장음표시 사용
Persia. Perenni M. FICUS. . G. I93 I. O. 23. Ord. 2. Polygamia. Dioecia. Nat. Orae Scabridae. Common receptacle turbinate, seshy, conVerg-
ing, concealing the floreis, esther in the Sameor a distinct individual.
Arabia Felix. Shrub. FRAXINUS.- V. G. I903. Cl. 23. Ord. 2. Polygamia. Dioecia. Nat. Orae Sepiariae.
Solith of Europe. Shrub. FUCUS.Cl. 24. Ord. 4. Cryptogamia. Algae.
Ieaves pedate. Indigenous. Perenniat.
Cl. 3. Ord. 2. Triandria. Digynia. Nut. Ord.
IO. L. communis. Leaves in threes mucro-
nate, sprea ling longer than the beri y. North of Europe. Shrub. I 4. L. Lycia. Leaves in threes imbricate on
Martinico, in the Molintain Calebasse. Shrub. 5. L. Camphora. Leaves triple-nerved, la
I. L. usitatiXSimum. Calyxes and capsules mucro nate, petuis Crenate, leaVes lanceolate alternate, Stem generalty solitat . Solith of Europe. Annuat.
26. L. catharticum. LeaVes opposite, Ovate. lanceola te, Stem dichotomous, corollas acute.
ut in kled with vetus. Calycine ieeth, briSile-shaperi uncinate. Europe. . Perenniat.
MENTHA.-W. G. llo2. S. F. B. G. 262. CL I4. Ord. l. Didynamia. Gyima Spermin. Nat. Ord. Vorticillatae. Cor. almost equat, four-clest, the broader Segment emarginate, stamens upright, distant. 3. M. viridis. Spikes interrupted, leaves sessile, lanceolate acute, naked, bractes seta- Ceous, and the Calycine ieeth sonaeWhat shaggy. Indigenous. Perenniat. 4. M. pipeisita. Spikes obtuse, interrupte dbeneath, leaves petiolate, subovate, rathersinooth, CalyX, With a Very sinooth base. Indigenous. Ρerenniat. 12. M. Pulegium. Flo vers verticillate, leaves ovate, stem trailing, pedi Cles and CalyXes every-