장음표시 사용
radiantibus, tenuibus, transverse anastomosantibus, acutis ; sinul is rectis, inraqualibus, numquam flexuosis. On trutilis. Cape of G0od Hope.
Suberos a. Piluo dimidiato, applanato, velutino, pallido, ligni- colori, vel subfusco 6-l2 c.m. diam.), concentrice sulcato, intus pallido, hymenio concolori, lamellis consertis, latis - 1 c. m.) similis confertissimis, ite XuoSis, angustissimis, diSSepimentis tenuibus. On triantis. Australia. Sterra Leone. Maliua Country, Trop.
Rigido, coriaceo-Suberoso. Pileo amplo, reniformi, vel flabellati, postice contracto, quandoque Scutati, radiato, rugoSo, lineato-go nato 20-25 c. m. diam.) cervino ; margin tenui, criSpulo vel sub lobato. Hymenio alia taceo, lamellis radiantibus, furcatis, latis, saepe anastomoSantibus, dessepimenti S tenuibus, rigidis, lacerato- dentatiS.on triantis. Rangoon, Andam an Isiands. Resembling D. aulaeophylla, B. but thinner.
It seems remari able to tho se unaequainted With his oWn occultreaSons, Wherefore Saccardo haS removed this genus hom iis manifest assinitius in Thelephorei and placed it With Clanaria, With Whicli, on tho othor hanii, it has no relations hip, excepi that ofexternat form. Obviolasty the laterat hymenium, coriaceous Substance, and dry persistent sorvi, brings it into proximity With Thelephora, hom Some SpecieS of Whicli Lachnocladium is scarcelyseparated. Surely it cannot consistently be maintainod in
Berheley, in describing the present species, says that the verticallobes bearing tho hymenium are united at the tips, und on this account the species has been removed to the genus Colus, by Fischer ;but in reality the segments are not organicatly united at the tips, but during the young Stage are closely preSSed together, and having boon dried in this condition appear to be united ; hoWever, Whun the mucit age is moisten ed tho tips aro found to be qui te fr00,
pure White peridium and the smali stoma With an entire margin .
Stem erect, 7-8 c. m. high, loWer hali in crassated and sinclosed in an adnate volva that bucomes heu and fibrillose at the margin, solid, attenuated above the volva and expanding at the apex in totho thiek wali os the peridium, Whieli is at sirst continuous Withthe volva, eventuatly breahing aWay in a circumscissile mannerand forming an agaric- like pileus; trama consisting mostly of parallel lamellisorm plates, rarely anastomosing laterat ly; lamellae
peridium breuking aWay hom an outer portion os the stem that remains as a volva, and in the gleba having iis septa arran Ied in alamellisorin maniter instead os anastomosing to form an irregularly
colour, but is altogether much more flendor, and at Once recogniZed by the elliptical Spore S.
Subterranean ; peridium elongated, cylindricat, Vertical, Some- times att0nuated at the base into a very Ahori stem like portion, that is continue i for a very shori distance up thu peridium aS a rudimentary columella; peridium thicli, continuo iis, in delii Seent; gleba brohen up into minute, irregularly angular or Sinuo uS ea vitieS, septa thicli, firm, persistent, not splitting; basidia clavate, constantly bisporous, sterigmata rather thicli, divergent, SporeS
subterranean at maturity, the absenue os a Stem, columella rudimentary, bisporous basidia, and peridium not beeoming broliun upat maturi ty. The present genus fornas a transition from the truly subterraneang0nera, Whicli it resembles in the largo ornamented sporos, and theabove-ground soritis, Where the sterile base or columella becomes disserentiatud into a Stum, as in Secotium and Gyrophragmium, and the Spores become much Amalter for the purp0su os facilitating
Peridium entii ely absent at every Stage, the gleba consequentlynahed, Subcylindricat, attenuated up Ward S, brohen up throughout iis entire Substance into numero ii S large, irregular cavities, linedWith large, clavate tetrasporous baSidia, Sterigmata elongated, Stender, SporeS coloured; Stem diStinet, elongateii, Solid, paSSingup into the gleba for about hali iis height as a central columella. Distinguis hed from Protoglossum, Chainoderma, and Caulogio3- sum by the absenco os a peridium at every Stage of developinent, and also Doui tho tWo last-na med genera in tho columella notreaching the apex of the gleba . Agrues Mith Gautieria in tho absencu os a peridium, but Separated by the elongate ii gleba
supported on a distinet Stem, that enteres for Some distance aS a columella, and in the tetrasporous basidia.
An examination os the type specimen os Sphoeniceps lignipes, WelW. and Curr., Sh0WS that this species is a typical Battarrea, holico the genus Sphoericeps must sint . The Spores are Sub- globose, yelloW-broWn, and distinctly Warted, 7-8 μ diameter; theshori elaters are equat in diameter to the Spores, and contain annular or spirat thichenings.
These are separated on account of the acute edge of the pileus, tho acuto dissepiments of the pores, Whicli are Sometimes toothed, characters incompatibi e Willi Trametes.
The residue of the genus Would stanti in something like tholailowing relationship, although a se W of the enumerat ed species
Trametes versiformis, B. Br., Saec. Syll. 6l83, is subresupinate, and must find a place surther on, as it has no assinitius here. Trametes Aouot rana, Coohe, Sacc. Syll. 6189, as Weli as Trametes tristis, Leo ., Saoc. Syll. 6166, may be Sought in recedentes. Trametes Trogii, Ber ., Sacc. Syll. 6lit, is more in character With Some other coriaceous Species, allied to Polysticius, and shouldbe associaled With them. Contextu pallido, ochroleuco, vel lignicolori.
The rum aining species included by Saccardo in this foetion maybo thus disposed os. Trametes meaeicana, B. y C., and Pramete3zebrina, Fr., have the substance too darii for this group. Tramutes Cookei, Sacc. Syll. 6202, is evidently an error, as itis not a triae Trametes, and haS already app0ared under Polysticius, in iis proper place, as Polysticius acuta, No. 5702. The t o specieS, Trametes paleaeea, Fries, and Trametes immutata, Ber ., Would go into recedente8. The re maining T. vittata, Leu.; P. tegularis, Leu.; P. aphans-poda, Reicli., and probably P. bicolor, Berli., are corineeOUS. Trametes limitata, Ber ., Saco. Syll. 6207, is a Polysticius of the sectiori Scortei.
Tho follosing Will stanti as the description o
Pileo basi effusis, restexis, plerumque resupinatis, confluentibusque, VelutiniS, Zonati S, tabae in is, coriaceis l unc. lat.) contextu fusco; hymenio pallide umbrino ; poris demum angulatis, Sub- acutis m .m. diam.). On trutilis. Uni ted States, Madagasear, AuStralia.