장음표시 사용
I ADLE. I Would repeat, that the Doses given bydifferent Ρractitioners vulta So much, that any generat table of them must necessuri ly beimperi CCt, and Can Only be expected to gitur lthe Foung Ρractitioner froni error. The quantities are meant sor adulis : for child renthey require Various modifications, and arenot mei ely regula ted by age. I have, hoWover ud ded Gaubius's table of the proportional Doses sui ted to the different perio isos lise. Eithei of the two quantities given, or any intermediate One, may be HSed as ad ose, eXCept When the word to is insertod be- tWeen them, Whicli means that the quantityshould be gradu lly rhi sed frona the formerto the lalter, and so me times it may he cai ried much heyond it. Some artioles, as faras their esseCts are concerneti, may be givenat once in much larger quantitios, and theirdose is rather therei ore estimated by convenience, on BC count of b Ulk; Such, ho ever,ih does not appear necessary to distinguisti particularly. The fame article is osten used
in different quantities, to produce different essects: Such seconit effectS, When they areemetic or cathartic, are in marhed instances accordingly gii en under the former, with Eor C pretixed. Upon the fui ther regulationos effecis by the infinite Combinations used in practice it is impossibie to form auy ge