The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


more alterations stili, and these cari only bedistinguished by looking for sonae known potntos differen ce be twoen them in the body of the

A Dw tables are ad ted in the Appendix, whieli I thinii Will prove useful as referen Ce3. In one of these the prosody of the ternas ismarhed, and the two extremes of the usualdoses for adulis are attempted to be established. Any such attempt must, hoWever, be Vague and imperfeci; the doses must vary essentialty ac cor ling to the effect intended to be produced, and the idiosyncracy of the patient; so that atable of this hind will only save the uninstrue ted frona any manifest error, not inform the es tablished practitioner; and in sonae instan CeS, Whenthey are influenced by bulla rather than medicat POWer, may Seem, perhaps, to be si Xed very incorrectiy. It differs in very fe v potnis frontaisimilar table aflixed by Dr. Latham to the later editions of Dr. Healde's Pharmacopoeia, and those deviations are founded upon actualeXperien Ce. The rem aining tables require no


PREFACE.path of my public duty, turning nei ther to thoright nor to the lest, and With an earnest Zealto contribute to the ad varicem ent of a proscssion to whicli I am bound by inclination as u ellas gratitude. Perhaps I may err in judgment, I may be deficient in abili ty, or sonae times inattention; and Ι shail Willingly and thani fullysubmit myself to correction and instruction, especialty is by their means I shali be enabled hereaster to render this translation more generat ly usefui.


AI TER a lapseos scarcely tWo and tWenty years, ve have resolved agatu to revise our Pharmacopoeia. This labour has been imposed ut ori us by the improved state anil dat ly Cultivation os Natural Science, vhicli has vrith in that shorti eriod been Reed froni So much error, illuS- . traled by so many experimenis, and est abiisti edupon principies so much more si in and pro-found than be re, that should medicine aloneos ali iis branches be suffereti to rem ain station-dry and neglected, we might justly in cur discredit; espectat ly, when of tho tWo other Sciences Chemistry and Bolany, whicli are most closelyallied to our o vii, the lalter has investigated Nitu


I'RE FACE. immense labour the vegetable productions os every climate, and the former has changod iis Whole system and language for a bet ter. Thereseemed, there fore, to he no eXcuse sor de layingany longer a diligent revision of the po vers of the substances used in medicine, to ascertainwhether any of them ought to be expungedfrona the list, as obsolete Or SuperfluouS. V e are, Without doubt, greatly in leb ted tonur immediate predecessors, in asinuch as theyrendered the processes of Pharmacy more certatuanil expeditious: for even in their time thedawn os modern Philosophy had appeared, dispelling the clou is of former SyStemS, removing With the concomitant dari ness their

ance With ea Ch other, and what might be bestassocia ted together in composition. -But suchis the condition os ari, that it admits only of improvement, not os absolute perfection. Henee, there re, the science of Medicine has annually made Some progresS, nor has the presentage been utanting in iis endeavo urs to carry fur-ther What the former had begun; for it has described With greater accuracy the sympto nas offome diseases, and has discovered more sui table


PREFACE. xxxiii remedies for Others; it has rejected some medicines Which Were useless and inefficacious, and by experience and authority has establishedothers of greater po vers; it has also examinedthe whole Willi more accuracy, and taurat more scientisic methods of Compounding them.

present more perfeci state of our ari; stili more which were at variance With the improved system os nomenclature devised by philosophersos later tirnes ; and sonae Whicli it beCame necessary to add for the salie of greater order and consistency in the Work itself We have been fully aWare, hoWever, of the great inconveni- ence and danger Whicli arise, frona frequentchanges in Pharmacopoeiae; but We have also seli thatiWhatever accoriis most closely Withi eat science Nili in the en d become the mostestablished and most usefui. Under this impression ive'reSolved, as far as the nature of thething admitteti, to asi x to medicines thosenames WhiCh vere correct, and whicli accorded villi . e composition of each, taking care atthe fame tirne that the tities should not acquirea tength which would prove inconvenient tothe prescriber. I there re, in order to eX- press Clearly the composition of any arti Cle, a


PREFACE. preferred a more simple appellation, eventhough less scienti sic. Vith respect to oui selves, we have spared nopatus to reniter the present edition as perfeci as possibie. Not that we are bold enough to imagine that it Will satisfy every body, or that it is

him to reflect upon the diversi ty and disti cui Whicli attach to a work of this fori, and wetrust he will not then be disgustod vitii a se v

leviate more than was necessary frona common



With respect to the change Which we have determine i upon mali ing in the mensures of liquids, we do not fear the imputation of hav- in re done it Dona an affectation os novel ty, since

it lias been long considereii as necessary. Amxing the fame nam es to measures of liqui is andio vaeights of solids very frequently produce lmistat es. V e have not ventured to alter themeasure Called a Gallon, the capaci ty of Whichis defined by the statutes of the realm ; but avehave deemed it to be not only lawsul, but our positive duty to divide this into paris, and toamX nam es to each, according to Our OWnjudgment. MoreοVer, We hope We have follo ved that sori os method in persecting the work whichis best suiled to the subject of it; and it ivili bethe most agreeable re vard We cari receive fortae care and labour we have bestoWed, in Suchas it is, it should contribute to the public good, and tend to potnt out more certain remedies fortite cure os diseases, or beco me instrumentaltoWards a more speedy alleviation of them.