장음표시 사용
Saepe Scruposo, contextu umbrino; tubulis elongatis l e .m. ;poris angulatis, magnis 1-2 m. m.) pallide umbrinis, dissepimentis
1 c.m. diam . , Stipite gracili, aequali 2 c.m. long), concolori, glabro, lamellis lanceolatis, ad natis, vix confertis, umbrinis. S poris angulatis, I 2 μ long. Cystidiis majusculis. In sandy pine Woods. Carolina M.A. C.
In Saeeardo's Syllogo the solioWing species require correction:
diam.), floccoso-fibrilloso, cervino ; stipite pallido, sarcto, cylindrico, aequali 6 c. m. long, 4 in .m. thich) ; lamellis latis, adnatis, Vix confertis, postice attenuatis, argillaceis, demum umbrinis; sporis laevibus, ellipticis, 10κ6 μ. On the ground. Masutipatam, India.
Caespitosa, mollis. Dileolis imbricatis, applanatis fl-2 in. SericeO-Strigosis, ZonatiS; Zouis cerviniS, griseisque alternantibus, margine subfimbriato, badio, in stipitem sublateralem porrectis ;hymenio infero purpureo-badio, rugoso; SporiS SubglOb0SiS, asperulis, fuscis, T-8 diam. Ad terram. S. Carolina.
BY M. C. COOKE. Hitherio no instando has beon rocorded in the 'porrhodii of the occurretice of species analogo us to Aman ita in the possessionos a volva and ring. That deficiency has at tength been supplied, in Australian specimens of the missing linii, and W0 do not hesitate to adopi the samo principio Whieli has b00n adopted in Leucospori, and Whilst r0cogniZing Volcaria af the analogiae os Amam top8i8, conStitute Metrarim aes the true analogue Os Amanita. The SpecimenS Were accompunied Dy dra inges, So that an opportunity may Soon arrive for iis to publisti a coloured figure os this neW addition to the subgensera os Agarieini. Whether it shallhold generic or sub generic rank is a question Which We do uot careto discuss, and may be lest to individual opinion.
Pileo carnoso-membranaceo, flabullis Ormi 3κ2 c. m.), albido, glabro. laevi, ambitu Sublobato, postice in spititem brevem att0uvato; alveolis stipatis, arctiSSimis, radiatis, acie denticulatis, sporis albis. On trutilis. No locality. A true Favolus, Without any Suggestion of the re ason sor the application os the nam e 8u elatinosus.
Pi leo orbiculari, pallidi I c. m. lat.), ad marginem in stipitem equi longam producto; poris paucis, magnis, hexagonis; dissepimentis crasSis, Obtusis, in Stipitem decurrentibus.
Stipitata. Pi leo orbiculari si c. m. lat.), glabro, tenui, suligineo; stipite centrali I c. m. et ultra long), concolori; pori S
Omittod si om Saccardo Sylloge. Is it is possibi e to maintain Gloeoporus as a distinet genuS, SOme species os Polyporu8, With a Sost, Sub gelatinous hymenium, should bo transferred to it. In addition, Berkeley has an Indiari species of whieli W0 finit no diagnosis.
Gregari0US, SeSSile or Sub SeSSile, plane, seated on a pale yell0Wmembranaceolas Stroma ; hymenium immarginate, sulphureOHS; exterior minutely granular, and darher in colour; asci cylindricat;
Sessile Or subsessile, plane, hJmenium orange yello W, marginthin, erect ; asci cylindraeeo-clavate ; sporidia 6 to S, fusisorm, straight or bent, 2-5-guttulate, becoming pseudo-Septate, 14-18 κέ-5 μ, paraphyses filii Orm, simple, abundant. On tho underside os decayed leaves. U. S. America. J. B.
Scattered or gregarious, minute, cupulate, SesSile, glabrous, greeni8h-yelloW, margin prominent, entire, here and there flexuous,
occurs in Saccardo's Syllogae, p. 149, as Davscyphα hyalinα Phili.), Saec. Evidently an error os transcription.
On both sides of the leaves of Clethra alnifolia, J. B. Ellis, Newfield, N. J., II. S. The sporidia in tho typo aro 6-8 κ 1-5 μ; those of tho variety5-6 A I μ ; and tho acerose paraphyses have generalty tWo distinctSepta in them, a character rarely Occurring. There is another characteristic of this plant; in the place of the hairs secretingat thoir tips oxalate of limo, as in Lachnella crucifera, L. echinulata, and Others, a goiden yello W juice is secreted, Whicli on dryingleave a yelloW shining globule at the tips of the ha .rs. Theseseatures may Weli justisy iis elevation to specific rank.
ΤΗ ELEPHORA PEDICELLATA, Sehw.-Αecording to authenticspecimens Ue are leti to the conclusion that Thelephora sustulta,
EMERI CELLA VARIE COLOR, B. BD.-on the portions of Wood
bearing the above fungus there is a copious devel opinent of Inaengina erythrosyora, Borgi, fully described and boauti sully illustrated in Pringshoim's Jahrbucher,'' 1885, p. 450, and again described as the type of a neW genus calleii Pheelospora by Harhnes sin Calii ornian Fungi,' p. 2 l. The lalter mistahe Was corrected in Grevillua,'' 1888, p. 116; nevertheless, M. N. Patouillarii, President of the Soci εtu Mycologique de France, has fallen intotho serror of mista hing the latuer for the true Americella, Withwhicli it is mixed. Tho authoi 's description and figures in these Bullotin do la Soeisite Mycologique de France,' Vol. VII., p. 45 189 l), reser entii ely to Inaengina. Nevertheless, the learned Prosidoni has utiliged this maiorial to ShoW that I Was entirelymistaken in my ideas respecting the nature os Emericella.-G. M.
Effusus, tenuis, mollis circa I unc. lat.), ad natus, margine libero, reflexo, Subalutaceo; hymenio saturatiore, rimoso-diffracto, demum areolato-hu StulOSO, pliciS tenuibus, gyrosis. Sporis minutis
Pileo effuso, reflexo, tenui, agono 1-2 c. m.), Sericeo, fuligineo, sicco incurvo, postice decurrente; dentibus Subulati8, acutis, elongatis, pallidioribus. On barh. Japan. Dic iris, 16.)
TotuS re Supinatus, ex albo ochraceUS, Subiculo tenui, Subarach tioideo, aculeiS compreSSi S, membranaceiS, inaequalibuS, criSpatis, apice denticulatis. On barii. VeneZuela. Quito difforent 1 rom I. depauperatu8.