
발행: 1872년

분량: 122페이지


분류: 미분류


1890. AMANN. Mnium subglobosum, in Reviae Bryologique,V No. 4, 1890. PHILIBERT. On Bryum Roellii, in Revue Bryologique,V No.

4, 1890.

HARIOT, P. Le Genr0 Bulbotrichia, in Notarisia,' No. 19, 1890. ΙΜΗΟF, Ο. E. Notigie sullo dialomeu pelagicho dei laghi, in


No. 90. December, 1890.


Coaeticium BoItoni, Fries, Massee Mon. Thel. 123.

This is undoubtedly the fame thing as Hymenochoete Bolloni, Sacc., reseri ed al8o to Bollon's t. 166. sig. d. But the wholo ovidendo os iis being Britisti depends on this figure. B. Immarginate, margin and substratum by88oid or strigose.



Effused, membranaceous, Separating hom the matrix, sub- Stratum vilious, circumferetice byssold not fibrill0sely radiate); hymenium even, Amooth, SomeWhat flesti colour or livid ; spores


This fungus has got iis olf es tablislied in onr books as a species

name among Britis h mycologisis, I have never been able to satis symysols as to iis identity Witii Frius' species. Ag. 8torea is recor lud


Belare mahing any observations on the sorogoing, I must testifymy prosound respect sor the opinions os Dr. Κ0ith on matters relating to the Hymenomycetes, my ready acknowledgment of his great experience in sold morti, and a stili recognition os his caresuland acute poWers os observation. No opinion Whicli I have ho ardon this vexed question has come to me vith an equat degre e os laree, and I must achnovied go mysuis, is not entirely, yet to a Very large extent, ready to accepi his interpretation. The first record of this namo amongst Britisti Fungi Was by Berheley and Broomo in tho Annals os Natural History, No. 1418, With the romai k This curious species occurred last year at thebase os disserent troes at Ascol and at Cood Coch ; and it has also been Dund by Mr W. G. Smith, and was oxhibited at Sonthssensington, October, 1873. It is considered very rare by Fries; but it is probably one of those species Which are abundant in Someone Jear, and are not found again for a generation.' W. G. Smith figured his specimens in tho Iournal of Botany, Vol. xiv., Plate l76, Fig 4. Thoro romatiis no dolabi that the species Seen by Berkeley, and found by Smith, Wore tho samo as that figured in Illustrationsos Britisti Fungi, ' Plato 543, and again, the fame as that allud edto by Dr. Κoith as oxhibitod at Porth. Os tho idontity os ali these

Upon caresul consideration of the subject, I have come to thoconclusion that We reatly know nothing of Ag. storea beyond the description in Frios. Thero is no figure os it in existence, as far RS Ue linoW, and Wo have nothing to guide us but a strici adher- ence to the description given by Fries. The plant under consideration does not consortii in ali particulars to the description ; it cannot be the typical larui; and it suems to me that I am notjustised in insisting upon the retention os a varieu, the type of Whicli is comparatively unknown. I thinii that the p0inis os divergence insisted upon are iis caespitose habit, moist viscid pileus, and holloW stem, and I doubi is the edges of the gilis are albo- Serrulate. I cannot recognige tho habit of Inotabe habitus