566; ferme os mill o 69, 172, 233, 273, 566.



102, 20 I, 261 322, 393, 47I, 555, 39;

I lgin Cathedral, 82, 144 220, 301, 365, 407, 22, 577.

Minorites of See Friars, Minorite. Dundonald, fermes of 73, 150, 297, δέ,


676 INDEX.

Urquharde, 92, 176, 230, 290, 371, 45, 495 569 has Invor it mill and


640 accounts os ballius os Ili , 203, 265 554, 640 accounts os custunini sis,

119, 188, 91, 252, 31 1 390 466 546, 629 do. of Woolli in cloth and sali 135, 192, 251, 315, 391, 465 547, 30 Pny

lain in Elgin Casile, 82, 145, 220, 301, 366 407, 23, 577 t ehaplain in ElgiuCathedra sor soli of in Dunean, 301, 366 407, 22, 577


678 INDEX.

Castio 82, 115 220, 301, 366 407, 23, 577. Elgin, in croit os, semes of 219, 21. mair os, se of 82, 145. 220, 301, 366 408, 21, 578. Casile, annulis drom Settindrochand reiiselli os Elgin to chaplain ira,

tain, 82, 145, 220, 301, 366, 07, 23, 577. Cathedral, annuit to sive haptainsin chapol irat Thomas the Martyr in, 81 141 220, 300, 365, 407, 22, 576 annuit hom Gruisse iii os Elgi tochaplain form0ulis inglunca in 82, 141 220, 301, 365, 407, 22, 577 annuit fron fermes of Lambryde tocha platu in 82, 144 220, 301, 366 407, 523, 577 payment for anniversar OiSi Joh o Invernes in, 82, 145, 220, 301, 366, 407, 23, 577 payment rom


of 51, 160, 244, 280 328, 29 50έ, 562. Halis of ferme os, 49 158 242, 279, 327, 27, 503, 561.


durris, te.

100 139, 207, 266 353, 31, 76 583;

Faleon D in Orkney, 276, 364, 84, 11. Fallit anil, Casile manor, palace os, James Stirli tot impris0ned in 35 seuos Thomas Sinison a Leeperii, 4, 178,232, 292, 372, 446, 498, 571; eo igni dener at 93 97, 177, 181 232, 292, 296 372, 446, 449, 500, 571, 575 heep- in ut Water Suppi of 177, 231, 291, 371, 15, 498, 570 Maret ale brewedat, 294 448. - park of paymenis to George an- nochtyne or heeping up 93 98, 177, 181 232, 292, 296.

lia os, 4, 177, 231, 290, 372, 446, 496,569 mai 0r Bat repatriniditchesis, 98, 181 296 tithe of ha os 231, 291, 372, 446, 95 569.


680 INDEX.


nn receive os ferme and grain f, 1,

175, 26, 289, 370 414 491, 567;

ferme os, in detail, 226 491 iees of ur Sergeant of 93, 177, 230, 290, 371 498, 571 special receive appotntedior gratu of 568. - account os Andre Lund as herissos, 33. - Sheris os, writos to heris of laek-

manna to eniOrce fines 12.
