
발행: 1872년

분량: 122페이지


분류: 미분류


cui s. The ventricos e S Wellings on asei and hairs are a peculiarcharacter. Lachno11a Hispanica, CPe. δ Phil.



sporidiis monostichis ellipsoideis, fuscis, inaequilateralibus, 2b-27 γ 10 ita, paraphysibus linearibus, hyalinis. Bulgaria inquinari8,Var. chalybea. Berli., Indian Fungi. On WOOd. Dai ueling, India.



Peritheciis laxo gregariis erumpentibus, conicis, basi insculptis, utris, papillatis ἐ-l in .m.). Sporulis arcte ellipticis, utrinque rotundatis, hyalinis, 12 A 3 μ. On palin petioles. Ceylon, 619. The soll0Wing also Wo fuit to dotoet in Saccardo's Sylloge V :


are tWo figures, Mith de Scriptions, os a species os Cordyceses notyet recogniZed in systematio books. That it has distinetivo features there can be no dolabi, and Mr. Gray, considoring it to bedissereni froni tho Othor Australasian spodios, appli0d io it theabove name. This entomophytu is in many particulars readily tobo distinguished from Cordyceps Gunnii, and lik0 that it is found

in Tasmania.

a StraW in Some Specimen S, and altogether os a mueli more flendor habit than Cordyceps Gunnii. TWo clubs arisu together froni the Same Spot in Some instances, or hom disserent paris of the fame cater pillar, and occasionalty there are three or four clubs on oneindividual. The intornat structuro is undoubtedly the fame as in Cordyceps, but the dimensioris of the sporidia are not named. The figures given are on Plate V., figures 10 to 12. The specimens vero obtained by Mr. Ha vlios, in Tasmania, intho monili os April. and astor him the speci0s has besen named. Itcan scarcely bo consolanded Willi Cordyceps Gunnii, for the clui, is notnearly so thicli or darii, and has a disserent form. The stem, besides heing more Stender, is irregular, contorted, and nodulose, besides being W00lly. From Cordyceps Roberisii, again, it differs in thobroader and shorter head , as Ueli as in the character of the stem. A comparison os the figures of tho tWo Will show that there is nodifficulty in distinguishing them. To the entomologiSt, an importunt dist0reneo from both the oth 0r species Will be recogniZed in theclubs Springing from any part of the b0dy of the insuet. This species has not been noticed in recent mycological Wortis, partly on account of the memoir in Whicli it vas recorded hau ingbeen privately printed, and lience comparatiVely unlino Kn, and partly froni the absunce of any desinite technical description. Although Cordyceps Gunnii appears noW and then in different localities in Australia, the present species has not as yet been recogniged oulside Tasmania. We muSt. hoWever, advert to the account Which Mr. Gray hasgiven of this entomophyte hom his o Wii potnt of vieW, and his


gr Wing Doui the fame base on the Side of the abdominat segmen is, and a s hori fungus proceu ling srom the anal Segment posterioriy. Another specimen Was apparently in the aut os progressing headupsariis, but Whieli had been cheelied in iis progress, and the fungus has thus groWn from both iis end 8 ; yet the tWo planish ad app0ared above the sui face of the earth near to ea ch other. That iroin the hoad is abolit sive and a quartur inches, While theone froin the anal portion is eight and a quartur inchus in longth; the lalter, hoWever, proueeiled from a Shori stem Which had fit si, apparently, grOWn d0Wn Wariis besore the plant turnud tosariis thosurface. The Stem is irregular in iis tength, and in places is very Woolly, especialty the part near the Suriace, and is more so on theono from the head . Some of theSe caterpillars bear a fungus compos0d of a stiori stem at the base, Which has evidently been brohun, and has thun gi ven origin to Severat branches ; these branches a remoro flender ιhan Where the plant consisis only of a single stum throughoui. The discovery of this species os parasitu has dispelloditio idea Which had beon entertained up to the prosunt time that Cordyeeps Gunnii Nas the ouly one to bu found in Tasmania. ASimilar one, or perhapS the Same Species, is also found in Victoria. The caterpillar may be that oi a Species of Pielus, or of Some



deficient in quality ; When they a re preservuli and distributod insueti an imp01 Det condition that additional labour has to bo

Nos. 266, 267. 268, 319, 366, 427; in another series, by the fame collector, are Nos. II 6, 640, 2, 0l9, 2, 635, 2, 638, and 3,022. In


3 ,9 23, 2 510, and 2, 541; and in another series, 80, 178, 189, 686, 687, 688, 792, 895, I, l88, I, 283, i, 28b, l. 599, 2,l97, 2, 7 7, 3 038, 3. 436, 3, 437, and 3, 771. other species ne arly equat toth080 might be quo ted, but supposing any individual purcha sing

Ellis, 1490. Winter, 3002. Roumeguere, 4032.

Ellis, 56. Thumen, 1942. Roumeguere, 4930.

Ellis, 97. Thumen, 270. Winter, 3667. Relim ., 438.

Ellis, 1674. Winter, 3257. Ravenel, 755.

Ellis, 1741. Wintur, 3079. Roumeguere, 4488.


Ellis, 1324. Winter, 3 247. Relim ., 849.




nearly completed, for the production, in ono volume, Oeta VO, Os nt0xt book for the Fungi of Australia, containing descriptioris, in Englisti, os ali tho genera aud species, With plates, S O me pla in and 80me coloured, illustrating ali tho principat gunera and Subgenera, as m ueli as possibio by m0ans of Australi an species. The SeparategoVernuisenis have consented to the production of thu Work undertheir patronago and with thoir support. The bulli of the work hasbeen prepared, and the printing Will commence as Soon as the pre- liminarios are finalty determin ed. A DW copi0s Will bu rotat nudfor 8ale in Europo, but thu principat portion os the is sue Will busent to the Colonius forthWith. It is considontly 0xpected to be


W0 havsi received, through the Lindues s of Baron F. voti Mn ulter, di a Wing and 8pecimen os an Australian species of Amanita, Whieli, in many pDinis, is Sufficiently remari ablo forspectat notice. It Was found near Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, by


Piltius convex, hemispherical 3-4 in. diam.), pale temon yelloW, covered With large persistent, obtu8ely pyramidical WariS, or Scales, aster the maniter os a fir cone, doWn to the extreme margin, Whichis incurved. Stem Ahori, stolat, soliti, Stightly incrassated ut thebase 4 in. X l in. or more), ring Superior. VOlVa clos ely adnate, circumScissile, marginate, longitudinalty sulcato. Gilis rather narroW, nos croWded, free, leaving a chanuel round the Stem.

On the ground . Victoria. Wo hope, by arrangement With the Govertament Depariment of Victoria, to give coloured figures of this and other Victorian Agaries, in Subsequent numbers of this j ournat. The other fungus Worthy of notice is also remari able in adist0rent muniter, as it belongs to quite a different Order os fungi, the Pyreno cetes. It is in reali ty a superficiat Sphorris, With a remote resemblance to the old Sphoeria ovina, but sulphur coloured,