The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, M.DCCC.IX

발행: 1809년

분량: 533페이지


분류: 미분류


APPENDIX. 429seis petiolate, angular, pubescent, Stem TOOting Virginia, Canada. Bienniat. RICINUS. IV. G. 1720. CL sit. Ord. 8. Monoecia. Monadelphia. Nat.

maoy, hispid, fastened to the inner fide of the


APPENDIX. 16. R. Gallica. Gernas ovate, and peduncles hispid, stem and petioles hispid-prici ly.


APPENDIX. 431 IVith sotaera male and femule Separate.

4. S. os inarum. Flo vers panicled, leavessat.

East and West In dies. Perenniat.


late, cuspidate, Avith about sive nerves, yello visit underneath. Virginia. Shrub. SPARTIUM.-W. G. 1332. Cl. l7. Ord. 4. Diadelphia. Decandria. Nat. Ord. Papilionaceae. Stigma. longitudinat, villous above. Filam. adhering to the 'germ. Cal. produced do vn-


APPENTIM T. erecla fossicinalis. S. F. IJ J Stem sonae-What iapright, leaves sessile. Europe. Perenniat.


l. 3. Ord. 2. Triandria. Digynia. Nus. Ord.

Gramina. l. tWO-valved, solitary, subtristorous. Flo versonae vitat obtuSC.

Europe. Perenniat. VALERIANA.-W. G. 75. Cl. 3. Ord. l. Triandria. Monogynia. Nat. Ord. Aggregatae.


Cal. o. Corol. Monopetalotis, gibbous, ouone fide of the base, superior. Seed one. Valerians, mith a 3ingle domita Seed. 6. V. os inalis. Flo vers three-Stamened, allthe leaves pinnate. Europe. Perenniat. VERATRUM. IV. G. 1859. Cl. 23. Ord. l. Polygamia. Monoecia. I L

Rudiment of a pistit. I. V. album. Racemes pani cled, bractes of the branches oblong, the partial ones Dearly equalling the pubescent peduncte, fio Vers erect. Bussia, Austria, Italy. Perenniat. VIOLA.- V. G. 446. O. 5. Ord. l. Pentandria, Monogynia. Nat.